Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Thread] Something was bugging me about the September '16 hack of the DNC analytics (beyond that it would give an opponent much of what they'd need to figure out who to target & with what).

What was it? A couple weeks later, the Trump campaign abruptly & massively shifted their ad buys.

It's not uncommon for a candidate to make some changes wrt advertising targets in the final weeks of a campaign, but in my experience a ~25% shift because you've suddenly identified "new battlegrounds" is...not typical (this was Trump's senior comms adviser).


Thread by @resisterhood: "Something was bugging me about the September '16 hack of the DNC analytics (beyond that it would give an opponent much of what they'd need t […]"
US Airstrike Kills at Least 28 Civilians in Eastern Syria

Why does the US continue to kill Syrian civilians?
Wasn’t ISIS the enemy?
And why have not there been more Islamic attacks in recent months in Europe? Have we become better at fighting them? Or perhaps we have Putin to thank, who cuts the legs of the organization in Syria and distracts them?
Maybe we should thank the fact that there are no political elections in Europe any time soon?

LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday revealed the advice President Trump had given her on how to negotiate Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union: Go straight to court.

Mrs. May was asked by the BBC about comments Mr. Trump made both in an interview in the British tabloid The Sun and later at a Friday news conference at Chequers, the prime minister’s country residence, northwest of London.

“He told me I should sue the E.U.,” Mrs. May said.