Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Well let us compare Obama and Biden with Bush and Cheney. Two were/are war criminals. So the POTUS before Obama was even bigger POS, and him and Dick can share a cell in hell together.

Well, W actually put things in front of Congress - the novelty! It was actually a solidly bipartisan vote to declare war on Iraq - 60% of Dems in the Senate voted to declare war, and 40% of Dems in the House did the same - so let's throw them all in jail then. In principle, I have no beef with that concept, just concern over which clowns will replace them. The devil you know etc...

There you go - both a civics and a history lesson all at once.
Well thanks for the tip @tenpoundsleft. Be my guest start any thread you feel you like. This is an open fourm and I enjoy hearing & listening to everyone views..even yours big guy.:D So I could give a fuck what you think I should or should not comment on. And yes directly it doesn't effect Canada who is voted in, but in the long run it will effect North America which last I checked Canada is apart of ass clown! ;)

A rather irrelevant part - judging by your obsession over an election you can't participate in. Unless you vote Democrat, in which case it's OK, join the illegals and all the dead people voting.
I'm not sure hooked on phonics worked for you in the way the advertisers claimed it would but you go from agreeing that someone unqualified for POTUS is scary to someone with absolutely no qualifications or experience in politics is better.

Here's a napkin for the DNA Trump left on your chin :D

View attachment 32775

As I said, logic fails you - even when explained at a level that a child would comprehend.

No need to paint me as a Trump fan - but since my favorite will never make the top of the ticket, we support whomever runs against the Dem(on) on the left.
You obviously struck a nerve commenting on his "political" idol. It's like when you try to tell a kid that Pokemon and power rangers aren't all they're cracked up to be

Nah, as I said, he's like a gay guy commenting on a female's sex appeal - out of his league, irrelevant. But he is Canadian, and as so many of them, on a lifelong pursuit defining himself as being "not American" - as well as pinning maple leaves on everything he owns.
As I said, logic fails you - even when explained at a level that a child would comprehend.

No need to paint me as a Trump fan - but since my favorite will never make the top of the ticket, we support whomever runs against the Dem(on) on the left.

You managed a reply after swallowing? You're really trying to impress if you did that to your "second favorite" aren't you?

How can you speak to logic if, you know, you missed TheGuy's point that was stated in a way even a child could comprehend? Those words sound awfully familiar don't they? The votes by The House and Congress were based on lies. The soldiers that died as a result of these lies should be home with their husbands and wives, children, and families not buried in the ground. The thousands of Iraqis that died as a result of these lies should have their day in federal court with Bush on the defense but it won't happen bc of jurisdictional issues. The soldiers dying fighting Isis would still be alive as would all the ppl Isis has murdered. But don't let the truth fool you.....bush took it to Congress (the novelty!).

The funny thing is you brought up demonstrably criminal earlier and forgot to leave out Bush and Cheney. Here wait. let me help you. you missed a spot. Some is running down your chin.
Curious as too the change of opinion on minimum wage by Trump. November he said minimum wage wasn't too low in America. Now all of a sudden he thinks the minimum wage is too low.Tell the people what ever they wanna hear hey Trump :rolleyes:
Curious as too the change of opinion on minimum wage by Trump. November he said minimum wage wasn't too low in America. Now all of a sudden he thinks the minimum wage is too low.Tell the people what ever they wanna hear hey Trump :rolleyes:

You're Canadian man. All you're good for is second rate bacon and maple syrup :rolleyes::eek::p
You managed a reply after swallowing? You're really trying to impress if you did that to your "second favorite" aren't you?

How can you speak to logic if, you know, you missed TheGuy's point that was stated in a way even a child could comprehend? Those words sound awfully familiar don't they? The votes by The House and Congress were based on lies. The soldiers that died as a result of these lies should be home with their husbands and wives, children, and families not buried in the ground. The thousands of Iraqis that died as a result of these lies should have their day in federal court with Bush on the defense but it won't happen bc of jurisdictional issues. The soldiers dying fighting Isis would still be alive as would all the ppl Isis has murdered. But don't let the truth fool you.....bush took it to Congress (the novelty!).

The funny thing is you brought up demonstrably criminal earlier and forgot to leave out Bush and Cheney. Here wait. let me help you. you missed a spot. Some is running down your chin.

Yeah, I am tired of entertaining people who have these fantasies about why we actually went into Iraq. I wish some of these people would get drafted and fight in a war, they'd stop saying dumb shit.

CIA OFFICIALS passed on intelligence that indicated that Saddam DID NOT HAVE weapons of mass destruction. There was no credible intelligence suggesting that there were WMDs in Iraq, the CIA passed on intel indicating that there were no WMDs in fucking Iraq.

Some people act like they are fucking clueless; Bush issued an executive order to invade Iraq, without congress. Congress didn't vote on the war until maybe 10 months in to the thing. The U.S. Military was searching all throughout Iraq for these phantom WMDs, that officials knew didn't even exist. Our boys died looking for fucking WMDs in that shit hole that were never there. Military servicemen are human beings, and shouldn't be expected to lay their lives down for lying pieces of shit like Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. They are war criminals and their misuse of our military was criminal. They deserve to be punished for what they did and veterans deserve justice.
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A Chrome extension that removes Donald Trump from the Internet.
RobSpectre/Trump-Filter · GitHub

In a culture fueled by celebrity and an electorate engineered for polarity, how can any one in these United States of America be surprised by the campaign of Donald J. Trump? Minted by shady back room real estate, distributed by reality television and crowned by incessant polling of ultra-early primary voters, Trump is the latest, hilarious permutation of American leadership. He is not the candidate we need, but surely the one we deserve.

In a political atmosphere where ascendance can be manufactured through attention, the only way to deflate Trump's political star is through suffocation. Trump can only lose if we turn off the TV.

Thus, the Trump Filter is presented as part of the antidote for this toxic candidacy. This Chrome extension will identify parts of a web page likely to contain Donald Trump and erase them from the Internet.

Share with your friends and eliminate the only currency Trump can spend to win: brand recognition.
Trump Muslim remark 'included in Islamist propaganda video'

Nairobi (AFP) - Republican White House frontrunner Donald Trump's call for a 'shutdown' on Muslims entering the US has been used by Somalia's Shebab in a jihadist recruitment video, a US group that monitors extremist propaganda said Saturday.

The Al Qaeda-affiliated Shebab use an excerpt from Trump's December 7 speech calling for a "total and complete shutdown" on Muslims entering the US to try woo Muslims in the West to wage jihad, the SITE Intelligence Group reported.

In the speech Trump proposed barring Muslims from entering the US until the US was "able to determine and understand this problem" of Islamist violence, following the killing of 14 people by a radicalised couple in California.

In the Shebab video, the Trump soundbite is preceded by a speech by US-born radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki calling on Muslims in America to "flee the oppressive Western atmosphere for the lands of Islam.

Al-Awlaki, who Washington alleges was a senior Al Qaeda operative, was killed by a US drone strike in Yemen in September 2011.

The Shebab video was uploaded onto Twitter by the Al-Kataib Media Foundation, a regular conduit for the group's propaganda material, SITE said.

Trump Calls His Al Qaeda Recruitment Video Highest-Rated Terror Video Ever
Trump Calls His Al Qaeda Recruitment Video Highest-Rated Terror Video Ever - The New Yorker

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Just minutes after the Somali-based Al Qaeda affiliate Shabaab group released a propaganda video featuring a clip of Donald Trump, the Republican Presidential front-runner boasted that the video would be the highest-rated terror video of all time.

Within an hour of the video’s appearance, Trump took to Twitter to crow about his role in the jihadist promo, and tweaked his G.O.P. rivals for failing to be chosen by Shabaab.

“Shabaab would never put Jeb in video,” Trump tweeted. “Knows he is loser!”

But even as the billionaire boasted about his inclusion in the terror video, the prospect for future collaborations between Trump and Shabaab seemed to dim, due to a series of escalating demands issued by the real-estate magnate.

In a cascade of tweets directed at the terror group, Trump insisted that he be paid two million dollars for every subsequent video and that he retain editorial control over the final cut.

In a terse official statement, a Shabaab spokesman said that the terror group was “discontinuing our relationship with Donald J. Trump.”

“He’s just too hard to work with,” the spokesman said.