Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

and they think Trump is a racist...

Obama finally comes out and admits he’s a racist.

“Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman”

“In a highly controversial speech in South Africa, a nation on the brink of catastrophe amid racist land grabs and brutal massacres that experts have linked to the ruling regime, former U.S. President Barack Obama showered praises on President Cyril Ramaphosa (shown here with Obama) and other highly controversial figures. The adulation poured out on Ramaphosa went far beyond normal diplomatic courtesy. In fact, Obama claimed the radical left-wing strongman, who is right now leading the charge to steal land from minority farmers without compensation, was “inspiring new hope in this great country.”” (Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman)
I'm surprised 44 didn't try that here by executive order. The white black muslim would have if he could've got away with it. Couldn't disarm us fast enough.
and they think Trump is a racist...

Obama finally comes out and admits he’s a racist.

“Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman”

“In a highly controversial speech in South Africa, a nation on the brink of catastrophe amid racist land grabs and brutal massacres that experts have linked to the ruling regime, former U.S. President Barack Obama showered praises on President Cyril Ramaphosa (shown here with Obama) and other highly controversial figures. The adulation poured out on Ramaphosa went far beyond normal diplomatic courtesy. In fact, Obama claimed the radical left-wing strongman, who is right now leading the charge to steal land from minority farmers without compensation, was “inspiring new hope in this great country.”” (Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman)

During his presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump promised to replace Obamacare with “something terrific.”

For a long time, that “something terrific” was left unspecified. Now, more than a year and a half into Trump’s presidency, we have finally learned his grand plan for reducing Americans’ health-care costs.

It is: Don’t get sick. Ever.

That, at least, was the message of the administration’s new rule expanding the availability of junk insurance plans, finalized

The rule deals with “short-term” health plans. Short-term plans were initially designed to do exactly what they sound like: provide stopgap coverage to tide consumers over until, say, school starts in the fall or that new job begins.

Under the Trump administration’s new regulation, however, these plans will soon be allowed to last up to 364 days and to be renewed for up to 36 months. So, not so short after all.

There’s a reason Trump wants short-term plans to last such a long time. That way, they’ll look like an attractive alternative to insurance for sale on the Obamacare exchanges, with one key difference: Unlike Obamacare plans, short-term insurance doesn’t actually have to insure anything.

Seriously. Unless states step in, these not-so-short-term “short-term” plans are not subject to any of the protections required by the Affordable Care Act.

Short-term plans can turn away people with preexisting conditions, including asthma and acne. They can charge older or sicker people prohibitively expensive premiums.

Or they can enroll such people at what looks like a bargain-basement price and then refuse to pay for any care related to preexisting illnesses — including illnesses that enrollees didn’t even know they had when they enrolled, such as or heart disease. Some plans have dropped consumers as soon as they got an expensive diagnosis, sticking them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in unexpected medical bills.

Donald Trump, the man of the people who understands the working class, argued for voter IDs by saying everyone needs to show their IDs at grocery stores.

Now, since he was speaking at one of his rallies in Florida, every cashier in the Tampa region is going to have to deal with IDs being shoved in their faces by Qanon idiots each time they purchase toilet paper.

Of course you don’t need an ID to purchase groceries. What’s obvious here is that Trump has never shopped for his own food in his entire life. As we have all come to learn, not knowing about something doesn’t stop Donald Trump from explaining how it works.

The nuclear triad, what NATO does, the three branches of government, the president of Puerto Rico, islands are surrounded by water, who fought in the War of 1812 or what year it was, the difference between HPV and HIV, invisible airplanes, the alphabet…there’s a lot of stuff Trump does not know. Now we can add grocery shopping. But, if you need someone to explain money laundering, how to steal from a charity or bust into a dressing room full of teenage girls, Trump’s your expert.

White House Spokesgoon Sarah Huckabee Sanders condescendingly explained to the press that he was talking about beer, liquor, and wine at grocery stores, and if they weren’t asking for IDs, then there was a problem with that store.

No. The problem is that you believe we’re stupid enough to buy that defense. The other problem is that we’re becoming used to this new stupidity and it’s becoming the new normal.

George H. W. Bush was once mocked and derided for being amazed at scanners in grocery stores. It perpetuated the image he was out of touch and didn’t understand the real world. That image aided in his defeat to Bill Clinton. But, President Bush wasn’t stupid. He was just out of touch.

Donald Trump is stupid. He probably still believes you need an ID at a grocery store (though he left that line out of his rally speech). I don’t know if Trump employs anyone who will correct him. The only person in the White House who can’t get fired is Ivanka, and we know she’s not going grocery shopping.

But, maybe Trump has done some of his own shopping. Because that brain he bought was from someone named Abby Normal.

Pastor Darrell Scott: Trump ‘Probably Going To Be The Most Pro-Black President That We’ve Had In Our Lifetime’; ‘Give Him A Chance’

Even after warnings that tariffs would wreak havoc on the economy, Donald Trump has staked his presidency on a series of trade wars that are now coming home to roost. With economic ruin looming over American farmers — a key constituency — he refuses to change course. Instead, he’s mulling a policy of clientelism, a $12 billion cash handout to the victims of his own bad ideas.

It’s a surprising development for many, especially the conservatives who have long lamented bailouts and subsidies, but it’s hardly out of character. On the contrary, it’s a natural fit for a White House that encourages corruption, exploitation and fraud in exchange for loyalty. As with his cabinet officials, he expects that the allure of taxpayer-funded kickbacks will be enough to keep farmers from holding him accountable for his own corruption and failures. It’s not an accident, it’s a strategy: grease the wheels of government so heavily that they spin in place.

Far from draining the swamp, Trump and his coterie of grifters, fraudsters and co-conspirators have filled it in entirely, dividing the land into personal fiefdoms to exploit.