Most recent TRT bw results thoughts

And I'll stop poking after this, I promise, but nobody is looking at a guy who is in the 20s percentage body fat admiring how "big" he is.

Sometimes I think this weird mental block is what is preventing so many guys from getting lean. I see it all the time in the gym. Puffy, fat steroid guys. Don't be one of them.

Even in bodybuilding, conditioning can win shows. Lots of big guys lose because they fear "losing all of my size" over and over again every year. They are large. Maybe they have good proportions, too, but they just don't do what it takes to come in lean, and they lose to better conditioned competitors.

But they keep repeating the same mistake out of fear of losing size.

It's mental.

Everybody who is lifting weights and injecting testosterone looks better leaner. Period. Even if you are one of the smaller guys in the room, you are going to look better leaner.
Really do appreciate your knowledge and insight. Just about pushing 40 and in my 20’s I was one of those who just wanted to be big. Now I value longevity and want to maintain being lean.
Really do appreciate your knowledge and insight. Just about pushing 40 and in my 20’s I was one of those who just wanted to be big. Now I value longevity and want to maintain being lean.
I'm closer to 60 than 50 and leaning up as we speak (successfully). It was a lot easier to do when I was "pushing 40." :)