Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

We need to talk about a forbidden subject: the legitimacy of the current president.

There’s been a code of silence around President Donald Trump’s shady victory in 2016. It’s one of those tiptoe-around-it things that the American family just doesn’t talk about. And with good reason. Whatever your politics, it’s perilous to question the soundness of an American election.

Raising the question of Trump’s legitimacy risks detonating a full-blown crisis of faith — kindling distrust not just in Trump, but also in the system that installed him.

But fear of facing the legitimacy question has not stopped Americans from harboring profound doubts, if only “deep down in places you don't talk about at parties,” in Aaron Sorkin’s phrasing from “A Few Good Men.”

As more and more facts about Trump’s incongruous victory emerges, the doubts gnaw harder — and grow harder to ignore.

A nation devoted to majority rule has a minority president. Who squeaked into office on an electoral college technicality. Against most data projections. Using dark money. Using voter suppression. Using Russian disinformation.
The greatest bullshitter in chief. Total embarrassment. Idiots adore him despite this. Because they’re idiots

Germany’s defence minister Ursula von der Leyen has launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump, saying that the US president is a man without a plan.

“There is no recognizable strategy in the president’s approach to Russia,” said von der Leyen in an interview with the upcoming edition of the Spiegel.

While Russian president Vladimir Putin’s strategy was to position himself as a global player, thereby distracting from Russia’s economic weaknesses, Trump appeared to have no clear aims, said von der Leyen, speaking just weeks after the controversial Helsinki meeting between the US and Russian presidents.

“The problem with Helsinki is that nobody knows what was discussed or even agreed,” she said.

Just before going to Helsinki, Trump had fiercely criticized Germany at a NATO summit in Brussels, arguing that the Nordstream II pipeline rendered the country completely dependent on Russia. He has long argued that Germany does not pay its fair share within NATO.

Trump had intended to sow “maximum disruption” among the alliance with a combination of “empty public hostility, hard negotiations, and sometimes flattery,” said von der Leyen.

The defence minister urged NATO allies to respond calmly to Trump, and said that NATO’s position on Russia had not changed, despite Trump’s meeting in Helsinki.

“Democrats attacked President Donald Trump over the weekend for a photo of migrant children being detained by immigration enforcement — even though the photo was actually taken in 2014, druing President Barack Obama’s term.”

that was hilarious. they were all going hysterical until they find out it happened under the Obama administration.

it’s just another example of the trump derangement syndrome. and I think that michael Skully cartoon kid has entered stage 4 of the TDS. so sad...