Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A normal president confronted with a news story suggesting he (ordered underlings to illegally transport asylum seekers) to so-called sanctuary cities in order to retaliate against political enemies would deny knowledge of such a heinous plot. If need be, he’d make light of it, portray it as if it were idle chatter or a joke. That’s what President Trump’s devoted prevaricators (White Houses staffers) did following The Post account.

Trump, however, is anything but normal. No, he tweeted — of course it was a tweet — that not only was the idea considered but that it is stillunder consideration. Aides on background hastened to say that nothing was in the works, once more contradicting their boss.

Making matters worse, we learned he allegedly told Customs and Border Protection Commissioner (Kevin McAleenan) to close the border despite concerns about the legality of doing so. He allegedly told McAleenan, who is now also acting secretary of homeland security, that he — Trump — would pardon him later if need be.

What?!? That’s the only sensible reaction for someone minimally conversant in the Constitution and the rule of law. This is the conduct of a movie mob boss, not a president. Trump is so brazen he’d rather lie to make himself appear more politically vengeful than tell the truth that his suggestion apparently was rebuffed. Tough guy. Gotta make da Dems quake in their boots, right?


We’ve now come to the point where Trump is bragging about a plot to abuse power, using federal resources to enact political revenge. We have reason to believe he tried to induce wrongdoing with a pardon offer. “One thing everyone who knows the relevant law has agreed about the otherwise sweeping pardon power is that it cannot be used in advance, to license crimes before they have been committed,” Tribe says.

Trump’s lawlessness is intensifying. Even those such as Tribe who have opposed impeachment, given “the Senate’s fidelity to Trump rather than to the Constitution,” wonder if Trump can be left in office for another year-and-a-half. “I hesitate to say the red line has finally been crossed, but I see no way around that conclusion at this point,” he says.

For now, it’s up to the House to send out subpoenas, have all relevant witnesses testify under oath about what is going on at the Department of Homeland Security and reach a factual conclusion as to what occurred. Meanwhile, Congress must speak with one voice: Under no circumstances can the federal government be used as an instrument to exact political revenge.

You’d think the necessity for such a statement would convince Republicans not to support his reelection for four more years, when he would feel entirely unrestrained. You’d be wrong.
England in 1819
by Percy Bysshe Shelley

An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying King;
Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
Through public scorn,—mud from a muddy spring;
Rulers who neither see nor feel nor know,
But leechlike to their fainting country cling
Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow.
A people starved and stabbed in th' untilled field;
An army, whom liberticide and prey
Makes as a two-edged sword to all who wield;
Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay;
Religion Christless, Godless—a book sealed;
A senate, Time’s worst statute, unrepealed—
Are graves from which a glorious Phantom may
Burst, to illumine our tempestuous day.

Don’t think there’s not a connection between Trump being the first president in forty years not to release his taxes and his corporation doing business with foreign governments. You would have to be blind, dense, obtuse, and an all-around friggin idiot not to connect these dots. In other words, you would have to be a Trump supporter.

So I don’t get in actual legal trouble, I should say it’s my opinion that Donald Trump is corrupt…except it’s a fact. Donald Trump is corrupt. He is corrupt financially, business-wise, and as a human being. Richard Nixon said, “people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook.” Donald Trump doesn’t care if people know he’s corrupt. What’s worse, his supporters don’t care if he’s corrupt.

This is where you see Republicans kicking and screaming defending him from showing anyone his tax returns. Why would you not want to see these? Donald Trump is a man who stiffed contractors, driving many out of business, operated a fake university, stole from charity, and even bankrupted a casino. He’s told nearly 10,000 lies since walking into the Oval Office. So yeah, let’s trust this guy when he says he’s not making money off the presidency or there isn’t a financial conflict of interest between him doing his job and making money off Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, etc.

Trump donates his presidential salary of $400,000 back to the government and his supporters make a lot of noise about this. What they overlook is how much the government pays for his golf trips which have so far totaled around $96,000 in the span of two years. Some of that golf trip money is going back into his pocket. When he visits his resorts, he charges the government for staying there. He charges the Secret Service rent at Trump Tower and at his resorts. He even charges them for golf cart rentals as they follow him around while he cheats on the course.

Trump doesn’t just make money off the U.S. government. Why do you think he takes the premier of China and the Prime Minister of Japan to Mar-a-Lago? Those governments have to pay to rent rooms there. His hotels, which were in deep financial trouble before he came into office, are doing brisk business now with foreign governments. They know the quickest route to get preferential treatment from Trump is through his ego and his wallet. Saudi Arabia has rented rooms from Trump that they didn’t even use. Every right-wing convention that comes to Washington now has to rent the ballroom at Trump’s new Washington Hotel. Trump even nixed the planes for the FBI to move from downtown Washington out of fear that a competing hotel would move into their location. Donald Trump is corrupt.

Now, his Chief-of-Staff Mick Mulvaney vows that Congress will never see Trump’s tax returns. Whey they say “Congress,” they mean you. They vow you will never see his tax returns.

Trump claims he can’t release his taxes because they are under audit. A president’s tax returns are automatically audited, but we don’t know if they were under audit when he first made that claim. Even if they were under audit, it doesn’t matter. There is nothing that prohibits a politician from releasing his taxes while they’re under audit. In fact, many people have released their taxes while they were under audit.

So, if you haven’t filed your taxes yet (tomorrow is the deadline), keep in mind that Trump does not want you to see his taxes. Also, keep in mind the huge tax break Trump and Republicans gave to America’s richest assholes, including Trump. Trump’s biggest priority, other than pushing a racist agenda on America, was to give himself a huge tax cut. He gave you a tiny temporary cut while he gave a huge permanent one to corporations. Guess who’s a corporation. Donald Trump.

In 2019, people have to realize that their president is a crook.


As the northern hemisphere wends its way into summer, my sense of calm has been broken by the anguished cries of refugees the world over who have been denied their human right to a life free of war or poverty. Maybe it’s my advanced age and knowing that I will be dead soon that makes me angry and resolved not to remain quiet.

I cannot sit back in good conscience while the world my generation built is left to turn feral in the hands of right-wing populists and indifferent capitalists. Too many people died and too many lives were cut short or mangled by the Great Depression and the Second World War for me to accept that the architecture of fascism being built by Donald Trump along with demagogues in Europe and Asia should be allowed to go unchallenged.

I am a very old man whose only weapon is that I have endured the catastrophic history of the 20th century and I am not afraid to tell younger generations what I saw and experienced in my youth. I want my memories to be a testament of what must not happen again, especially when it comes to the treatment of those who flee their countries because of war or persecution.

So even though I am close to 100 years old, I travelled two days ago to Ottawa because I think Canada has shown leadership when it comes to the current refugee crisis. I came to meet with Justin Trudeau’s principal secretary Gerald Butts because I wanted to explain why, at the age of 95, I am making the refugee crisis my last stand.

In this meeting I was asked how my journey towards refugee advocacy started. For me, it began near dusk on a day near the end of April 1945 when my RAF unit made camp close to the Dutch-German border.


It’s why at 95, I cannot be silent any longer about this growing threat to humanity’s survival. I am spending the little time I have left to live on earth travelling the world to visit refugee camps, government leaders and ordinary people to try to end this madness.

There is a good chance because of my age that I will die on my travels, but I am not worried about my end. I am more worried about the end of a world that believes that all human beings have a right to peace and prosperity, not just the entitled few.

We cannot let the candle of civilisation be blown out by the likes of Donald Trump, which is why, to resist him, you must in your way help end the refugee crisis. So I ask you to flood your government representatives with letters, emails and tweets in support of refugees – because it is only the slender thread of fate that separates our destiny from theirs.