Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Just when you think Jeff Sessions is our hero and is the only stopgap between Democracy and Trump authoritarianism, and that he realizes the Justice Department is not the president’s personal goon squad designed to protect him, he does something to remind us that he’s still a backwards troglodyte racist elf.

The Attorney General did the right thing by recusing himself from overseeing the Special Counsel’s Russia investigation, and he’s resisted pressure from Trump to fire Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller’s boss. He’s been harassed and bullied on Twitter by Trump. Devin Nunes is threatening him with contempt and Sean Hannity is publicly wondering if he’s part of the Deep State. You almost feel sorry for him until you remember he’s still an opponent of Civil Rights, marriage equality, and believes marijuana will kill you.

Don’t forget, Sessions was the first Senator to endorse Donald Trump. He proudly wore a very tiny Make America Great Again hat and sat on a booster seat at the same table as George Papadopoulos during their Russian collusion meetings.

On Monday, Sessions vowed to separate parents from their children who enter the country illegally. Proving he doesn’t have much of a heart in that itty-bitty tiny frame of his. At some I-Hate-Gringos-Photo-Op in Arizona, Sessions said, “If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law. If you don’t like that then don’t smuggle children over our border.” And then he said, “raggle raggle raggle” and stole some hamburgers.

Did you hear that future illegal immigrants? If you must sneak across our border, leave your children behind in the desert with rattlesnakes and banditos.

Sessions made his comments on the same day Melania Trump unveiled her “Be Best” program, where she said “Children deserve every opportunity to enjoy their innocence…unless they’re filthy littler buggers their parents sneaked across the border.” OK, she only said the first half of that, but the second part is the policy of her husband’s administration. But, it’s not Melania’s fault if she is unaware of Trump’s policies since she’s usually not even aware, or interested, of where he is. Melania’s “Be Best” program runs counter to Trump’s “Be An Asshole” program.

When the administration arrests someone who has entered the nation illegally, the children are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, which refers them to relatives in the U.S. or to shelters run by private organizations. Basically, they’re creating orphans.

The Department of Homeland Security says 700 children have been separated from their parents since the fiscal year began last October. Last week, Sessions sent 35 prosecutors and 18 immigration judges to the border to deal with border crossing cases. Apparently, there’s not enough Border Patrol agents to dump out the water that humanitarian groups leave for immigrants in the desert.

You wonder if they really hate people who don’t look like them or they’re just throwing red meat to their base, or both.

People south of our border love their children as much as we love ours. In fact, bringing them to the United States shows how much they want a better life for their kids.

Their kids too deserve every opportunity to enjoy their innocence, and not to be punished by a hateful elf.


Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is now on President Trump's legal team, told CBS News correspondent Paula Reid Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller's office has rejected proposals to allow Mr. Trump to answer questions from investigators in writing.

The president's legal team has signaled that this would be their preferred format for a possible interview, since it helps protect Mr. Trump from the possibility of lying or misleading investigators, which is a criminal offense.

President Trump has given us his answer. No, it’s none of anybody’s business whether he is corrupt financially, politically or any other way. He has told us this at least twice.

First by saying that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III can be fired in any event, but until that blessed day arrives, the red line Mueller must not cross is looking into his finances. It appears Mueller has crossed that line, and we all hold our breath waiting to see in what way Trump retaliates. But let’s go back and ask why this should be a red line in the first place. Trump is known to have had extensive business dealings with Russia. Donald Trump Jr. has now-famously said, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” The other Trump error-apparent, Eric, has said, “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” Oh!

With those two blatant acknowledgments staring you in the face, how on earth would you be able to assess any Trump collusion with Russia WITHOUT looking at his finances?

The other time Trump has told us it is none of our business whether he is corrupted is every single day that he does not release his tax returns. This standard disclosure by all recent major-party nominees was dodged by Trump all through the campaign, and after the campaign he immediately switched to saying that the voters declared that they didn’t care about his tax returns by electing him. Uh, no. Americans didn’t elect him; the majority of them voted for Hillary Clinton. The electoral college elected Trump. So there is no evidence that voters do not care what’s in his tax returns. But even putting this argument aside, Trump ran for president on a specific pledge to release his tax returns after the legendary “audit” of them was complete. That was his campaign promise that got him into office, however it was that he got in. If you are going to make an argument about what voters cared about, you could only conclude they voted for him to release his tax returns exactly as he promised to do.

And does all of this matter? Have you accepted your instructions to sit down and shut up about corruption? Trump certainly hopes so. As do the parade of Trump hires who also have gotten the administration message about corruption. As long as you are a Trump, or if not a Trump, manage to stay on Trump’s good side, anything goes. And the public has no right to complain, or know, or ask, or even care. New norms! The new normal!

Trump likes the best deals. And the deal he thinks he struck with America is that we don’t get to know whether he is literally corrupted or not. Does anybody remember agreeing to that?