Triple B Solutions

$300 worth of equipment that looks worse than most home brew setups or several times that worth of equipment in one picture. Certified Laminar Hood vs whatever that room was. I would not call it a clean room. I am careful with pictures because they are an OpSpec risk. You can even pull fingerprints from photographs. Someone with a very good reputation vouched for me and promised to fix any issues that I have and cannot fix. BigBaldBeardGuy is doing his thing by trying to protect the members here, but I did my homework. I know my job. I plan to be here for a long time. With other domestic sources getting caught recently I have no desire to join them.

I spent a lot of time researching particle contamination in pharmaceutical products and how to prevent them. I was pretty surprised by how low the standards are even for pharmaceutical companies. I have never heard of any other source attempting to adhere to USP guidelines for particle contamination. It takes a TON of time but I do it. I also researched sterility and I am obsessed with it.
Still doesn't answer the question. You already posted some pictures, why are they not a opsec risk and others would be?
Still doesn't answer the question. You already posted some pictures, why are they not a opsec risk and others would be?
Any picture is an OpSpec risk? I did what I could to minimize that risk and that is what I felt comfortable with.
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Syn wont give you any more pics of his equipment?
Honestly I am not sure what he has shared publicly in regards to his lab or lab equipment. I'm not Syn. I know you want a direct answer to this - Syn helped me build my setup and yes he did share pictures with me. I find that different from posting on the clearnet for everyone to see.
Still doesn't answer the question. You already posted some pictures, why are they not a opsec risk and others would be?
Honestly I like seeing as much as possible. Having said that, any pictures helps le out. They can use a lot to try to identify someone that has purchased that equipment or anything else in the room, pull fingerprints on objects, the layout of the room can give blueprints details to assist, and more that I'm sure I didn't list its really surprising if you look it up.
Someone with a very good reputation vouched for me and promised to fix any issues that I have and cannot fix.

Does this someone have a "very good reputation" with you or with us?
Because I'm wondering why, if there is a security concern, you would send these pictures to a complete stranger?
And why would said member, promise to fix any issues that you have here?
Does this someone have a "very good reputation" with you or with us?
Because I'm wondering why, if there is a security concern, you would send these pictures to a complete stranger?
And why would said member, promise to fix any issues that you have here?
That is a little strange. Maybe if he was willing to send it to a handful of us just to prevent it from always being online for anyone to grab a peak.
That is a little strange. Maybe if he was willing to send it to a handful of us just to prevent it from always being online for anyone to grab a peak.

That will be his answer, but how could he know who to trust?
Just because someone is a vet here doesn't mean there trustable, or not le.. I mean let's be honest.. it's the internet and we're all anonymous..

Edit: I'm sure the member referred to is probably solid but my point is.. how could @TripleBSolutions know this..
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That will be his answer, but how could he know who to trust?
Just because someone is a vet here doesn't mean there trustable, or not le.. I mean let's be honest.. it's the internet and we're all anonymous..
I apologise, I could have been clearer on what I meant. We spoke about this a bit when the thread first started, but this is getting to be a lot of info for someone to look through before joining the conversation. I was referencing the fact that SynnergyForge vouched for me and offered to fix any orders that had issues when I was starting up. He is not on Meso, yet.
Honestly I like seeing as much as possible. Having said that, any pictures helps le out. They can use a lot to try to identify someone that has purchased that equipment or anything else in the room, pull fingerprints on objects, the layout of the room can give blueprints details to assist, and more that I'm sure I didn't list its really surprising if you look it up.
Nice alt account triple b
I apologise, I could have been clearer on what I meant. We spoke about this a bit when the thread first started, but this is getting to be a lot of info for someone to look through before joining the conversation. I was referencing the fact that SynnergyForge vouched for me and offered to fix any orders that had issues when I was starting up. He is not on Meso, yet.
Honestly don't know why you keep dropping his name. He isn't even on this board so his word means even less than yours. Nobody here gives a shit he 'vouched' for you.
That will be his answer, but how could he know who to trust?
Just because someone is a vet here doesn't mean there trustable, or not le.. I mean let's be honest.. it's the internet and we're all anonymous..
Exactly right. Its just less exposure. Personally I wouldn't give up certain things and would stick to it. I would look for another way to prove it or just let the hazing last longer. Hell I may even just go to a lab store and take pictures of shit that wasn't mine, like different brand and model from my personal equipment.

Eventually if a source is doing literally everything that he should be doing correctly, people will line up to be served.
$300 worth of equipment that looks worse than most home brew setups or several times that worth of equipment in one picture. Certified Laminar Hood vs whatever that room was. I would not call it a clean room. I am careful with pictures because they are an OpSpec risk. You can even pull fingerprints from photographs. Someone with a very good reputation vouched for me and promised to fix any issues that I have and cannot fix. BigBaldBeardGuy is doing his thing by trying to protect the members here, but I did my homework. I know my job. I plan to be here for a long time. With other domestic sources getting caught recently I have no desire to join them.

I spent a lot of time researching particle contamination in pharmaceutical products and how to prevent them. I was pretty surprised by how low the standards are even for pharmaceutical companies. I have never heard of any other source attempting to adhere to USP guidelines for particle contamination. It takes a TON of time but I do it. I also researched sterility and I am obsessed with it.
You must be absolutely daft if you think “pulling prints off of photos” means from objects. Especially on the resolution which they would be posted on this forum.

The only documented cases of “pulling prints from photos” is from... wait for it... close up photos of people’s hands. NOT objects they touched.

Gonna need a better excuse here.
You must be absolutely daft if you think “pulling prints off of photos” means from objects. Especially on the resolution which they would be posted on this forum.

The only documented cases of “pulling prints from photos” is from... wait for it... close up photos of people’s hands. NOT objects they touched.

Gonna need a better excuse here.
Sorry, unfortunately I have posted what I am willing to post at this time. That isn't going to change.
This is great!!! Proprietary information? Lol.

You’re right, you aren’t obligated to provide anything. Nobody’s going to buy from a hack that doesn’t want to show that he knows what he’s doing though. My 10-yr old can talk himself around answering a difficult question when he doesn’t know how to answer it. We just “trust you” though. Cause you’re our new anonymous buddy. [emoji106]

No pictures of v-blender

No demonstration that you know how to accurately dose your caps.

But your caps don’t suck. Roger that bro. We trust you.

Let’s move on and start the questions with your oils then. Why PTFE filters instead of PVDF?

Great to see things don't change much gone for a month and still shit sources popping up and the same faces booting them in the face with logical requests they can't or won't fulfill.

Time to step in here with the basics:

1) None of us ever want to hear how you won't post photos for "opsec" reasons ever again. It is almost an instant disqualifier for me, as someone who dealt with OpSec for a few years many, many moons ago you posting a generic photo of your V-blender and removing the EXIF data and sharing it securely does not jeopardize anything unless you have your Vblender on your window sill next to the 7-11 across the street from your house in the photo.

2) If you really do have amazing equipment just post it immediately instead of arguing with members on here, it just makes you look like an idiot and there is zero accepted excuse for not fulfilling the requests. Even huge guys like Stanford got absolutely savaged for acting like he was god's gift to this board but refusing to "drive down to the lab to take photos cause its far away".

3) its good to see the regulars still shitting down peoples throats.

If you need advice on how to securely post those pictures or your "opsec" feel free to ask me and I would be glad to outline what you should be doing.
Great to see things don't change much gone for a month and still shit sources popping up and the same faces booting them in the face with logical requests they can't or won't fulfill.

Time to step in here with the basics:

1) None of us ever want to hear how you won't post photos for "opsec" reasons ever again. It is almost an instant disqualifier for me, as someone who dealt with OpSec for a few years many, many moons ago you posting a generic photo of your V-blender and removing the EXIF data and sharing it securely does not jeopardize anything unless you have your Vblender on your window sill next to the 7-11 across the street from your house in the photo.

2) If you really do have amazing equipment just post it immediately instead of arguing with members on here, it just makes you look like an idiot and there is zero accepted excuse for not fulfilling the requests. Even huge guys like Stanford got absolutely savaged for acting like he was god's gift to this board but refusing to "drive down to the lab to take photos cause its far away".

3) its good to see the regulars still shitting down peoples throats.

If you need advice on how to securely post those pictures or your "opsec" feel free to ask me and I would be glad to outline what you should be doing.
"Many, many moons ago" - Times have changed. I'm doing what I feel comfortable with. Users can take the information presented here and make an informed decision. It appears that most of them are quite happy with what they see. You can keep saying the same thing and I will keep saying the same thing back.

Hopefully there is a lot of feedback on Meso regarding my products within the next week or so.
I’ll go ahead and say I got something coming just for shits and giggles, all I can say right now is communicating is very fast since he’s on here a lot not trying to skip a beat, I won’t say what I have coming on here to protect me but you can pm me . And I won’t be using it for a few months since I’m on tren and dbol at the moment . But I’ll let u guys knows
So what you're saying is, rather than having him post his formula for people to ensure that he even has the knowledge required to be able to make an accurately dosed product before they buy anything, we should buy the product blindly and send it for testing?

I ...what? That's the most ass-backwards thing that I've heard all day. Do you typically do research on products after you've already bought them?
If you really want to know personally about the quality, then that's obviously the most accurate and indisputable way to know for a fact, and personally. Get it, and get it tested for yourself. It's either good gear, or its not.
Nice, he has Test Base. That's my favorite preworkout (1ml 4 hours before workout).

I'll probably TOFTT and see if his stuff is painless.

My two cents on his lab:
I couldn't give a fuck less. Expensive equipment doesn't mean more sterile or better. Unless he's shipping over 50 vials a day I'm sure he can make quality stuff with a $1000 lab setup. I know I sure as fuck did/could when I made my own.
What matters are test results, op sec, and other misc shit. Not his equipment.

Have you seen IA's setup? Great looking lab. Horrible gear.
My point exactly
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