Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Let me quickly explain why the Christchurch mosque shooting affects many of us, not just Muslim communities. If the shooter's manifesto and social media feed are accurate, he was inspired by a right wing ideological infrastructure that thrives, recruits and radicalizes online 1/

He wrote a manifesto, just like Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. He cites right wing personalities and military battles glorified by white nationalists, such as the Siege of Vienna in 1863 - where Europe staved off Islam apparently. 2/

Like mass murderer Breivik, he wants to punish Muslims and immigrants for allegedly invading his soil, he wants to take revenge. Notice the language of "invasion" - does it sound familiar? It should. It's used against immigrants and Muslims in America - 2018 midterms. 3/

He left behind a video, live streamed his rampage w/ a camera on his head, making it like first person video game DOOM. He shared it on social media sites. He wants to be known. He is a hero, a martyr, the one brave enough to do what others can't to save "Western" civilization 4/

Compare his methods & alleged ideology to Quebec mosque shooter Alexandre Bissonnette, who killed 6. He was a white nationalist who loathed immigrants, refugees and Muslims. Christopher Hasson, a domestic terrorist, just caught, also wanted to kill Muslims, inspired by Breivik 5/

Compare this to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooter in Pittsburgh. He killed 11 Jewish worshippers. He shared a post on his Gad account about punishing "filthy evil Jews" for bringing in "filthy evil Muslims." This was in reference to the Soros-caravan conspiracy theory. 6/

The underlining ideology anchoring all of this is White supremacy and their main fear is "replacement." That the immigrants, Jews, blacks and Muslims will replace them, the Whites. Remember Charlottesville? "Jews will not replace us." See Steve King's tweets about babies 7/

Steve Bannon, Trump's former chief advisor, cites CAMP OF SAINTS as one of his favorite books. He recommends it. It's a racist novel about brown immigrants "invading" and overtaking France. White natioanalists believe Jews are the head of the cabal who use the rest of us 8/

We are dealing with angry, disaffected men, mostly White, who find purpose & community with these extremist groups who give them a hero's narrative through violent ideology of White supremacy. They are saving civilization by getting rid of the rest of us. It's like White ISIS 9/

The victims are not just Muslims, but also Jews, immigrants, refugees, Blacks, Sikhs, Latinos & women (they really hate feminists). It's a zero sum absolutism. No grey area. Just like ISIS. These groups are rising in the US & Europe. They have mainstream elected messengers. 10/

Pay attention. Take this extremist ideology & terror threat seriously. Be wary of politicians, academics & media heads who give it a platform and spout it under the guise of "free speech" and fighting "political correctness." Look out for each other. Love each other.


Thread by @WajahatAli: "Let me quickly explain why the Christchurch mosque shooting affects many of us, not just Muslim communities. If the shooter's manifesto and […]"
These kinds of tragedies are attributable to—if not directly the result of—Donald Trump and his out front racism. Here we have an American president, a criminal, discoverable through facts if not yet proven in a court of law, who represents the absolute worst of the American people.

American presidents have always had a very powerful microphone as spokesmen for the values we hold dear, despite that we've not always lived up to them throughout our history. In that struggle we've always known what is right and what is wrong.

This current president simply is devoid of a moral compass. He is a liar, a cheater, a phony, an admitted philanderer, a self-hating misogynist. He is a narcissistic, inward focused and ignorant of history; of how the American government works.

Because he is all those things (and more), when he speaks of locking out immigrants and/or members of one or another religion, he is saying it's okay to every tin horn autocrat and twisted politician across the globe to do the same. They, in their turn, create people like this person who killed all those people in Christchurch.

We live in dark times and it will take quite a while to restore our standing among the nations.

ormer Trump campaign official Rick Gates "continues to cooperate with respect to several ongoing investigations," special counsel Robert Mueller said in a court filing Friday.

The joint report from Mueller and Gates' attorney, which asks a federal judge for 60 more days before providing the next update on Gates' status, comes amid increasing speculation that the special counsel's Russia probe is coming to an end.

A former Fox News employee plans to tell Congress about allegations the outlet tried to stop her from reporting on the Stormy Daniels controversy during the 2016 election, citing an exception to a non-disclosure agreement she signed.

On Thursday, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings formally requested the reporter, Diana Falzone, talk with committee investigators and provide documents related to her attempts to report on Daniels’ allegations that Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former longtime lawyer, paid her hush money after an alleged affair with Trump in 2006.

Falzone’s lawyer, Nancy Erika Smith, told MSNBC on Thursday night that Falzone will now comply under an exception to her NDA with Fox News.

“The law requires that you be allowed to participate in any government investigation — and no NDA can stop that,” Smith said on "The Beat with Ari Melber."

Cummings’ letter requests an interview with Falzone and any documents regarding payments by Trump “to silence women alleging extramarital affairs with him prior to the 2016 presidential election,” and “any action taken against [Falzone] in connection with attempts to report on such stories.”

The New Yorker reported in March that Fox News prevented Falzone from reporting on Daniels’ allegations during the election to protect Trump, which Fox denies. A former Fox News executive also maintains the story was shelved because it was not journalistically ready, not because of any political agenda.

In her MSNBC interview, Smith specifically rebutted that account, calling it a “lie” and saying the executive was not the person who prevented Falzone’s story from being published.

“We’ll see what the evidence shows about how Fox reacted to this story,” Smith added.

Authoritarianism has reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world — a profound ideological, as well as strategic, challenge. And we have no idea how to confront it.

Of all the geopolitical transformations confronting the liberal democratic world these days, the one for which we are least prepared is the ideological and strategic resurgence of authoritarianism. We are not used to thinking of authoritarianism as a distinct worldview that offers a real alternative to liberalism. Communism was an ideology — and some thought fascism was, as well — that offered a comprehensive understanding of human nature, politics, economics and governance to shape the behavior and thought of all members of a society in every aspect of their lives.

Today, authoritarianism has emerged as the greatest challenge facing the liberal democratic world — a profound ideological, as well as strategic, challenge. Or, more accurately, it has reemerged, for authoritarianism has always posed the most potent and enduring challenge to liberalism, since the birth of the liberal idea itself. Authoritarianism has now returned as a geopolitical force, with strong nations such as China and Russia championing anti-liberalism as an alternative to a teetering liberal hegemony. It has returned as an ideological force, offering the age-old critique of liberalism, and just at the moment when the liberal world is suffering its greatest crisis of confidence since the 1930s. It has returned armed with new and hitherto unimaginable tools of social control and disruption that are shoring up authoritarian rule at home, spreading it abroad and reaching into the very heart of liberal societies to undermine them from within.


In the decades since, it has sometimes been difficult to distinguish between conservative efforts to protect political and cultural traditions against the assaults of progressive liberalism on the one hand, and the protection of white Christian ascendancy against the demands of racial and ethnic and other minorities on the other. Today, many in the United States — mostly, but certainly not exclusively, white Christians — are once again defending themselves and their “deeply-rooted folkways and mores” against decisions by U.S. courts granting rights and preferences to minorities, to women, to the LGBTQ community, to Muslims and other non-Christians, and to immigrants and refugees. And perhaps again we should not “feign surprise” that they are mounting a challenge to the liberalism in whose name this assault on traditional customs and beliefs has been launched. The backlash certainly played a part in the (election of Donald Trump) and continues to roil the United States today.

Love trumps hate, but Trump loves hate.

While touring a disaster area created by a tornado in Alabama, Donald Trump signed bibles. He’s never read the Bible. He wouldn’t understand the Bible. But he signed them anyway. The book Trump should be signing is Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler.

I’m sure Trump has never read Mein Kampf or any other book in his entire life, including those he had ghostwritten for him, but he understands Mein Kampf. His entire script lifts from it. He vilifies other races, talks about banning them, and uses code words his racist followers understand, like “globalists” and “invasion.”

After Nazis and white nationalists marched through Charlottesville and killed Heather Heyer, Trump said there were good people among the racists. I bet a few of them read Mein Kampf.

While on the campaign trail, Trump said Mexico was sending us rapists and murderers. He said, “Islam hates us.” He called for a “total and complete” ban on Muslims from entering our nation. He’s used the term “invasion” to describe his phony crisis and national emergency at the border. During his veto ceremony on Friday, he used it again, the same day a white nationalist, who had used “invasion” in his manifesto, killed 49 Muslims.

Trump calls for violence and then denies he has anything to do with violence from his supporters when it happens. At his rallies, he encouraged his supporters to “knock the crap out of them,” in reference to protesters. He promised to pay their legal bills.

Trump has warned us of a violent uprising from his supporters if he’s impeached or there’s an attempt to remove him from office. The day before the shootings in New Zealand, Breitbart (a racist publication) published an interview with Trump with him saying, “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough—until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.” Friday morning in Christchurch, New Zealand, it got very bad.

The White House argued that we can’t connect Trump to the terrorist, though they didn’t use the word terrorist. In the terrorist’s 74-page manifesto, he wrote that he didn’t believe in Trump on policy or as a leader but he viewed him as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

Trump later refused to use the term “terrorism” in reference to the terrorist attack, which doesn’t offend his supporters who once got upset over the word not being used by members of the Obama administration about the attack in Benghazi. Trump also refused to say that white nationalism is a growing terror threat, and described it as a “small group of people.” Just like his defense of Nazis in Charlottesville, Trump extended his defense of Nazis internationally. on Friday, Trump proved he and the white terrorists share a “common purpose.”

Trump claims there’s a crisis at the border and an invasion of immigrants. He claims Muslims entering this nation are a threat to our national security. Recently, white nationalists killed 12 Jewish worshippers in Pittsburgh in 2018, six Muslims in Quebec City in 2016, nine black Christian parishioners in a Charleston, South Carolina in 2015, 77 people in Norway in 2011, and now 49 in Christchurch. In February, the FBI foiled a plot from a white nationalist, inspired by the Norway terrorist, who was planning to kill journalists and Democrats.

Trump invents emergencies and fails to recognize actual emergencies. If an immigrant from Latin America or a member of the Muslim community kills a U.S. citizen, Trump is quick to use it politically, even before he has any information (again, he doesn’t read). If a white nationalist or Nazi commits a terrorist attack, Trump will claim he doesn’t have enough information to comment, which is his excuse not to criticize a white terrorist.

Trump is afraid to call it a terrorist attack because he doesn’t want to offend his terrorist base. White supremacy is terrorism. Trump has defined himself as a nationalist without using the word “white,” but we know what he means. Flag-hugging Trump defends Nazis and white terrorists. Even if they don’t believe in his ability as a leader or to direct policy, white terrorists believe in Trump as a symbol. They know they have a friend in Trump. Trump, in return, knows he has their support. As Florida’s Andrew Gillum said of his gubernatorial opponent, “he may not be a racist, but the racist believes he’s a racist.” I’m not as delicate as Gillum and will say, Donald Trump is a racist.

White supremacy and white nationalism is terrorism. At what point are we going to acknowledge that Donald Trump is a terrorist?
