Triple B Solutions

Currently I do not have testing on my finished products. Although he is not part of Meso so this will most likely be anecdotal, I use the exact same raws that Syn does and he has a good bit of testing. I will share the results I get from Jano ASAP.

I do not overdose my Test C as many people use it for TRT.
Why not just have all gear on point? Not any overdose.
Why not just have all gear on point? Not any overdose.
Generally overdosing is done for the benefit of the customer. Most customers want potent gear and do not want to worry about getting an under-dosed product. Overdosing shows that I am not trying to cut corners to make more profit and I want to make sure customers are getting their money's worth.

If there is an outcry against overdosing then I can certainly change my process.
Generally overdosing is done for the benefit of the customer. Most customers want potent gear and do not want to worry about getting an under-dosed product. Overdosing shows that I am not trying to cut corners to make more profit and I want to make sure customers are getting their money's worth.

If there is an outcry against overdosing then I can certainly change my process.
I understand that, its only 5 % so no big deal, but just knowing the exact amount is nice. Getting batches tested would solve this and having the results begore people buy, so its clear what the dose is.

the more testing that is done the more sales youll have.

Can you tell us the number of samples you sent out for testing?

not the product names. Just the number.
make sure you tell us the right number of products being tested, the exact.
Currently I do not have testing on my finished products. Although he is not part of Meso so this will most likely be anecdotal, I use the exact same raws that Syn does and he has a good bit of testing. I will share the results I get from Jano ASAP.

I do not overdose my Test C as many people use it for TRT.
Are you even testing your raws? Where did the 95% figure come from?

Is 95% purity the same as say test, deca equipoise, etc?

I really have a hard time believing that.
Are you even testing your raws? Where did the 95% figure come from?

Is 95% purity the same as say test, deca equipoise, etc?

I really have a hard time believing that.
I'm sorry, I do not believe I said anything about 95% purity. Generally manufacturer raw tests are worthless. I get the exact same raws as someone who has extensive testing on his products and uses similar recipes and I dial my products in based on that. You are absolutely correct that different raws will come with a level of variance.
I'm sorry, I do not believe I said anything about 95% purity. Generally manufacturer raw tests are worthless. I get the exact same raws as someone who has extensive testing on his products and uses similar recipes and I dial my products in based on that. You are absolutely correct that different raws will come with a level of variance.
Fair enough, you said you overdose your products 5% except the test cyp.
Do you test your raws?
Fair enough, you said you overdose your products 5% except the test cyp.
Do you test your raws?
No, I have not personally sent the raws I am getting off to be tested. I plan to send another batch of products to Jano once shipping times settle down. I assumed that customers would rather see finished oil testing but if you would like I can certainly get some of my raws tested as well.
If you haven't already noticed, we put a lot of emphasis on testing, whether we're talking raw or finished products.

If you keep things professional with clean, accurately dosed products, the sky can be the limit for you. At this time, there is a void to fill for some good domestic options.

As long as you are buying decent size batches of raws, testing each new batch is a drop in the bucket cost wise and builds confidence and tells customers that you care about what you are doing.

Incidentally, if you are testing your raws, it will allow you to catch problems, such as 70-80% pure EQ, before it is brewed and avoid the associated problems.

And, more importantly for you, having all your raws tested before brewing as well as finished products tested on the regular, you could be the guy helping to fill the void that Sym and Stan left.

Sym did a lot of testing and was very successful until he stopped giving a fuck and started sending out a bunch of "sterile" floaters.

Seems like you're trying to take the right path and you can see the forest for the trees. Stay safe and good luck, bud.
If you haven't already noticed, we put a lot of emphasis on testing, whether we're talking raw or finished products.

If you keep things professional with clean, accurately dosed products, the sky can be the limit for you. At this time, there is a void to fill for some good domestic options.

As long as you are buying decent size batches of raws, testing each new batch is a drop in the bucket cost wise and builds confidence and tells customers that you care about what you are doing.

Incidentally, if you are testing your raws, it will allow you to catch problems, such as 70-80% pure EQ, before it is brewed and avoid the associated problems.

And, more importantly for you, having all your raws tested before brewing as well as finished products tested on the regular, you could be the guy helping to fill the void that Sym and Stan left.

Sym did a lot of testing and was very successful until he stopped giving a fuck and started sending out a bunch of "sterile" floaters.

Seems like you're trying to take the right path and you can see the forest for the trees. Stay safe and good luck, bud.
Thank you MadBret. Your words are not falling on deaf ears and that is certainly a gap I seek to fill. I will not skimp out on testing.
Thank you MadBret. Your words are not falling on deaf ears and that is certainly a gap I seek to fill. I will not skimp out on testing.
It's an investment in your business, anyway. It'll more than pay for it self if you can keep running a tight ship once things start rolling.

It can and is used similarly to advertising, but actually has real value to the customer and instills confidence in your products and practices.

We tell all the new or would be sources how to succeed around here until we're blue in the face, but very few listen and less actually implement.

I'm rooting for you, bud. Stay safe.
@TripleBSolutions I don't understand why you even started the thread prior to having you testing back.
I agree that would have been a better look. If I had the balls to be a source, I would absolutely come to the table with as much testing and proof of concept as possible.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Mr. Trip seems to be trying to come correct, and though actually having tests done before his intro would have been optimal, I think he is trying to do this our way, which is refreshing.
No, I have not personally sent the raws I am getting off to be tested. I plan to send another batch of products to Jano once shipping times settle down. I assumed that customers would rather see finished oil testing but if you would like I can certainly get some of my raws tested as well.
Finished oil testing is definitely more credible. Just because you have good raws doesn't mean that they're being used properly. There are other reasons to get raws tested before brewing (EQ raws are notorious for being shit, for example) but finished product testing is "proof in the pudding" so to speak.

Even better would be to offer customers credit for sending in samples to be tested. That's the strongest form of testing, to me. If you send them in yourself, there's the possibility of you sending in a "good" batch and then sending out under-dosed gear after the fact.

If you compensate customers for the random testing that they do, it's a really good look for your brand and the results are as credible as it gets in the AAS world. It shows confidence in your product.
No, I have not personally sent the raws I am getting off to be tested. I plan to send another batch of products to Jano once shipping times settle down. I assumed that customers would rather see finished oil testing but if you would like I can certainly get some of my raws tested as well.
Yes I would think you would want to do that so you know what your working with. No use overdosing your gear by 5% if your raws are 80% purity.
Also as @MadBret said, it instills further confidence in the buyer.
I agree that would have been a better look. If I had the balls to be a source, I would absolutely come to the table with as much testing and proof of concept as possible.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Mr. Trip seems to be trying to come correct, and though actually having tests done before his intro would have been optimal, I think he is trying to do this our way, which is refreshing.
Yeah, I don't know, coming with out testing and only sending 4 samples, just isn't impressive to me. What's the point of sending out a partial list for testing? Send the whole line up or nothing. Also, like I said before, come with the tests to post from the beginning, I'm mean who's to say even sent anything.
Yeah, I don't know, coming with out testing and only sending 4 samples, just isn't impressive to me. What's the point of sending out a partial list for testing? Send the whole line up or nothing. Also, like I said before, come with the tests to post from the beginning, I'm mean who's to say even sent anything.
Time will tell, my friend. He's not going to be doing much business until some testing comes back. If he chooses to do lots of testing and and also chooses to compensate customers for their blind testing, he should do very well for himself, so long as the gear is clean and shown to be dosed properly.
In a nutshell, we have a copycat source that's basing all of the important factors on the due diligence of another source.

Can we trade? Get that source over here and send this one back to SST?

The desperation for domestic sources around here is becoming pitiful.