MESO-Rx Exclusive Trenbolone facts - series on unique characteristics of different steroids

I strongly disagree with your approach and don't think this is the right way to go about. When facing sideeffects already at lower doses, upping the dose is not the way to go.

I always use the minimum effective dose and only take as much as i need and respond.

Tren already fucks so much shit up in your body, no need to pour oil into the fire. I'd rather have a somewhat controllable candle flame

I will just stick to 25-50mg a Week max. use up the opened vial and then dont touch Tren again and perhaps throw the remaining ones away or sell it.
However you want it’s your body but i think it’s not smart to use 50mg per week if you get all the sides and none of the benefits
I expected better lipids than orals. This is 1 unit less than the killer tbol cycle I did where my cholesterol/HDL ratio was 11. Anyways I'm off tren and will get a CT scan just to check that the arteries in my heart are all clear
i just wouldn’t use tren if 100mg is a tall order. Gotta figure out what works for you and stick with that.
Realistically I built most of my size on trenbolone 1st and second nandrolone I would keep my dosages moderate on testosterone. I’m one of the guys that usually recommends test only test/dht/GH cycles.
But as you said I can’t handle those no more nowadays I very much appreciate my physical and my mental health whereas on past my number 1 goal was the look of my body.
If I had to do it all over again I would built it with test + drol. Reality is you can build a very good frame BUT if you want to step on stage of course and you’re willing to take the side effects tren and deca are kind of a necessary evil.
Most my guys are amateurs that means that they don’t wanna go for a pro card but they’re competing and I’ll tell you they do more than excellent on fat dosages of testosterone + low dht + oral + GH
Of course when it’s time to step on stage trenbolone comes in because they want it to and it’s “necessary”
But most guys who tell to do fat dosages of testosterone without much else anabolics it means that we’ve been there we’ve done our fair share of “dangerous” combinations and in most cases it isn’t worth the toll that it takes on your overall health and we know that is completely possible to gain whatever amount you have to gain from testosterone gh good diet good training. Guys who wanna grow on deca tren they’re either in a hurry or they’re probably new and have this idea that is all “male hormones” like test. That isn’t true the reality is that these hormones are advanced hormones but every guy in the gym uses them because they don’t know better at this point or because they want to have their share of fun and grow fast with a nice look I don’t blame them I have been there and done that. But if I was doing it all from the start ?? It would be testosterone and GH and very hard training and LOTS of protein.

What height you are ?? I’m 6’4 and one of my best offseason was on 1.6g nandrolone plus GH im sure if I’d have more nandrolone and an oral would be my best cycle overall, I would leave tren to use it in an androgen phase rather than offseason you can transition from deca to tren and androgens and still grow more than deca while you lean out. You need an “easy” offseason simple not to take much toll on your health to grow properly. If you’re set on deca I would recommend you very high deca dosage if you can handle it GH + Insulin and a DHT base compound in low dosage
I forgot to ask before. So do you think tren shines as an androgen more than an anabolic because of its potent anti catabolic effects? You mentioned you would save it and no longer use during a bulk and I'm just curious why. Seems like you could get some really good growth off deca and tren together. Tren sounds like a jack of all trades
I forgot to ask before. So do you think tren shines as an androgen more than an anabolic because of its potent anti catabolic effects? You mentioned you would save it and no longer use during a bulk and I'm just curious why. Seems like you could get some really good growth off deca and tren together. Tren sounds like a jack of all trades
Tren is jacks of all trades I agree and it’s very good for bulking. But adding true LBM takes time and trenbolone can burn you out really quick that’s why I say keep it in end and transition from Deca high dose to moderate tren test and then on high test and slowly go down to TRT to keep most of the gains. Tren is so good that probably after the high nandrolone cycle it’s gonna add even more lbm ti your frame and solidify the nandrolone gains. Also tren makes you more sensitive to igf1 insulin etc so combine it with GH slin is the ultimate combo.
But at least for me if let’s say I start a cycle with 1.5g deca and 400mg tren I’m gonna burn out quick have acid reflux etc and when I get the tren out and up the nandrolone nandrolone ain’t gonna do shit for making up for tren.
Im actually 2 weeks into my first Tren A cycle and my libido hasn't changed at all good or bad. But i feel like shit and took my last shot 2 days ago and tossed it. What I noticed is 48 hours after injection I feel pretty good only to have to shoot again.Then I feel weird for like 36 hours. I also noticed I get horrible night sweats on injection day only. So that's it for me, Test and Mast E are all I need and my libido is high. Can 2 weeks of Tren at 150mg per week cause prolactin issues or am I paranoid ??? I took 300mg over 2 weeks.
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already dicusedd how strong this drug is,,it pretty much make fellas with balonie genetic into bodybuilders... that should tell you how strong this drug is...
the doses: ofcourse you can see trenbolona work as low as 50mg every 2 day surly can,,you will look very good ...yet! with trenbolona unlike! with testosterona...the higher the dose ...the nastier and freakier the bodybuild become..and i mean it! ,, the bodybuild will see changes that he will sacrifice his social life for ...sad but true,,not theat bodybuild have social life but this is another story lol ,,
testosterona...the higher the dose...the bloofier you look unless you have gh running in system...with trenbolona ace...the higher you use the BETTER THE LARGER THE MORE CONDITIONED AND THE MORE S E P E R A T E D you look
while testosterona puff your skin up,, trenbolona ace thin is down ! it eliminate the puffy skin and thus say bye bye to the bloofy look ,,it get the skin to a shrink wraped mode with time! it depends ofcourse on your begginign bodyfat level,, it will be diff for fella like tbom and fella like no one,,tbom it will take one it will take 10 days lol actualy from the first day it will be going visualy its because the body is already in state of anabolizm and low bodyfat with no one and with tbom he has muscle but it is covered with water and fat and in the doubles....never the less tbom will be able to look like competetive bodybuild will only take him another 2 months lol sometime 4-5 if body is realy stubbern and the fella love his ummm i dont know love his goolash and the higher caloric shit foods...still trenbolona wil cut through the fat like knife cut through butter and with months will bring tbom to the single digit and seperated like a competetive bodybuild...not top but competetive to begin with
the actual changes from tren ace and what to expect:
i will talk about the typical 12-13% bodybuild not the single digit ones becaue the single digit ones are already know everything there is to know,, they may not be profesionals but they been in it for so long they can speak it in their dreams ,, so this is for 12-13% bodyfat rathr than 8%..
this are the changes you will see,,
week 1,, you will feel pumped but insted of bloofy feel of testosterona pump you will have the feeling of pump from the inside of the muscle while the more self knowing individuals who recognize changes fast will notice their face ...yes their face taking a diff look ,,they will be the only ones who notice it ,, it is something you notice personaly since it is only the beggining and no one else that see you will notice ,,they will think you are crazy if you tell them anythign so keep it to yourself,, face iwll start getting the high boxer type of look,,hard to explain ,, it is week one so nothing visual yet aside from pump ...tremendous strength and i mean tremendous! big diff than what you were before ,,and when you will expect to see your midsection bloat...and say something is not right here the belly got to be will take your shirt up and notice that no! it is actualy looking tighter!,, yes yes this is week 1! since you are 12% you wont see much more ,,obliqes will start being noticed well and the girl will comliment that this is the area of the body she like the most right before she sucking your cock,, she wil comment on it because she wil be able to see it on you : ),, remember this is after 3-7 injects of trenbolona ace into blood at 100mg every inject
week 2-3
this is when progress being made and you start seeing your body transforms ,, still nothing like a pro bodybuild...nothing like top amatuer....but! you will start noticing that the pecs and delts are seperating,, they reduce fat yet remain full and start getting seperated as in water go into the muscle insted of outside of muscle,, this is a stage where you will still have water between skin and muscle so it wont be to an impressive level seperation wize,,but! the seperation will occure and in this 2-3 weeks try not to be crazy and dont take pictures every day ,, take them few times a weeek not every day you will go nuts,, trenbolona changes are only daily for the single digit fellas and the 8% and under,,so for you since you started 12% and now you are about 10-11.. try to not take many pictures every day because at this bodyfat levels pictures can be deciving time you look great one time you look decent etc ,, not good comparisons,, at the end of this stage you will sit at high single digit sub 10%,, 9-10%
week 4-8...
this is when you will start getting comliments not only on how BIG YOU LOOK but you will start hearing the word LEAN ,, you will walk around and you will hear alot of wondering of how you got so lean ,, no one will say skinny ,, no one will say small ,, they will all use the word LEAN ,, lean this lean that,, still not thickly lean ,, the thickly lean comes little after down the road,, in this stage you get the YOU LOOK LEAN MAN comments,, this is when veins start becoming very visible in places you are not used to while sitting watching tv you will see veins on back of legs on forarms on inside of forarms on arms on traps on chest,, everywhere again it depend on how prone to veins you are but you will see the veins you have enhanced! ,,you will also get more serpeated and it will be to a level that when you take pictures you finaly will decide to keep them and wil feel very bad to delete them because they will look very good
week 9 and on ...
this is what seperate the REAL bodybuild from the wanna be ,, this is where the true mutation coming into play and you really start looking like magazine fella,, it is when you dont need to flex to see the seperated muscle in all its glory ,, it is when you stand and get compliments all over about how YOU ARE BOTH THICK AND LEAN aka YOU GET INTO A ZONE CALLED RIPPED AND THEN A BETTER ZONE CALLED SHREDDED,, those zones are again happeingn for you only after 2-3-4 of constant trenbolona usage were 12-13% to begin with ,, and you had to build the trenbolona ace into blood and work that fat off with out cardio and with out losing even minimal power or muscle,, you also wanted to live normal life and eat pretty normal so this is why it take 2-3-4 months sometimes even 6 months,,
in any case,, at the end of this stage you are a walking bodybuilder that is ready for stage ,, looking 4 weeks out on a regular basis ,, you pretty much look nicely thickly lean ...aka seperated to a very noticable level ,, you get a lot of compliments fellas dont mind complimenting but they need to see something worth complimenting to do so ...and in this stage you wil have it friends,,
this is important stage past the 8th week it is important because the bodybuild start becoming a serious bodybuild and advanced level bodybuild,, this is also a godo time to re introduce gh ....and do them together ,, and cycle testosterona the RIGHT way so you keep getting drier or maintain driness while growing and dont kill the seperations and the lines you created in thsoe 3 months...rememebr even little amount of water kill seperation ,, and testosterona is BIG BIG ENEMY OF SEPERATION BIG BIG BIG ENEMY YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO WORK IT AND YOU NEED HGH WITH IT IF YOU GO HIGH DOSES ,,
equipona wil be very good at this stage with the trenbolona ace and the gh ,,,tstosterona shoudl cycled in and out as in higher doses and then cruising ,, i much prefer you do it with propioneta or phnyl propioneta
now,, this is a program for the average GYM RAT ,, aka someone who want to get into advanced bodybuild,, this is not for already advanced bodybuild,, advanced bodybuild are always lean ,, they never see 10% even when you think they are 10% they are 8% ,, they just hold water and puff themselves up some with balonie they play with ,, rest assuree of that,, so this program is for fellas who start 12-13% even 14% and want to get down to competetive bodyfat,,which is 6% or lower
i wont talk of side effect since i alredy mentioned them in bible million times,, side effect from trenbolona ace = growth ! lean growth! ,, there are soem side effects that fellas have hard time with which i wrote about ,, some fellas cant deal with it ,, mainly mentally ,, but over all ,, trenbolona is HIGHLY HIGLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY and then some more highly important to get the look you all desire
gh15 approved
100-300mg a day or every 2 day can be run 6 months straight ,, you dont have to go off but for your mental state i suggest sioem time off friend,,

100-300mg every day or 2 will make your physiqe move heads anywhere you go ,, with shirt and with out shirt,, you will be stopped and be complimented and asked what you do will say you take steroids...they will say is dianabola good ,, you will say trenbolona ace....they will say soo is that dianabola good i heard its good,, you will say lLOOK MORON IT IS TRENBOLONA ACE..and they will then wait a second and while you go drink water in the fountain ask if i can take double the dose dianabolona you think it wil do me well?

thast just what you deal with ,, bunch of morons that want to be bodybuildrs,,got to learn to live with it friend

gh15 approved
"build the trenbolona ace into blood and work that fat off with out cardio and with out losing even minimal power or muscle, you also wanted to live normal life and eat pretty normal"


No cardio, eat pretty normal and live a normal life . . . and get ripped. Just inject tren and you will be single digit percentage body fat!

If only it worked that way.
The lion of Judah has never told a lie.
If you follow the Bible you would have at least 8iu growth in blood, near constant ECA, clen cycled, but this is only for true bodybuilding. Not you amateurs. True bodybuild always lean
"build the trenbolona ace into blood and work that fat off with out cardio and with out losing even minimal power or muscle, you also wanted to live normal life and eat pretty normal"


No cardio, eat pretty normal and live a normal life . . . and get ripped. Just inject tren and you will be single digit percentage body fat!

If only it worked that way.

sex shoudl be your cardio,,
taking yoru dog out for 20 min walks shoudl be your cardio,,

other than that...realy no need for cardio for bodybuild,, only ONLY when try to get 4% on stage ,, between 6 and 4 % ,, but for 6%? no need for even touching the cardio rooms

gh15 approved
"build the trenbolona ace into blood and work that fat off with out cardio and with out losing even minimal power or muscle, you also wanted to live normal life and eat pretty normal"


No cardio, eat pretty normal and live a normal life . . . and get ripped. Just inject tren and you will be single digit percentage body fat!

If only it worked that way.
That’s true at least for me if I have tren and GH I can’t add fat. But with tren cardio and GH I can be like 6-8% while eating whatever I want
That’s true at least for me if I have tren and GH I can’t add fat. But with tren cardio and GH I can be like 6-8% while eating whatever I want
Same here. I'm currently running an 8iu bolus of GH before bed, to go along with 600mgs of Tren E, between 850 - 1000mgs of Test E, and I've recently been rotating Superdrol every 2 weeks with Anadrol. I recently added 300mgs of NPP for my joints but the NPP has taken a chunk out of my libido. Deca and NPP usually do crush my libido anyway but I had hoped it would be mitigated due to the Tren and Test being on the higher side. I also add an early morning 4-6iu IM injection of GH a couple days a week for heavy cardio. It's a heavy load of PED's but it's only for a short period of time and my blood work has been decent, although I'm due to get some done soon.

Anyway, despite messing around with PED's for 20yrs I'd never used GH until late last year. I noticed once I started the GH I became super vascular and lean. Once I added Tren to the GH and Test things went to another level. It's been virtually impossible to add fat. Just to experiment I started eating a pint of ice cream after dinner 3 nights a week and still no extra fat to be seen. I just keep getting more shredded, yet strength and muscle remain. I have a naturally lean, athletic looking physique to begin with but I'm also 45 so my metabolism has slowed down a ton. It seems that doesn't matter much on GH & Tren. It's not for everyone and pretty soon I'll be off the Tren until summer (when I'll run Ace for 8 weeks), but it certainly is effective at abolishing fat from your physique.

The GH has made me more shredded and vascular, while the Tren has allowed me to remain aggressive in the gym, as well as retain my LBM in the process. Just a great combo.
Same here. I'm currently running an 8iu bolus of GH before bed, to go along with 600mgs of Tren E, between 850 - 1000mgs of Test E, and I've recently been rotating Superdrol every 2 weeks with Anadrol. I recently added 300mgs of NPP for my joints but the NPP has taken a chunk out of my libido. Deca and NPP usually do crush my libido anyway but I had hoped it would be mitigated due to the Tren and Test being on the higher side. I also add an early morning 4-6iu IM injection of GH a couple days a week for heavy cardio. It's a heavy load of PED's but it's only for a short period of time and my blood work has been decent, although I'm due to get some done soon.

Anyway, despite messing around with PED's for 20yrs I'd never used GH until late last year. I noticed once I started the GH I became super vascular and lean. Once I added Tren to the GH and Test things went to another level. It's been virtually impossible to add fat. Just to experiment I started eating a pint of ice cream after dinner 3 nights a week and still no extra fat to be seen. I just keep getting more shredded, yet strength and muscle remain. I have a naturally lean, athletic looking physique to begin with but I'm also 45 so my metabolism has slowed down a ton. It seems that doesn't matter much on GH & Tren. It's not for everyone and pretty soon I'll be off the Tren until summer (when I'll run Ace for 8 weeks), but it certainly is effective at abolishing fat from your physique.

The GH has made me more shredded and vascular, while the Tren has allowed me to remain aggressive in the gym, as well as retain my LBM in the process. Just a great combo.
im like you but younger(29) i mean lean athletic naturally who dont add fat easily and on lower dosages such as 200-300mg acetate and 750-1.000mg test but simillar GH 5-8iu i can eat a liter of chocolate ice cream before bed and dont add any fat.