Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

No matter how low your opinion may be of President Trump, he'll always find a way to lower it. On Wednesday, he outdid himself, breaking even the laws of physics by reaching new depths in two places at once. In Washington, Trump was revealed to be even more traitorous, venal and outright criminal than already assumed thanks to the congressional testimony of his long-time attorney and fixer Michael Cohen. Just hours later, in Hanoi, Trump was forced to walk away from his latest love-fest summit with one of the world's bloodiest dictators, North Korea's Kim Jong Un.

Cohen was as convincing as a confessed crook can be. It's impossible to find an honest man to testify against Trump since he tends to surround himself with people as corrupt as he is. So we are forced to rely on their self-interest and the renowned lack of honor among thieves.

Unlike Trump's convicted campaign chief Paul Manafort, who continued to lie and conspire against his own interest, Cohen is more worried about American justice than Russian killers. This is another reason I believe Cohen when he says he doesn't know much about Trump's Russia connections beyond the Trump Tower Moscow deal (in which the would-be American President's company considered offering Russian dictator Vladimir Putin the building's $50 million penthouse, free of charge).

If Cohen knew more, he'd say less.


No matter how low your opinion may be of President Trump, he'll always find a way to lower it. On Wednesday, he outdid himself, breaking even the laws of physics by reaching new depths in two places at once. In Washington, Trump was revealed to be even more traitorous, venal and outright criminal than already assumed thanks to the congressional testimony of his long-time attorney and fixer Michael Cohen. Just hours later, in Hanoi, Trump was forced to walk away from his latest love-fest summit with one of the world's bloodiest dictators, North Korea's Kim Jong Un.

Cohen was as convincing as a confessed crook can be. It's impossible to find an honest man to testify against Trump since he tends to surround himself with people as corrupt as he is. So we are forced to rely on their self-interest and the renowned lack of honor among thieves.

Unlike Trump's convicted campaign chief Paul Manafort, who continued to lie and conspire against his own interest, Cohen is more worried about American justice than Russian killers. This is another reason I believe Cohen when he says he doesn't know much about Trump's Russia connections beyond the Trump Tower Moscow deal (in which the would-be American President's company considered offering Russian dictator Vladimir Putin the building's $50 million penthouse, free of charge).

If Cohen knew more, he'd say less.


But Trump always believes what dictators tell him because he wants the same autocratic standard to apply to him. If it's good, they want all the credit. If it's bad, they knew nothing about it. The buck stops nowhere.

The message Trump is sending to the rest of the world is clear: The United States is an unreliable ally and an unworthy enemy. Hostile actors are tempted to act while allies are forced to consider their own plans instead of relying on collective defense. Such a trend foretells a return to the uncertainty and regional power struggles that turned the 20th century into a bloodbath.

Days that live in infamy are usually the result of attacks from abroad. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were met by unprecedented unity among Americans and their political representatives. The attacks today are largely internal, and self-inflicted. The greatest political scandal in American history is being met with denial and obstruction from Republicans, whose party once championed the rule of law. If asked what they stand for today, they can say only that they stand for whatever Trump says — and that they'll sit and roll over for him, too.

Trump has been exposed for what he is, a thuggish con-man with no regard for decency or the law. He has declared moral bankruptcy nearly as often as financial bankruptcy. Yet the damage he is doing to the presidency, the standing of the United States, and the global world order is of greater consequence. The free world still requires U.S. leadership and strength against its many enemies. Trump's reputation can never be repaired, but America's reputation must be.

While still in Vietnam, Donald Trump said Kim Jong Un told him he felt bad about the death of Otto Warmbier, the American college student the North Koreans imprisoned in good health and returned to the U.S. in a coma. Kim also told Trump he wasn’t aware of the Warmbier situation until after he was returned home. Trump said he believed him. He said North Korea is a big country and Kim couldn’t be aware of everything.

The North Koreans used Warmbier for propaganda. They aired videos of him crying and asking to go home. North Korea has one TV station. Their media is government operated and is not a free press. When Otto Warmbier was used as propaganda, how could Kim Jong Un not only be aware of it but also not be the one approving the tactic?

For Donald Trump, if a friend claims innocence, or says “he didn’t do it,” then we need to believe them. He made that claim for Robert Kraft, Roy Moore, Brett Kavanaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, and himself. He doesn’t do it only for those conservatives accused of sexual abuse. He does it for dictators. He said he believed Vladimir Putin’s denial over that of American intelligence that he meddled in the 2016 presidential election. He said he believed Muhammad Bin Salman’s denial of being involved in the murder of a Washington Post journalist that happened INSIDE their embassy in Turkey. Now, he says he believes Kim Jong Un.

Take note, that Trump also claimed he wasn’t aware of paying off porn stars, which has now become public that he was aware. When someone gives an unbelievable denial, Donald Trump should be an expert at recognizing lies in denials.

Also, during the summit in Hanoi, the Trump administration attempted to remove the press from an event, and not at the request of the North Koreans. We’re supposed to school them on freedom and democracy, not have them school us on propaganda.

It’s not just sickening that Trump, an American president, does this, but that so many Americans support his behavior. Do you?


I often wonder who didn’t love Donald Trump. I often wonder who left an affection void that he has tried to fill by winning attention, which is not the same thing. He’s turned his life into a marketing strategy. As Michael Cohen said in his testimony on Wednesday, even the presidential campaign was a marketing campaign to build the Trump brand.

In turning himself into a brand he’s turned himself into a human shell, so brittle and gilded that there is no place for people close to him to attach. His desperate attempts to be loved have made him unable to receive love.

Imagine what your own life would be like if you had no love in it, if you were just using people and being used. Trump, personifying the worst elements in our culture, is like a providentially sent gong meant to wake us up and direct us toward a better path.

Nonetheless, his kind of life has an allure for other lonely people who also live under the illusion that you can win love and respect with bling and buzz. ...