TRT BW results advice


10+ Year Member
Attaching my most recent results I just got yesterday. Hoping to get any input. I know they say go by how you feel and not numbers so much but I’m trying to see if anything seems off. Currently on doctor prescribed test cyp at 160mg weekly split sun & thur. Bloods were drawn on Saturday morning.

Currently experiencing no morning wood and less sexual desire. Energy is not what it used to be when I was feeling my peak. Feels like I’m trying to chase this high when I was feeling my best two summers ago back when I was self prescribing.

Is there anything way off with these results that im missing? Also, is it worth bumping up my current dose of 160mg weekly? Advice is greatly appreciate. Thanks.


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Attaching my most recent results I just got yesterday. Hoping to get any input. I know they say go by how you feel and not numbers so much but I’m trying to see if anything seems off. Currently on doctor prescribed test cyp at 160mg weekly split sun & thur. Bloods were drawn on Saturday morning.

Currently experiencing no morning wood and less sexual desire. Energy is not what it used to be when I was feeling my peak. Feels like I’m trying to chase this high when I was feeling my best two summers ago back when I was self prescribing.

Is there anything way off with these results that im missing? Also, is it worth bumping up my current dose of 160mg weekly? Advice is greatly appreciate. Thanks.
You're towards the upper level of testosterone for TRT. I doubt raising it 200ng or so would make a huge difference in how you are feeling compared to the past.

But you got the wrong estrogen, you need Estradiol and preferably ultrasensitive E2. Two summers ago, were you on the same testosterone dose or were you self prescribing higher?
Agree with @T&H above, definitely need to get your estradiol tested. Are you on any AI? Have you tried pinning more frequently?
You're towards the upper level of testosterone for TRT. I doubt raising it 200ng or so would make a huge difference in how you are feeling compared to the past.

But you got the wrong estrogen, you need Estradiol and preferably ultrasensitive E2. Two summers ago, were you on the same testosterone dose or were you self prescribing higher?
I think I was a little on the higher end 200mg weekly.
No Ai. Would you recommend every other day injections?
I figured you were on a higher dose when self prescribing. It's possible your sources test was slightly overdosed too, but regardless 200mg is still 25% more.

I wouldn't bother with EOD dosing, doubt it will change much. You could get an ultrasensitive E2 to rule out estrogen. I've never seen if a Normal total estrogen reading will ensure E2 is in range so might be worth exploring.
Not saying this is necessarily happening to you but, just for some context... as far as higher dose AAS goes, the best side effect I've gotten is also the worst side effect I've gotten. Feeling like I'm on top of the world. Primal sex drive. Bigger, stronger, faster.

Humans aren't meant to be at this kind of peak 24/7. It's tough to accept for me sometimes... going back to "normal". "Normal" is still supraphysiological half the time for some of us. Our line in the sand of what's normal gets moved and skewed.

I guess my point is: consider that maybe you are at a normal point right now. Don't let that stop you from checking things if you feel off, but like you said... you may just be chasing a high you felt before but life circumstances don't have you in the same place.
No Ai. Would you recommend every other day injections?
I think before anything you get estordial checked, was mainly just asking out of curiosity. I pin eod but I’m on a blast, not trt but I feel like it helps me manage the peaks & valleys better (does it really though, idk but I think it does and that’s what matters).
Some guys say they feel best at 125mg /week so you might try going lower for two weeks to see how it feels. I tried it but felt like garbage with aches and pains everywhere at that dose. I went from 150mg, to 125mg, and up to 200mg. No high estrogen symptoms yet so no ai. Injecting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I would try a little lower for two weeks, and if that isn't better, try a little higher for two weeks. For most people you wont have major health concerns below 300mg a week, but you could be the exception so continue to be smart like you are with bloodwork. That is assuming you aren't getting any bad sides. Keep an eye on blood pressure too. Eating fish at least a few times a week and drink at least a gallon of water a day.
You're towards the upper level of testosterone for TRT. I doubt raising it 200ng or so would make a huge difference in how you are feeling compared to the past.

But you got the wrong estrogen, you need Estradiol and preferably ultrasensitive E2. Two summers ago, were you on the same testosterone dose or were you self prescribing higher?
Appreciate your advice. I asked my pcp to also add estrogen levels and I should’ve said estradiol. Do you think if I check estradiol it would be way off? I’m not experiencing any high or low e2 symptoms, just lack of sexual desire, libido, and morning wood. I used to order UGL and self prescribe for a few years because no doctor wanted to put me on trt even though I know I need to be. I just remember waking up with tons of energy and morning wood. Now that I have my bloodwork results I just wanted to see if anything seemed way off.
Attaching my most recent results I just got yesterday. Hoping to get any input. I know they say go by how you feel and not numbers so much but I’m trying to see if anything seems off. Currently on doctor prescribed test cyp at 160mg weekly split sun & thur. Bloods were drawn on Saturday morning.

Currently experiencing no morning wood and less sexual desire. Energy is not what it used to be when I was feeling my peak. Feels like I’m trying to chase this high when I was feeling my best two summers ago back when I was self prescribing.

Is there anything way off with these results that im missing? Also, is it worth bumping up my current dose of 160mg weekly? Advice is greatly appreciate. Thanks.

I would keep the dose where you are at.. free test looks good!!
In order of what I would try:

1) Get a LC/MS ultrasensitive Estradiol test, at the least establish a baseline of where your at. I doubt it is Estradiol, but if it was i would guess it is low.
2) Add pregnenolone 30 mgs/day - add support for neurosteroids (This will take care of DHEA as well).
3) Use a quality HCG product (not HUCOG). Mimicking LH, this should help with the prior argument (#2) while producing a modest boost to estrogen. 250 IU 3 times a week if you can take it. Especially true if #1 comes back low
4) If you are still struggling have your cortisol and thyroid checked. It is common on forums like this to focus on HPA with regards to LH and FSH and testosterone. Messing with the HPA axis will often skew cortisol and sometimes thyroid numbers. If you have pre T baseline numbers this is where the investment pays off.
5) Try adding a low dose of FSH/HMG to your HCG protocol. There is plenty of published data on Pubmed with dosages. I have found a little goes a long way. It can be expensive unless you know where to look. With some guys this is the missing link with regards to libido.
6) Check Ferritin levels. EPO production ramps up on exogenous test often affecting iron reserves.

Hope this helps!!
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Appreciate your advice. I asked my pcp to also add estrogen levels and I should’ve said estradiol. Do you think if I check estradiol it would be way off? I’m not experiencing any high or low e2 symptoms, just lack of sexual desire, libido, and morning wood. I used to order UGL and self prescribe for a few years because no doctor wanted to put me on trt even though I know I need to be. I just remember waking up with tons of energy and morning wood. Now that I have my bloodwork results I just wanted to see if anything seemed way off.
No one can answer your question, only bloodwork will. But lack of sexual desire, libido, and morning wood could very well be a sign tied to E2 worth checking.