Triple B Solutions

If she opens your pack and gets mad, tell your wife that it's illegal to open mail with someone else's name on it and now she's complicit in two crimes.

Then snatch your pack out of her hands and yell "check mate!" and then go hide that shit where she won't find it.
LOL then she'll put you outside to sleep with the dog not to mention no sex too!!!
Anyone tried the anavar from this source is it g2g good stuff?
Ran it 30 days(1bag)50mg along with 200 masterone abd my trt.Gained ten pounds.Mind you i had been off over a year and lost over sixty pounds due to injury muscle memory had a role in it but the pumps and noticable hardness is real.Got two bags left but im definately getting more.I had bloodwork today so ill see the effects on lipids.
TD from Trips about 5-6 days after payment. Pack looked good. First NPP shot of this Test/NPP/Var cycle went well. No complaints so far. Gonna try ED pins for NPP to see how I like it
Alright fuckers. I'm back. Day 11 on trip's Test P, Test E, Mast E and winny (8 days on win). I'm down 2% bf. All my lifts have gone up in weight. Looking full and lean. So far so good. My personal trainer and my wife's boyfriend are impressed
Curious as to how you guys pin using insulin pins and where, ive been using 25g 1in for a few years now and im tired of it to be honest.
Curious as to how you guys pin using insulin pins and where, ive been using 25g 1in for a few years now and im tired of it to be honest.
I usually use slin pins on my delts and quads. I’m fairly lean, and I’ve never had any issue pinning in these places with a slin pin. I would like to start pinning my pecs with slin pins, but honestly I have no idea where to pin.
Curious as to how you guys pin using insulin pins and where, ive been using 25g 1in for a few years now and im tired of it to be honest.
I use them on delts for lower volume/higher frequency injections like TrenA since doing so completely prevents the tren cough for me.
@dokdonia @justanoob id do it subq not IM gear just gets absorbed at a slower rate sub q and no issue of scar tissue build up and id assume pip is almost non existent with slin pins aswell just trying to see if my thought process makes sense lol and other peoples expierences id just spreak my doseing out so i pin 5-7 days a week to keep my levels at a constant peak no troughs
I usually use slin pins on my delts and quads. I’m fairly lean, and I’ve never had any issue pinning in these places with a slin pin. I would like to start pinning my pecs with slin pins, but honestly I have no idea where to pin.

I pin slins in pecs 28g 1/2” - 1.5-2” in from nipple one inch up from there. Soooo easy both pecs
I usually use slin pins on my delts and quads. I’m fairly lean, and I’ve never had any issue pinning in these places with a slin pin. I would like to start pinning my pecs with slin pins, but honestly I have no idea where to pin.
Same. When I was pinning ED I started using my calves and tris. Never the chest tho.

