Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

As a European I have a hard time understanding Americans obsession with firearms.

And I am no expert in American history, but I have tried to look a little into it and the context of the second amendment
But as far as I have understood, the new nation in 1787 had no standing army and the propertied gentlemen - who wrote the Bill of Rights - feared the uprisings of citizens, such as had occurred in the Shays’ Rebellion the previous year, and wished to give the states power to mobilize citizens to crush them.
George Washington, who presided over the Constitutional Convention, was particularly alarmed at Shays’ Rebellion and immediately after its suppression wrote that if the government “shrinks, or is unable to enforce its laws…anarchy and confusion must prevail.”
Washington and the Framers were also concerned that domestic turmoil could tempt a return of the British and obviously also wanted to be able to mobilize armed citizens against slave uprisings and frontier conflicts with Native Americans.

That’s why the amendment reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Under his presidency in 1794 Washington used the combined militia of several states to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in Western Pennsylvania.

As you see the Second Amendment was hardly enacted to guarantee the right to rebel against the government. .
If my understanding is correct it’s exactly the opposite!

The concerns that motivated the Framers have long ago disappeared and never in their wildest imaginations did they think the Second Amendment would be the basis for promoting a firearms industry and private arsenals of anti-government fanatics.

The proliferation of assault weapons and high capacity magazines is the direct result of active promotion by reckless profiteers and right-wing extremists.

This has nothing in common with owning hunting rifles or legitimate concerns about protecting one’s home or person from street crime, which are the only things that deserve protection under the law.
This is a total load of shit, the second ammendment is to protect we the people from a tyrannical government that could oppress a defenseless nations citizens.
The 2nd ammendment is for the people to be and remain free, not to hint, not to make a militia for the state.

@Mister Sandman

Read what is true, not what you want it to be.

The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[8]

The text of the Second Amendment which is found in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights is the following: ” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Early last year, a private equity billionaire started paying regular visits to the White House.

Joshua Harris, a founder of Apollo Global Management, was advising Trump administration officials on infrastructure policy. During that period, he met on multiple occasions with Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, said three people familiar with the meetings. Among other things, the two men discussed a possible White House job for Mr. Harris.

The job never materialized, but in November, Apollo lent $184 million to Mr. Kushner’s family real estate firm, Kushner Companies. The loan was to refinance the mortgage on a Chicago skyscraper.

Even by the standards of Apollo, one of the world’s largest private equity firms, the previously unreported transaction with the Kushners was a big deal: It was triple the size of the average property loan made by Apollo’s real estate lending arm, securities filings show.

It was one of the largest loans Kushner Companies received last year. An even larger loan came from Citigroup, which lent the firm and one of its partners $325 million to help finance a group of office buildings in Brooklyn.

I’m a little distressed because now there will never be peace in the Middle East since Jared Kushner is off the case.

Chief of Staff John Kelly placed a last-Friday deadline for White House staffers to acquire permanent security clearances. Jared missed the deadline, and he probably will not ever get a real security clearance unless Trump just gifts him one.

If Trump goes over Kelly’s head and grants a waiver to Kushy, that will totally undermine the General’s authority. It will also send a very clear message to the rest of the staff that Jared and Ivanka are privileged, which we already know they are. But, I don’t think Trump’s going to do that. I believe he left it to Kelly to kinda force Jared out of the White House. Trump really doesn’t like to fire people, especially a guy married to his daughter. He probably wants him to quit on his own, like Hope Hicks.

Hicks, the White House Communications Director, came into the job with the great experience of being a former model and a representative of Ivanka’s line of clothing. I suppose being a spokesperson for the spring line of handbags is the same as directing communications for the executive branch of the United States government.

Hicks quit the day after she testified before Congress, where she refused to answer any questions regarding her time in the White House and said that she has told “little white lies” for the president. There’s another word for “little white lies,” and that word is “lies.” Hicks claims there’s not relation between her testimony and resignation. I’m sure the likelihood of going to prison isn’t a factor either.

Jared will never receive a security clearance because his initial application was chock full of little white lies, as was his second, and third, etc.

Another reason he won’t receive a clearance is because he is compromised by his business relationships. Jared has not divested himself of his business and he has a history of receiving sketchy loans from foreign companies and governments, like Russia. Who does he think he is, the president?

Now it has come to light that Jared has received at least two loans from people he had meetings with in the White House.

Apollo Global Management met with Jared several times in the White House. Later, the company lent Jared’s company $184 million to refinance the mortgage on a Chicago skyscraper. The loan is triple the size of the average loan the company makes.

Jared also entertained the chief executive of Citigroup, who later loaned his company $325 million to help finance a group of office buildings in Brooklyn.

Investigative reporters had to uncover these meetings as the Trump White House does not publish records of visits, like the Obama administration did.

Jared also has business dealings with Israel, which is very convenient for that government since Jared was in charge of our Mideast policy. Jared has also sought investments from China and Qatar.

In fact, another reason he will never get a security clearance is because at least four countries had discussed how to use Kushner’s inexperience, financial troubles and sketchy business dealings to manipulate him. Some foreign diplomats have requested to deal with Kushner and complained when they got someone else. It’s like getting upset at a blackjack table when they switch dealers after you’ve been on a roll. Hey, bring back the dumb guy.

Jared also met with Russian bankers during the transition period, and his sister has used his name while seeking investments in China.

It’s been said by prognosticators that the demotion in security is a humiliating blow to Jared. But how humiliating can it really be when you already work for Trump? It’s not like the guy ever had credibility. If you want to see humiliation, go talk to Jeff Sessions.

I don’t now which will bother Kushy more, the humiliation, the thought of going to prison, or having his thumbs broken by Qatari henchmen.

I vaguely recall that during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump and Republicans were telling us we can’t trust Hillary Clinton because her charity took money from foreign governments. They also cited the U.S. governments approval of the sale of uranium to a Russian company, which they wrongly claim Hillary personally approved. There are still conspiracy theories over the uranium deal.

So, when can we expect Republicans to start complaining about Jared’s pay-for-play? Any minute now? I’m not going to hold my breath. The good news is, Robert Mueller is now questioning the pay-for-play.

There are still questions about Ivanka’s security clearance. What’s the status on that? Hopefully, at today’s press breifing, Sarah Huckabee Sanders can enlighten us.

Jared is not able to do his job without a security clearance. CNN noted that the White House calligrapher has a higher security clearance than Jared. Jared is not qualified to take notes in the White House.

Jared not being able to do his job is not a new development. The man was never qualified to be in the White House, and he and Ivanka never should have been hired. There are reasons we have nepotism laws….that the Trump administration and Congress ignore. Robert Mueller’s not ignoring them and he is now asking questions about Jared’s business dealings.

The only reason Jared wanted to work in the White House was to help his company. He’s in financial straits and the White House was a great way to seek investments. He’s running out of options. Does anyone actually believe these goons wanted to work in government to serve others?

My not-so-bold prediction is that Jared and Ivanka are going to quit. They’ll cite other reasons, but they’re quitting…if they’re not thrown in prison first.

The 2nd ammendment is for the people to be and remain free, not to hint, not to make a militia for the state.

@Mister Sandman

Read what is true, not what you want it to to be true

Really? You are going to copy/paste from wiki and THAT is “what is true” ??? [emoji15][emoji15][emoji15]

Wow... now I understand a bit more how come theorangething is your leader ... [emoji849]

In 2000, Melania Knauss, a Slovenian model dating Donald Trump, began petitioning the government for the right to permanently reside in the United States under a program reserved for people with “extraordinary ability.”

Knauss’s credentials included runway shows in Europe, a Camel cigarette billboard ad in Times Square and — in her biggest job at the time — a spot in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated, which featured her on the beach in a string bikini, hugging a six-foot inflatable whale.

In March 2001, she was granted a green card in the elite EB-1 program, which was designed for renowned academic researchers, multinational business executives or those in other fields, such as Olympic athletes and Oscar-winning actors, who demonstrated “sustained national and international acclaim.”

“We called it the Einstein visa,” said Bruce Morrison, a former Democratic congressman and chairman of the House subcommittee that wrote the Immigration Act of 1990 defining EB-1.

The year that Knauss — now first lady Melania Trump — got her legal residency, only five people from Slovenia received green cards under the EB-1 program, according to the State Department.

In all, of the more than one million green cards issued in 2001, just 3,376 — or a fraction of one percent — were issued to immigrants with “extraordinary ability,” according to government statistics.

Melania Trump’s ability to secure her green card not only set her on the path to U.S. citizenship, but put her in the position to sponsor the legal residency of her parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs. The Washington Post (reported)earlier this month that the couple is now close to obtaining their own citizenship.

Early last year, a private equity billionaire started paying regular visits to the White House.

Joshua Harris, a founder of Apollo Global Management, was advising Trump administration officials on infrastructure policy. During that period, he met on multiple occasions with Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, said three people familiar with the meetings. Among other things, the two men discussed a possible White House job for Mr. Harris.

The job never materialized, but in November, Apollo lent $184 million to Mr. Kushner’s family real estate firm, Kushner Companies. The loan was to refinance the mortgage on a Chicago skyscraper.

Even by the standards of Apollo, one of the world’s largest private equity firms, the previously unreported transaction with the Kushners was a big deal: It was triple the size of the average property loan made by Apollo’s real estate lending arm, securities filings show.

It was one of the largest loans Kushner Companies received last year. An even larger loan came from Citigroup, which lent the firm and one of its partners $325 million to help finance a group of office buildings in Brooklyn.
