Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Trump supporters are not very good at thinking for themselves, which is why they often follow talking points. Have you ever been called a “libtard” or a “snowflake?” The leader of their sycophantic cult isn’t very good at coming up with his own words either, which is why he tweeted out the latest talking point, “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” minutes after Fox & Friends used it.

Trump is big on projecting his own horrible traits onto others. He’s accused political rivals of being liars, corrupt, stupid, fat, and even having bad hair. So, naturally the deranged will accuse others of being deranged.

Last week, Fox News nutzoid Jeanine Pirro was a guest on The View promoting her new book, Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy (you’ll find it in your local bookstore’s bullshit section), when she accused Whoopi Goldberg of suffering from the dreaded Trump Derangement Syndrome. See? Fox News talking point. Whoopi responded with, “Listen, I don’t have ‘Trump Derangement’ — let me tell you what I have. I’m tired of people starting a conversation with ‘Mexicans are liars and rapists. Jeanine later milked the exchange on her Fox show while promoting her book.

But, what is Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)? According to the Urban Dictionary, which no Trump supporter will read because it has the word “urban” in it, TDS is; a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.

But the top definition at Urban Dictionary describes it as; When the truth is deem unrealistic, one may fabricate a story so he or she can better swallow it.

I gotta go with the top definition as “logic and reason” aren’t traits one sees in Trump sycophants.

Of course, Trump and Fox News viewers believe TDS describes his critics. Trump tweeted after his summit with Putin, “Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!” Basically, you’re deranged if you don’t like your president siding with a Russian dictator who attacked our nation over American intelligence agencies.

So, which is it? Are you deranged if you dislike Trump or if you love him? I’m going to help you out.

You may be deranged if you believe some Nazis are good people.

You may be deranged if you think nepotism is good.

You may be deranged if you don’t care that the president appears beholden to a hostile foreign government.

You may be deranged if you believe facts are fake news.

You may be deranged if you don’t care that the president makes money from his office.

You may be deranged if you call an investigation that yields dozens of indictments a “witch hunt.”

You may be deranged if you believe hiring a foreigner to write a dossier is collusion, but hosting Russians in your campaign HQ is not.

You may be deranged if you’re upset that the FBI obtained FISA warrants on an alleged Russian spy.

You may be deranged if you’re upset that black athletes are kneeling during an anthem, but not so much about a bloviating bastard screaming that POWs are not war heros.

You may be deranged if you believe babies should be thrown in jail because they might be murderous gang members.

You may be deranged if you oppose a deal that prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but love one with North Korea that is entirely fictional.

You may be deranged if your company is losing business and threatening your job, yet you still support the bloviating bastard.

You may be deranged if you say, “there wasn’t Russian meddling, yes there was, no there wasn’t, yes there was, no there wasn’t, yes there was, no there wasn’t, and it was probably some 400-lb. guy on a bed in Jersey,” all in one day.

You may be deranged if you think it’s funny to mock the handicapped.

You may be deranged if you believe the way to make America great again is to return to the racist policies of the early 1900s…or even 1800s.

Finally, you are deranged if you still believe anything that Donald Trumps says.

About time somebody told them to knock this shit off. The ass kissing 44 would have flown over another plane load of cash. Trump don't play that game.
Another msm lie about President Trump.
More Details Emerge About Mother Of Immigrant Girl In Viral 'Separation' Picture

President Trump on Monday made a fresh call to end the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, citing the release over the weekend of a previously classified application to wiretap former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, who was under suspicion by the FBI of being a Russian agent.

In a series of tweets, Trump falsely claimed that Mueller’s investigation was prompted by the surveillance. Trump and other Republicans have accused the FBI of relying too heavily on a dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer to seek the surveillance order for Page from a federal judge, arguing that Trump was the real target.


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