Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Pat Buchanan sees Donald Trump as the future of the Republican party — and the country (Pat Buchanan sees Donald Trump as the future of the Republican party — and the country)

FIX: Is Donald Trump the logical heir, issues-wise and tonally, to your presidential campaigns? Why or why not?

Buchanan: Trump is sui generis, unlike any candidate of recent times. And his success is attributable not only to his stance on issues, but to his persona, his defiance of political correctness, his relish of political combat with all comers, his "damn the torpedos" charging in frontally where others refuse to tread, as in that full retaliatory response to Hillary Clinton’s stab at him for having a “penchant for sexism.” Trump shut her down. These clashes have elated a party base that is sick unto death of politicians who never fight.

On building a fence to secure the border with Mexico, an end to trade deals like NAFTA, GATT, and [most favored nation status] for China, and staying out of unwise and unnecessary wars, these are the issues I ran on in 1992 and 1996 in the Republican primaries and as Reform Party candidate in 2000.

What Trump has today is conclusive evidence to prove that what some of us warned about in the 1990s has come to pass. From 2000 to 2010, the U.S. lost 55,000 factories and 6 million manufacturing jobs.

What Trump has in hand now to prosecute his case against the Bush Republicans and Clinton Democrats is hard proof these trade deals have de-industrialized America. If the GOP wants to know why it lost the Reagan Democrats, it is because the GOP exported their jobs to Mexico and China. The returns are in. And testifying to that truth is not only Trump’s attacks on those trade deals but the lack of a vigorous defense of them by Clinton Democrats or the GOP establishment. Who today celebrates NAFTA, as John McCain went to Canada to do in 2008?

Here's why we NEED Trump - get some balls back in the White House!
372 days and 6 hours left until the traitOr is out of office...

Iran says seizure of U.S. boats a lesson to 'troublemakers' in Congress

13 hours ago

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's army chief said on Wednesday the seizure of two U.S. navy boats and their 10 sailors should be a lesson to members the U.S. Congress trying to impose new sanctions on Tehran.

"This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces' last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the U.S. Congress," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, head of Iran's armed forces, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

(Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin; Editing by Andrew Heavens)
Here's why we NEED Trump - get some balls back in the White House!
372 days and 6 hours left until the traitOr is out of office...

Iran says seizure of U.S. boats a lesson to 'troublemakers' in Congress

13 hours ago

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's army chief said on Wednesday the seizure of two U.S. navy boats and their 10 sailors should be a lesson to members the U.S. Congress trying to impose new sanctions on Tehran.

"This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces' last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the U.S. Congress," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, head of Iran's armed forces, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

(Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin; Editing by Andrew Heavens)
I know my opinion is irrelevant in my American brothers eyes. But I do agree with you on one thing tenpounds. The white house does need some tough sob with balls back in command. Unfortunately they need brains too...;):D
I know my opinion is irrelevant in my American brothers eyes. But I do agree with you on one thing tenpounds. The white house does need some tough sob with balls back in command. Unfortunately they need brains too...;):D

Well, as you might have seen earlier in my posts, I'm nowhere near a rah-rah Trump fan - although I will vote for anything (and I mean anything) that runs against either Bernie or Hillary (whomever of these two disasters get picked by the Dems).

We have a crappy labor participation rate not seen since Carter was in office - and pathetic 3rd rate dictators are mocking the US military - WTF!!! This is not good for anyone, not just the US, but the rest of the free world as well. We need to get back in the "credible projection of military power" position - and of course never have to use it.

Trump is a big picture guy, talks a lot, but I can guarantee you that he's competent at surrounding himself with capable people. In business school they taught us that "A's hire A's, B's hire C's" and that's what we've seen under Obama - he's B-grade at best, and the folks under him are lucky to even be C class.
Here's why we NEED Trump - get some balls back in the White House!
372 days and 6 hours left until the traitOr is out of office...

Iran says seizure of U.S. boats a lesson to 'troublemakers' in Congress

13 hours ago

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's army chief said on Wednesday the seizure of two U.S. navy boats and their 10 sailors should be a lesson to members the U.S. Congress trying to impose new sanctions on Tehran.

"This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces' last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the U.S. Congress," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, head of Iran's armed forces, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

(Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

I can only imagine the US response should armed Iranian boats enter US territorial waters uninvited. The fact they didn't sink the boats or arrest and try the crew for "spying" shows US-Iran relations have improved dramatically.
I can only imagine the US response should armed Iranian boats enter US territorial waters uninvited. The fact they didn't sink the boats or arrest and try the crew for "spying" shows US-Iran relations have improved dramatically.

Let's cross that bridge when we get to it.

Consider the location - we're talking about the Persian Gulf here - a busy area.

This just shows that Iran thinks (knows) that they can get away with anything under Big O. (Iran releases captured U.S. Navy crew members)

If relations were good, then Iran wouldn't be building nukes, and they would simply tow the US boats to the nearest port or US ship, none of the taking them hostage at gunpoint.

This is just a way Iran is prodding our resolve, and noticing that there are nothing but pussies at the top. Push, and we give, push some more, and we give some more.

The Obama/Kerry team - oooooh, we're sooooo scared....
Let's cross that bridge when we get to it.

Consider the location - we're talking about the Persian Gulf here - a busy area.

This just shows that Iran thinks (knows) that they can get away with anything under Big O. (Iran releases captured U.S. Navy crew members)

One of the navy boats ran aground on the shore of an Iranian military base. As I said before, I can't imagine the US response were the rolls reversed.

If relations were good, then Iran wouldn't be building nukes, and they would simply tow the US boats to the nearest port or US ship, none of the taking them hostage at gunpoint.

Why do you think Iran is building nukes? Not a single US intelligence agency thinks so. Quite the opposite. The only ones keeping that lie alive are politicians and lobbyists for Iran's enemies. Next you will tell me Iraq possessed WMD in 2003.

This is just a way Iran is prodding our resolve, and noticing that there are nothing but pussies at the top. Push, and we give, push some more, and we give some more.

The Obama/Kerry team - oooooh, we're sooooo scared....

What resolve is Iran prodding? The resolve to mind our own business?
Why I Will Never Vote for Donald Trump

Beginning with Ronald Reagan, I have voted Republican in every presidential election since I first became eligible to vote in 1980. I worked in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations and in the White House for George W. Bush as a speechwriter and adviser. I have also worked for Republican presidential campaigns, although not this time around.

Despite this history, and in important ways because of it, I will not vote for Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination.

I should add that neither could I vote in good conscience for Hillary Clinton or any of the other Democrats running for president, since they oppose many of the things I have stood for in my career as a conservative — and, in the case of Mrs. Clinton, because I consider her an ethical wreck. If Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton were the Republican and Democratic nominees, I would prefer to vote for a responsible third-party alternative; absent that option, I would simply not cast a ballot for president.
One of the navy boats ran aground on the shore of an Iranian military base. As I said before, I can't imagine the US response were the rolls reversed.

Why do you think Iran is building nukes? Not a single US intelligence agency thinks so. Quite the opposite. The only ones keeping that lie alive are politicians and lobbyists for Iran's enemies. Next you will tell me Iraq possessed WMD in 2003.

What resolve is Iran prodding? The resolve to mind our own business?

Are you going to dust off W again? Please.

You really think Iran has all those centrifuges for pure research? Good one. Hot tip of the day - the Brooklyn bridge is up for sale, hurry up!

I'm fairly sure the US response wouldn't be capturing vessels and holding people at gunpoint - that's reserved for when little old ladies are suspected of laundering money by depositing cash too frequently. We behave far more civilized toward foreigners.

US "intelligence" is subject to political screening and polishing - and the politicians in charge also believe that women are just as strong as men, and ready to serve in front-line combat, so there you go.

The resolve? To be the undisputed dominant force - which we used to be.

Are you Iranian/Persian by chance?
Why I Will Never Vote for Donald Trump

Beginning with Ronald Reagan, I have voted Republican in every presidential election since I first became eligible to vote in 1980. I worked in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations and in the White House for George W. Bush as a speechwriter and adviser. I have also worked for Republican presidential campaigns, although not this time around.

Despite this history, and in important ways because of it, I will not vote for Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination.

I should add that neither could I vote in good conscience for Hillary Clinton or any of the other Democrats running for president, since they oppose many of the things I have stood for in my career as a conservative — and, in the case of Mrs. Clinton, because I consider her an ethical wreck. If Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton were the Republican and Democratic nominees, I would prefer to vote for a responsible third-party alternative; absent that option, I would simply not cast a ballot for president.
I went that route last time... Voted for Gary Johnson over Mitt Romney. Hoping not to feel compelled to go that route again as it strengthens the Democrat party.... Which imo is worse than getting a less than ideal republican in office.
Why I Will Never Vote for Donald Trump

Beginning with Ronald Reagan, I have voted Republican in every presidential election since I first became eligible to vote in 1980. I worked in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations and in the White House for George W. Bush as a speechwriter and adviser. I have also worked for Republican presidential campaigns, although not this time around.

Despite this history, and in important ways because of it, I will not vote for Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination.

I should add that neither could I vote in good conscience for Hillary Clinton or any of the other Democrats running for president, since they oppose many of the things I have stood for in my career as a conservative — and, in the case of Mrs. Clinton, because I consider her an ethical wreck. If Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton were the Republican and Democratic nominees, I would prefer to vote for a responsible third-party alternative; absent that option, I would simply not cast a ballot for president.

How naive of Peter Wehner - I can't recall EVER voting FOR anyone. It's always about voting AGAINST the bigger idiot/criminal/incompetent aka lesser of two evils. For someone who's been around politics that long, the little Weener hasn't learned much. Pathetic. Who needs another Perot splinter effort? But that's just, like, my opinion.
I went that route last time... Voted for Gary Johnson over Mitt Romney. Hoping not to feel compelled to go that route again as it strengthens the Democrat party.... Which imo is worse than getting a less than ideal republican in office.

Yep, better pick the one you know isn't waking up every day hell-bent on plotting new ways to regulate businesses, raise taxes, spend other people's money with reckless abandon, and complicate everyone's life in general. Even if what you're left with is far from ideal.
Are you going to dust off W again? Please.

The same people who manipulated, manufactured and propagandized the data used to get the US to invade Iraq are pushing the Iran nuke fable. Of course they want everyone to forget that, but I don't plan to do so.

You really think Iran has all those centrifuges for pure research? Good one. Hot tip of the day - the Brooklyn bridge is up for sale, hurry up!

Production of fuel, actually. Many experts believe so.

I'm fairly sure the US response wouldn't be capturing vessels and holding people at gunpoint - that's reserved for when little old ladies are suspected of laundering money by depositing cash too frequently. We behave far more civilized toward foreigners.

I have no response to this fantasy.

US "intelligence" is subject to political screening and polishing - and the politicians in charge also believe that women are just as strong as men, and ready to serve in front-line combat, so there you go.

The intelligence estimates are counter to popular political opinions on both the left and the right. Maybe you think Iran's politicians are screening and polishing US intelligence for us.

The resolve? To be the undisputed dominant force - which we used to be.

At least I know how you think now.

Are you Iranian/Persian by chance?

Sorry, wrong continent.
Curious on the view Trump is taking on Ted Cruz being born in Canada but raised in the US. Is that a big factor too America members here? Now don't be shy! ;):D
I can only imagine the US response should armed Iranian boats enter US territorial waters uninvited. The fact they didn't sink the boats or arrest and try the crew for "spying" shows US-Iran relations have improved dramatically.

The Humiliation
by Mark Steyn
Topical Take
January 14, 2016


There's no point pretending the illegal seizure and release of America's sailors is anything other a huge propaganda victory for Iran - and a humiliation for the United States. Insofar as there was a strategic calculation behind Obama's outreach to the mullahs, it was that the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions would incentivize the Islamic Republic to start behaving like any other house-trained member of the community of nations. In other words, they'd stop pulling this stuff.

As it was, Joe Biden and John Kerry could not resist bragging that the swift resolution of this situation was testament to the new hunky-dory Washington-Teheran relationship. Vice-President Biden:

They released them, like ordinary nations would do. That's the way nations should deal with one another. That's why it's important to have channels open.

Secretary Kerry:

I'm appreciative for the quick and appropriate response of the Iranian authorities... and I think we can all imagine how a similar situation might have played out three or four years ago.

We don't have to imagine how a similar situation might have played out, you botoxicated buffoon, because it's played out before, with mind-numbing regularity. This time round they seized ten US sailors. Nine years ago they seized 15 Royal Navy sailors and Royal Marines. One of the Brits was of the female persuasion. Here's what I wrote

The token gal was dressed up as an Islamic woman...

Does that sound familiar? Why, golly, here we are in 2016, and this time round the token US gal was also made to wear a hijab.

The Royal Navy guys were put on camera and interviewed about what great hosts the Iranians are - even though forcing your captives to participate in a photo-op is, as I wrote, "a breach of the increasingly one-way Geneva Conventions".

Does that also sound familiar? Well, whaddaya know? This week the Iranians broke the same Geneva Conventions with the same impunity. Why? Well, again from that 2007 column:

Power is only as great as the perception of power. The Iranians understand that they can't beat America or Britain in tank battles or air strikes so they choose other battlefields on which to hit them. That's why the behaviour of the captives gives great cause for concern: There's no point training guys to be tough fighting men of the Royal Marines when you're in a bloody little scrap in Sierra Leone (as they were a couple of years ago) if you allow them to crumple on TV in front of the entire world.

That goes for the US Navy, too. All day long Iranian TV has been broadcasting video of one of their captives, in apparent breach of the US military's (code of conduct), apologizing, very generously:

"It was a mistake that was our fault and we apologize for our mistake," said the U.S sailor, who was identified by Iran's Press TV as the commander... "The Iranian behavior was fantastic while we were here. We thank you very much for your hospitality and your assistance."

I wonder what other videos Iran took. With the British hostages, I recall they mocked one of the lads because he reminded them of Mister Bean. I'm not sure that's specifically mentioned in the Geneva Conventions, but I reiterate my point: The ayatollahs can't - yet - beat our tanks and planes, so they pick battlefields where they can win, very easily. We should know that by now, and train our guys to act accordingly.

Let's go back even further - to an earlier hijacking of naval personnel. Here's me in The Daily Telegraph, back in 2004:

Six Royal Marines and two Royal Navy sailors were intercepted in Iraqi waters, forcibly escorted to Iranian waters, arrested, paraded on TV blindfold, obliged to confess wrongs and recite apologies, and eventually released.

But don't worry about any of that Geneva Conventions stuff:

If pictures had been unearthed of some over-zealous Guantanamo guards doing to our plucky young West Midlands jihadi what the Iranian government did on TV to those Royal Marines, two thirds of Fleet Street (including many of my Spectator and Telegraph colleagues) would be frothing non-stop.

Instead, they seem to have accepted the British spin that there's been no breach of the Geneva Convention because the Marines and sailors weren't official prisoners of war, just freelance kidnap victims you can have what sport you wish with.

Which is marginally less insane than the Biden-Kerry line that illegally seizing foreign sailors, forcing them to their knees and to submit to the dress codes of someone else's religion, using them for propaganda videos and making them issue public apologies testifies to how the new Iranian-American friendship is just peachy and going gangbusters.

In fact, the Iranians are doing exactly what they've always done. They got their nuclear deal, and it's business as usual. The only difference is that, a decade ago, they did it to America's allies but they never quite dared to do it to America itself.

Now they do.