Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Someone on Quora asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:

A few things spring to mind.

Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem.
For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.

So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever.

I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman.

But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers.

And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface.


Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that.

He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat.

He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.


A phony person will overly exert himself to prove he’s something he’s not. The biggest trait of a phony is they’ll find what you like and profess to love it just as much. For example, I might tell you I like Taco Bell and you might say you do as well, or not, but a phony will try to convince you that he loves Taco Bell so much, he moved into a Taco Bell and named his kid Chalupa. Maybe another example would be a Republican who has built his entire image opposing gay marriage but is later discovered in a men’s bathroom stall with six guys and a Barbra Streisand CD.

I love America but I don’t feel the need to dry hump a flag to prove it. Donald Trump, on the other hand, being the treasonous type who has displayed his love for all things Russia and Putin, feels the need to overcompensate by walking onto a stage before an audience and treat an American flag to the point he’s going to need a non-disclosure agreement.

What else can he do to convince you he loves America more than anyone else, seduce a bald eagle? Nope. That’s already happened and the eagle said “no.” Maybe he can give an apple pie the Jason Biggs treatment.

I never thought nationalism was pretty, from forcing children to pledge allegiance to political candidates attacking other candidates for not wearing a flag pin, but it doesn’t get much uglier than watching Donald Trump get flag gropy.

What was even uglier was Trump’s Saturday speech at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, which should replace “conservative” with “cult.” There’s nothing conservative about them anymore and with this change, it would be more honest and they can keep their acronym.

Trump rambled and screamed for the CPAC crowd for over two hours. He incoherently went on about tariffs, the Green New Deal, Robert Mueller, witch hunts, James Comey, Chuck Schumer, the media, reporting on his crowd sizes, his government shutdown, immigrants, food stamps, abortion, and lied about Hillary Clinton’s electoral vote number. He ever dropped a few curse words.

Trump displayed his stupidity in lying about the Green New Deal. He described it as banning electricity, and that nobody will be able to watch TV if the wind’s not blowing. Seriously.

The CPAC audience, which spent most of the four-day convention attacking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ate it up, but they fell for this con three years ago when he started his campaign. These people have overdosed so much on the Kool-Aid that they’re going to need a twelve-step program to get off the stuff. For the rest of us, beware of flag huggers.

Nobel-Prize winning author Sinclair Lewis wrote It Can’t Happen Here, a semi-satirical political novel in 1935 about a demagogue being elected president of the United States. One reviewer of the novel describes the antagonist (if you’re a Republican, that’s the bad guy) as “less a Nazi than a con-man-plus-Rotarian, a manipulator who knows how to appeal to people’s desperation.” That description sounds like a non-fictional person we know.

Lewis is often credited with the quote, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross,” probably because it sounds like something he’d write. But, there’s no evidence he ever said or wrote it. No one really knows where it came from. But there is truth in the quote.

Donald Trump waves a Bible he never read and hugs a flag he’s never loved before an audience of people he’s afraid will give him germs. Trump is a phony and proof “it can happen here.” And he’s wrapped in a flag.


NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (KABC) -- A photo taken at a teen party in Newport Beach is sparking outrage in the community over its depiction of anti-Semitic imagery.

The photo depicts a series of red plastic cups arranged in the shape of a swastika and students standing around giving what appears to be a Nazi salute.

The picture was taken at a recent party and at least some of the partygoers are believed to be students at Newport Harbor High School.

The House Judiciary Committee launched on Monday a sweeping investigation of President Trump and his inner circle that will focus on 3 broad spheres of interest: allegations of obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power.

Details: The panel sent document requests to 81 individuals and entities related to the president and allegations of possible misconduct, giving them a deadline of March 18 to respond. The president's business, charity, campaign, inaugural committee and family are among those to receive document requests.

The full list:
  1. Alan Garten
  2. Alexander Nix
  3. Allen Weisselberg
  4. American Media Inc
  5. Anatoli Samochornov
  6. Andrew Intrater
  7. Annie Donaldson
  8. Brad Parscale
  9. Brittany Kaiser
  10. Cambridge Analytica
  11. Carter Page
  12. Columbus Nova
  13. Concord Management and Consulting
  14. Corey Lewandowski
  15. David Pecker
  16. Department of Justice
  17. Don McGahn
  18. Donald J Trump Revocable Trust
  19. Donald Trump Jr.
  20. Dylan Howard
  21. Eric Trump
  22. Erik Prince
  23. Federal Bureau of Investigation
  24. Felix Sater
  25. Flynn Intel Group
  26. General Services Administration
  27. George Nader
  28. George Papadopoulos
  29. Hope Hicks
  30. Irakly Kaveladze
  31. Jared Kushner
  32. Jason Maloni
  33. Jay Sekulow
  34. Jeff Sessions
  35. Jerome Corsi
  36. John Szobocsan
  37. Julian Assange
  38. Julian David Wheatland
  39. Keith Davidson
  40. KT McFarland
  41. Mark Corallo
  42. Matt Tait
  43. Matthew Calamari
  44. Michael Caputo
  45. Michael Cohen
  46. Michael Flynn
  47. Michael Flynn Jr
  48. Paul Erickson
  49. Paul Manafort
  50. Peter Smith (Estate)
  51. Randy Credico
  52. Reince Priebus
  53. Rhona Graff
  54. Rinat Akhmetshin
  55. Rob Goldstone
  56. Roger Stone
  57. Ronald Lieberman
  58. Sam Nunberg
  59. SCL Group Limited
  60. Sean Spicer
  61. Sheri Dillon
  62. Stefan Passantino
  63. Steve Bannon
  64. Ted Malloch
  65. The White House
  66. Trump Campaign
  67. Trump Foundation
  68. Trump Organization
  69. Trump Transition
  70. Viktor Vekselberg
  71. Wikileaks
  72. 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee
  73. Christopher Bancroft Burnham
  74. Frontier Services Group
  75. J.D. Gordon
  76. Kushner Companies
  77. NRA
  78. Rick Gates
  79. Tom Barrack
  80. Tom Bossert
  81. Tony Fabrizio
Go deeper ... Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets

Analysts are still picking through all the crimes in which Michael Cohen directly implicated his former boss, President Donald Trump. Among the most significant crimes are those offences that were part of the articles of impeachment written for prior presidents. That historically notorious list includes acts of suborning perjury and obstructing justice, which can arise from either directing or encouraging a person to lie to federal authorities. It is for this reason that Cohen is apparently now searching through different electronic versions of his draft congressional testimony from 2017 to show that Trump’s other personal lawyers at the time edited Cohen’s written testimony to mislead Congress.

If and when those drafts are presented to Congress, it will be important to scan not only for what they said about the Moscow Tower deal, but also the passages on “collusion” more broadly. That’s because Cohen also testified last week that the President told Cohen, who was also one of Trump’s personal lawyers at the time, to lie to Congress in 2017 about his knowledge or beliefs about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

In the first wave of commentary following Cohen’s hearing last week, many rightly focused on Cohen’s testifying that the President Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress about the Moscow Tower deal. What has largely escaped notice is that Cohen directly implicated the President in an instruction to lie about collusion more generally. Cohen’s about face on the question of collusion has also been missed—that is, seeing what Cohen told Congress in late 2017 compared to what Cohen told Congress on Wednesday.

“‘There’s no collusion’ … that’s the message that he wanted to reinforce.”

One of the jaw-dropping moments last Wednesday was the revelation of a White House meeting on Thursday, May 18, 2017 between President Trump, Cohen, and another of Trump’s personal lawyers, Jay Sekulow. The purpose of the May 2017 meeting, according to apparently independent information in the possession of Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) and confirmed by Cohen, included Cohen’s upcoming testimony before the House. What did President Trump tell Cohen to do in his testimony? Cohen testified, “He wanted me to cooperate. He also wanted just to ensure, I’m making the statement and I said it in my testimony, there is no Russia, there is no collusion, there is no — there is no deal” (my emphasis added).

The House Judiciary Committee launched on Monday a sweeping investigation of President Trump and his inner circle that will focus on 3 broad spheres of interest: allegations of obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power.

Details: The panel sent document requests to 81 individuals and entities related to the president and allegations of possible misconduct, giving them a deadline of March 18 to respond. The president's business, charity, campaign, inaugural committee and family are among those to receive document requests.

The full list:
  1. Alan Garten
  2. Alexander Nix
  3. Allen Weisselberg
  4. American Media Inc
  5. Anatoli Samochornov
  6. Andrew Intrater
  7. Annie Donaldson
  8. Brad Parscale
  9. Brittany Kaiser
  10. Cambridge Analytica
  11. Carter Page
  12. Columbus Nova
  13. Concord Management and Consulting
  14. Corey Lewandowski
  15. David Pecker
  16. Department of Justice
  17. Don McGahn
  18. Donald J Trump Revocable Trust
  19. Donald Trump Jr.
  20. Dylan Howard
  21. Eric Trump
  22. Erik Prince
  23. Federal Bureau of Investigation
  24. Felix Sater
  25. Flynn Intel Group
  26. General Services Administration
  27. George Nader
  28. George Papadopoulos
  29. Hope Hicks
  30. Irakly Kaveladze
  31. Jared Kushner
  32. Jason Maloni
  33. Jay Sekulow
  34. Jeff Sessions
  35. Jerome Corsi
  36. John Szobocsan
  37. Julian Assange
  38. Julian David Wheatland
  39. Keith Davidson
  40. KT McFarland
  41. Mark Corallo
  42. Matt Tait
  43. Matthew Calamari
  44. Michael Caputo
  45. Michael Cohen
  46. Michael Flynn
  47. Michael Flynn Jr
  48. Paul Erickson
  49. Paul Manafort
  50. Peter Smith (Estate)
  51. Randy Credico
  52. Reince Priebus
  53. Rhona Graff
  54. Rinat Akhmetshin
  55. Rob Goldstone
  56. Roger Stone
  57. Ronald Lieberman
  58. Sam Nunberg
  59. SCL Group Limited
  60. Sean Spicer
  61. Sheri Dillon
  62. Stefan Passantino
  63. Steve Bannon
  64. Ted Malloch
  65. The White House
  66. Trump Campaign
  67. Trump Foundation
  68. Trump Organization
  69. Trump Transition
  70. Viktor Vekselberg
  71. Wikileaks
  72. 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee
  73. Christopher Bancroft Burnham
  74. Frontier Services Group
  75. J.D. Gordon
  76. Kushner Companies
  77. NRA
  78. Rick Gates
  79. Tom Barrack
  80. Tom Bossert
  81. Tony Fabrizio
Go deeper ... Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets


WASHINGTON—After learning that their father’s associates Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen were guilty of crimes and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was continuing to expand, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. were reportedly frantically burning stacks of their printed-out emails Wednesday to eliminate their paper trail.

“Okay, Eric, I think we melted down all the stuff we wrote from last year so now Mr. Mueller can’t never find it—time to start wrecking all the emails from this year,” said Trump Jr., who, along with his brother, had stayed up all night printing out every single email ever sent or received by either of the boys and setting the stacks of paper ablaze in a plastic garbage can to eliminate any evidence that could be used against them in an investigation.

“We gotta type up copies of our texts so we can print them out and burn those, too—you can’t be too careful with the witch hunt. And once we finish burning all the evidence, we have to take pictures of our faces on Instagram and then print out those, too, and burn them so we can delete our identities. Then we have to leave and never come back, okay?

We have to go to one of the small dots on a map where they can’t find us.” At press time, the Trump boys were attempting to erase any trace of their deliberate destruction of evidence by using masking tape to secure rocks to the top of the printer and pushing the device into the depths of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool where it would “never, ever be found.”