Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

TrumpFuckingIdiot ...

President Donald Trump’s latest bullying target, online retailer Amazon, is a corporate colossus known for vanquishing almost anything that gets in its way.

It has beaten out a long line of brick-and-mortar retail giants long after knocking down thousands of mom-and-pop stores. The company is generally beloved by its 135 million U.S. customers, a number larger than the combined vote for Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2016. And it has firmly entrenched itself in the fabric of American life well beyond affluent, blue-state voters who enjoy the ease of ordering and speed of shipping.

It's a corporate foe unlike anything the president has ever faced, a challenge he appears to be looking past to bash Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO, who also owns The Washington Post — which Trump sees as a political foe.

Trump is wrapping his tirades against Amazon in familiar old-economy vs. new-economy rhetoric, portraying himself as the protector of traditional retail stores much in the way he campaigned as a defender of the coal and steel industries.

"You have retailers all over the United States that are going out of business,” Trump told reporters Tuesday. “If you look at the cost that we're subsidizing, we're giving a subsidy to Amazon.”

While the president may rage about Amazon’s contract with the U.S. Postal Service or its collection of state and local taxes, Wall Street analysts are not exactly quaking over Trump’s attacks.

Donald Trump is stupid. An excellent example of this is his belief that submitting to an interview with Robert Mueller will clear his name and end the Russia Investigation. Stupid. Perhaps the only people dumber and more gullible than Trump are those who voted for him.

While it’s fun to make light of Trump’s stupidity when he tells us what uranium is, or that healthcare is hard, or about the history of China and Korea, or that nobody knows the difference between community colleges and vocational schools, it is actually dangerous to our nation. It’s especially dangerous when Trump deals with Putin.

Combine Trump’s stupidity with his man-crush for Vladimir Putin, and the next thing you know the Russian dictator will be sitting in the Oval Office with his feet on the Resolute Desk.

Trump claims he’s been tougher on Russia than Obama.

Trump refused to accept our intelligence agencies’ analysis that Russia tampered in our election. He took Putin’s word over the FBI and CIA’s. He’s worked to discredit our Justice Department while they look into his collusion with Russia.

Trump refused to enact sanctions against Russia, and when he finally did it was only because he was forced by our allies when they placed their own sanctions and expelled Russian diplomats after the poisoning in England of a former Russia spy.

Trump talked to Putin after the sanctions were placed, and he failed to mention those or the poisoning, but he did congratulate Putin on winning his sham election.

Shortly after assuming office, Trump had the Russian ambassador and foreign minister in the Oval Office, at the request of Putin. No American press was allowed, but the Russians were able to bring in their photographers and recording equipment. They even told Trump the photos wouldn’t be published. Stupid and gullible. Now, Putin is playing that for his own invite.

Usually when we discover a new twist in the Trump/Putin relationship, we learn it from Russia. Once again, Russia has reported that Trump invited Putin to the Oval Office during the congratulatory phone call.

You can’t say you’re tough on Russia, place sanctions on them, then invite their leader over for a play date.

What better photo-op for Putin than from inside the Oval Office? This will be a huge sign to his people, and the world, that he won the American presidency.

Is Trump dumb enough to let Putin sit at the Resolute Desk for a photo? Yes.


President Trump has instructed military leaders to prepare to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, but has not set a date for them to do so, according to a senior administration official.

In a meeting with top national security officials Tuesday, Trump stressed that U.S. troops can be involved in current training tasks for local forces to ensure security in areas liberated from the Islamic State, the official said.

But the president said that the U.S. mission would not extend beyond the destruction of the Islamic State, and that he expects other countries, particularly wealthy Arab states in the region, to pick up the task of paying for reconstruction of stabilized areas, including sending their own troops, if necessary.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge tore into all of the legal arguments that a lawyer for President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort made on Wednesday in his long-shot civil case to convince her that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has run amok and should be reined in.

“I don’t really understand what is left of your case,” U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson said to Kevin Downing, Manafort’s attorney, after peppering him with a lengthy series of questions.