Trt and DVT.


Well-known Member
Several months ago I experienced an injury to my right knee and pulled, torn muscles in my right calves. A simple diagnosis suggested to take it easy. I experienced weakness and and numbness. To control swelling the typical ice and heat packs along with elevation. No immediate relief. NSAIDs prescribed without much satisfathought. After a couple months with little relief my calf swelled to record proportions. One morning the pain became unbearable. Doctors showed little regard. I awoke one morning unable to catch my breath and I couldn't even dress myself. Another trip to the ER, my calf on my right leg grotesquely swollen. A few simple tests showed a huge clot rising from calf to upper heart resulting in a saddle pulmonary embolism. Elequis blood thinners brought me back from the brink ,a 65% blockage from an inquestionalblockage. My cruising and blasting caught up with me. A word to the wise, it can happen to anyone without warning.
You should check out Nattokinase. Aspirin, Bromelain, and other things can also be critically useful to prevent and control these things.
Yup, i like to use neprinol afd, from arthur andrew medical, it basically has everything in it… expensive but purchased from ebay as it can be found cheaper,
U should request a complete workup to rule out any clotting disorders… and if it ever rears its ugly head again, get a d dimer test done asap
Yup, i like to use neprinol afd, from arthur andrew medical, it basically has everything in it… expensive but purchased from ebay as it can be found cheaper,
Wow, I just looked and that is a great product. I use Nattovena from Arthur Andrew. It's only Nattokinase, but it's the best one I found when I was researching. I think I'm going to try the one you recommended because I also take Serrapeptase and it would be easier to combine the two in one capsule.