Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON—President Trump and senior adviser Stephen Miller are pushing ahead on a revived bid to stem illegal immigration, the president’s signature issue, after a week in which almost all of the top leaders at the Department of Homeland Security were ousted or hobbled.

In a sign of his new focus on the matter, Mr. Trump tweeted Friday that he was “giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only,” reviving an idea first floated and rejected last year and then disclosed in media reports late Thursday. Earlier in the day, other officials had played down the prospects of the proposal.

For critics of the administration, reports that the White House raised the idea of releasing detained migrants specifically in cities that limit cooperation with immigration enforcement authorities, often dubbed “sanctuary cities,” gave them cause for alarm.

“The fact that this idea was even considered—not once but twice—serves as a reminder that the Trump administration’s reckless immigration agenda is not about keeping the country safe, but about partisan politics and wantonly inflicting cruelty,” said House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.) on Friday.

A White House official contacted officials at the Department of Homeland Security in November to inquire about the feasibility of busing members of a migrant caravan to sanctuary cities if there wasn’t sufficient temporary housing where they were detained, according to an administration official. White House officials also suggested sending Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees to congressional districts including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), in February as Republicans and Democrats clashed over funding for ICE detention beds.

ICE’s acting deputy director at the time, Matthew Albence, responded that the proposal would be operationally difficult and could also raise a variety of liabilities, and the proposal has since been dropped, the administration official said. The proposal's%20acting%20deputy%20director%20at%20the%20time,%20Matthew%20Albence,%20responded%20that%20the%20proposal%20would%20be%20operationally%20difficult%20and%20could%20also%20raise%20a%20variety%20of%20liabilities,%20and%20the%20proposal%20has%20since%20been%20dropped,%20the%20administration%20official%20said.%20The%20proposal%20was%20first%20reported%20by%20the%20Washington%20Post.?mod=article_inline by the Washington Post.
Something broke in America this week. We have been spiraling downward since Trump's election, but this week, we crossed a line. The President and his men began asserting that they were above the law--and effectively no one in our system did anything to stop them.

The Attorney General sneered at the Congress and placed himself imperiously above its questions. He continued to arrogate onto himself what portions of the Mueller Report--paid for by the people, essentially in its totality to the Congress to do its duty--we would see.

He asserted again that he was the final arbiter of whether obstruction of justice by the president had taken place. He even went so far as to imply that law enforcement authorities carrying out their duty to protect America were somehow "spying", perhaps illicitly...

on the Trump campaign. (Ignoring that the reasons for the investigation in question were not only sound...but the core reason...that Russia had sought to aid the Trump campaign in the election had been proven again by Mueller.)

At the same time, the Secretary of the Treasury and the head of the IRS determined to violate a law that required in no uncertain terms for them to provide the president's tax returns to the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee.

At the same time a purge at the Department of Homeland Security took place and it became quickly clear it was because the president and his team were frustrated that officials would not act in violation of the law. We learned that the White House promised pardons...

to those who break the law, encouraging a crime and abetting it. We learned that they considered an egregious abuse of power that would involve releasing illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities controlled by Democrats.

We saw the president complain that our military would not rough up immigrants. We saw him continue the charade of an emergency at our southern border which was an excuse for him illegally divert government resources to an unnecessary, racist, vanity project.

The president repeatedly called law enforcement officers who investigated him traitors, guilty of treason--a crime that carries with it the death penalty. We discovered that the president considered appointing his grossly unqualified daughter to be head of the World Bank.

It is the stuff of the world's most dysfunctional governments. But rather than generating a response from within our system commensurate with the threat, nothing occurred. The GOP leaders in the Senate circled round the president and supported his abuses.

In so doing, they sent a message that they would never challenge him much less convict him of the myriad crimes he has committed. The checks and balances our system was built upon are gone. Worse, the courts are being packed with Trump cronies--often unqualified.

Agencies are being left to appointed caretakers some outside the normal chain of succession, many unconfirmed for their current posts by the Senate. Political opponents tip-toed around these crimes daring not to appear "too extreme."

This is how democracies die. The rule of law is slowly strangled. The unthinkable becomes commonplace. The illegal becomes accepted--from violations of the emoluments clause to self-dealing to Federal election law crimes to serial sexual abuse.

What once was black and white blurs into grey. Right and wrong, old principles, enduring values, fade from memory. Authoritarians arrive in our midst not in tanks but in bad suits and worse haircuts.

I have long thought our system was better than this--more resilient. But candidly, I'm no longer sure. I remain hopeful...hopeful that the next election cycle can redress this manifold wrongs. But it will not be easy. It will be too close. Trump may be with us for six more yrs.

Why? Because we allowed ourselves to become inured to the unthinkable. We are dying the death of a thousand cuts. Right now, this week, the president and his band of thugs are winning. They have become unabashed in their attacks on the law.

They are daring someone to enforce it. But what if...what if the courts rule against them but they ignore it? What if the Treasury Secretary has violated a law and no one arrests him. What if the president steals and canoodles with enemies and he goes unpunished?

Their crimes will only grow more egregious and their ways will only grow more ingrained in our system. Their violations will in fact become the system itself. Corruption will be the norm-greater corruption,to be sure,since it it was corruption that got us here in the first place.

Our only hope is recognizing the seriousness of our situation. This is not politics as usual. This is not an erosion of what was. This is a full blown crisis, the greatest American politics has faced in half a century...perhaps much longer.

It is not a time for equivocation. It is not a time for patience. It is time for those who seek to protect the rule of law to step up to protect it or the chance may not soon again return.

Thread by @djrothkopf: "Something broke in America this week. We have been spiraling downward since Trump's election, but this week, we crossed a line. The Presiden […]"

In another move to prove he and his sycophantic supporters are vile, disgusting, horrible, and just downright cruel human beings, Donald Trump is threatening to dump immigrants into sanctuary cities.

Cities that are considered “sanctuaries” for immigrants in this nation illegally are mostly Democratic. What these cities don’t do is extend their resources to the federal government in pursuing immigrants. It means an immigrant can report a crime without fearing his good samaritanship will get him deported. It makes sense.

After it was reported that this vile idea from Senior White House Goon Stephen Miller was being considered, the White House issued a statement saying it was proposed but quickly rejected. Reminding his staff that it’s not smart to put your name on any official statement because you’ll get cut off at the knees, Donald Trump tweeted that he was taking the idea seriously.

If you support this proposal then you’re as horrible and cruel as Donald Trump, who has staked his entire presidency on the border situation. He’s created a crisis where one didn’t exist. He promised a border wall and that Mexico would pay for it. Failing that, he shut down the government for funding and failed there too, caving to Nancy Pelosi. Trump has gotten so desperate for his vanity project that he’s placed a plaque with his name on it at a section of border fencing that was funded before his presidency.

Trump has made the claim that immigrants are animals, rapists, and murderers. If that’s the case, isn’t dumping them on cities placing Americans in danger? Is Trump hoping there’s a murder from an immigrant so he can divide the nation on this even further? Does he believe trucking in busloads of immigrants like unwanted cats that grew out of the cute kitten stage will sway the citizens in those cities to support his racist policies?

Undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than American citizens. Still, Trump has framed them as gangsters and terrorists coming into this nation to spread drugs, weapons and to murder God-fearing Christians. While he’s accused them of being animals, he’s treating them as such by making them political pawns and weapons. It’s also an attempt to stoke racial tensions and fears. The funny thing is, Republicans accused Obama of being the most divisive president in American history.

It was also reported that Trump told his former director of Border Patrol that he would pardon him if he was jailed for violating immigration laws on Trump’s orders. If this is true or Trump does dump immigrants in cities to punish his political enemies, then he should be impeached.

It doesn’t come as a surprise that Donald Trump is a failed president because he failed at being a human being years ago.
