Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Trump administration will create a new conscience and religious freedom division within the Health and Human Services Department to ease the way for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to opt out of providing services that violate their moral or religious beliefs.

Specific details are scheduled to be announced Thursday. But the new policy appears to be broad and aimed at protecting health-care workers who cite those reasons for refusing to take part in abortions, treat transgender patients or participate in other types of care.

Conservative groups praised the move Wednesday as upholding providers’ right to religious liberty.

“We think the Trump administration should set an example in enforcing the multiple conscience laws that have been passed since the 1970s to prevent the government from punishing people who have objections to participating in abortions,” said David Christensen, vice president of government affairs at the Family Research Council.

But a number of women’s and LGBT rights and physician groups expressed worry that such a policy would further discriminate against vulnerable populations and worsen inequities within health care. Even before the official announcement, several groups vowed to challenge it.

“This will impose a broad religious refusal policy that will allow individuals and institutions to deny basic care for women and transgender people. We know from experience that denial of care compromises care,” said Dana Singiser, vice president of government affairs for Planned Parenthood.

Every year as journalism awards are announced, I’m always disappointed. The trend continued yesterday and I was left sulking, hurt, wrongly denied, robbed, and a little whiny as I did not receive a Trumpie, a Fake News Award.

Being president is an easy job and the biggest complaint from the occupants of the office is all the free time they have on their hands. The only reason George W. Bush invaded Iraq was because it was quicker to send a million troops to the Middle East than it was to upload Sim City. This was the fault of the Clinton administration because, as a prank, they had removed all the “any keys” from the White House computers.

Donald Trump told us on the campaign trail that it will be easy to accomplish everything he was promising. That’s why he only has one legislative achievement so far. He has to save everything else for his next three years…or three months if Mueller gets cracking. Make Mexico pay for the wall? Easy. Defeating ISIS? Easy. Not enacting Russia sanctions? Easy. Grabbing pussy? Even easier when you’re a star if you pop a couple Tic Tacs first.

Trump needed to find something to fill in the gaps between lying on Twitter, campaigning for 2020, giving Putin back massages, praising despots, and threatening the First Amendment. What he came up with are the Fake News Awards.

Trump announced that on Wednesday, January 8th, he’d hand out awards to all horrible journalists who least lived up to the high journalistic standards of Breitbart, InfoWars, and Fox News. January 8th came and went, and no Trumpies. Then he announced he’d whip them out on January 17th.

Imagine the disappointment for journalists who wasted money on tuxedo rentals as the awards ceremony turned into crappy GOP website that gave most users a 404 error message. Gizmodo described it as a “shitty website—like mid-2000s-WordPress shitty.” Sorry, WordPress. That was the Gizzers, not me. Don’t punish me by putting more crappy ads blocking my header and videos that won’t let readers scroll.

Trump has gone after the media with a very fascist-like zeal. The First Amendment is an amendment Constitutionalists hate. Trump’s supporters, who thought Obama’s NCAA bracket was a waste time that would spark a stock-market panic, praised his idea for a Fake News Award.

Reminder: Fake news is any news Donald Trump doesn’t like. Trump lies, like Obama was born in Kenya and wiretapped Trump Tower, are real news. The term “fake news” is growing in popularity as Nazis, Klan members, and even actual fascists like The Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, and Putin have each recently used the term to attack journalists (until they remember how much easier and fun it is to simply throw them off a roof).

For Donald Trump, countering facts is serious business. Congress should get their priorities straight and realize that giving fake awards to The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN comes before solving DACA and the impending government shutdown.

I was threatened by the campaigns of comedians, Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, and Jimmy Kimmel angling for a Trumpie. Colbert argued he was deserving because he was the “least Breitbarty.” I was afraid their prominence would overshadow political cartoonists and we’d be left out.

Cartooning colleagues and I argued over who was more dishonest and untrustworthy. Our arguments were becoming heated and tense and just when it was reaching the point of virtually slapping each other, we got robbed. As it turns out, the best I can hope for is a block from Trump’s Twitter account. He didn’t just exclude cartoonists, he dissed all the famous talk-show hosts. Bastard.

And, you know….that really pisses me off. Doesn’t he realize I’ll never live up to the high quality of a Branco or a Ben Garrison (look them up)? Why, I don’t think these Fake News Awards are actual awards at all. Why, They’re FAKE Fake News Awards.

And here I thought that fake Free Speech Award from the fascist Iranian government I got last year was setting a precedent for me.



Aside from the president of the United States, almost no one denies that Russia mounted a serious and concerted effort to manipulate the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Russians hacked into Democratic Party emails and gave what they obtained to WikiLeaks so that it could be released publicly to maximize the political damage to Hillary Clinton. They used social media to spread fictional stories meant to do the same. They made (repeated attempts) to engage the Trump campaign in a cooperative effort to undermine Clinton and help then-candidate Donald Trump. They (attempted) to hack into state voting systems.

And today we learn, in (this report) from Peter Stone and Greg Gordon of McClatchy, that they may have funneled money through the NRA to aid the Trump campaign.

This extraordinary possibility shows not just how comprehensive the Russian effort to get Trump elected was, but something else as well: The ways that Republicans have successfully changed our election laws in recent years have made us vulnerable to exactly this kind of foreign manipulation. And in their desire to protect the president, Republicans in Congress may prevent us from ever learning the full truth.


All this raises an important question: Are we ever going to get to the bottom of this mess? If Republicans have their way, we most certainly aren’t. Not only are they (at least some of them) doing everything they can to limit and hinder the congressional investigations into the Russia scandal, they’re also trying to intimidate the FBI with charges of bias, and a few are even calling for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to be fired and his investigation shut down.

The more complicated this scandal gets, the more obvious it is that we need to understand everything that happened, so we can make sure it never happens again. You’d think Republicans would be patriotic enough to join in that effort, but the truth is that it may have to wait until Democrats control a house of Congress and have the power to do it themselves.