TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

How long is the rest between these sets?
I did a "giant set"? of lateral raises + cable tricep + plate loaded bench press. So rest between the lateral raise sets was quite a bit, but not much rest between the plate loaded bench press and lateral raise set, if that makes sense. Maybe one minute.

But for example, I rested close to 3 minutes between my work sets of selectorized bench press.
Do you do any direct work for your rear delts?
I do, but I do them on pull day. Reverse Cable crossover no attachment or reverse pec fly machine, sometimes both. Both of those are very much a high rep and "feelz" exercise for me.
The first and fourth exercises: Are these chest, like pressing as in mimicking a bench press sort of movement?
Yes, these are both mimicking bench press movement. The first I do both arms same time, the second I did unilaterally. The first is seated, the second is laying on back.
The steps are simple.

Get taller.
Eat 1,000 pieces of sushi at dinner.
Bike 2 miles per day on average.
Lift for 15 minutes every other day.
Use every steroid and peptide known to man.
Lol close enough! I know you're joking but I no longer am riding my bike, I lift every day and for closer to 40 to 60 minutes.

The last part is true. Lots of steroids and peptides. 1.5cc test and 1.5cc mast EoD right now!
Still waiting for my last result. No worries Brother. Enjoy the hugeness. How are you feeling?
I feel pretty good tbh. If I wasn't taking MSten I think I would feel great. The MSten can mess with my stomach a bit but recently it's actually been alright. No lethargy, no fits of rage, no down in the dumps feelz. Maybe the right word is "stable"?

Had the best night of sleep in awhile last night. Did nothing different other than had a couple small quesadillas, took epitalon, and CJC1295 no DAC. Slept straight from 7:30 to 2:30. That's like a recent record for me, lol.

It certainly doesn't feel like I'm blasting ~3.3g of AAS (~2.5g oils, 700mg anavar, 140mg msten) which is awesome.
I feel pretty good tbh. If I wasn't taking MSten I think I would feel great. The MSten can mess with my stomach a bit but recently it's actually been alright. No lethargy, no fits of rage, no down in the dumps feelz. Maybe the right word is "stable"?

Had the best night of sleep in awhile last night. Did nothing different other than had a couple small quesadillas, took epitalon, and CJC1295 no DAC. Slept straight from 7:30 to 2:30. That's like a recent record for me, lol.

It certainly doesn't feel like I'm blasting ~3.3g of AAS (~2.5g oils, 700mg anavar, 140mg msten) which is awesome.
Wow! Glad to hear. Merry Christmas.
I feel pretty good tbh. If I wasn't taking MSten I think I would feel great. The MSten can mess with my stomach a bit but recently it's actually been alright. No lethargy, no fits of rage, no down in the dumps feelz. Maybe the right word is "stable"?

Had the best night of sleep in awhile last night. Did nothing different other than had a couple small quesadillas, took epitalon, and CJC1295 no DAC. Slept straight from 7:30 to 2:30. That's like a recent record for me, lol.

It certainly doesn't feel like I'm blasting ~3.3g of AAS (~2.5g oils, 700mg anavar, 140mg msten) which is awesome.
How much Epitalon per dose?
I just finished up a "protocol" and honestly it didn't really do much for me in terms of better sleep quality, i did 1 kit @ 5 mg per night, then 10 mg per night ,,,, 2 kits 20 days ,Nothing
That’s disappointing, dang. Maybe it was the CJC1295 that helped my sleep last night more so than epitalon. Idk. I try again tonight though and hope for same results.
I just finished up a "protocol" and honestly it didn't really do much for me in terms of better sleep quality, i did 1 kit @ 5 mg per night, then 10 mg per night ,,,, 2 kits 20 days ,Nothing
I believe that’s WAY Too much. That protocol was meant for the non-synthesized version Epitalon is 10x stronger.
If you’re not out or get more try 500mcg-1mG about an hour before you plan to go to sleep.
I believe that’s WAY Too much. That protocol was meant for the non-synthesized version Epitalon is 10x stronger.
If you’re not out or get more try 500mcg-1mG about an hour before you plan to go to sleep.
I tried doing 10mg before bed a couple of nights several weeks ago and felt like I slept worse. Probably a Goldilocks zone.

Have you tried Pinealon?