Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Alabama Abortion Ban

Alabama is not trying to ban all abortions in their state. They’re trying to ban them nationwide.

Just in case the restrictive, extreme, and unconstitutional efforts currently underway in Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and the four other states attacking abortion rights don’t push the issue fast enough to the Supreme Court (now, with even more fucknuts), the Alabama abortion ban will surely fast track it.

Make no mistake about it. Conservatives are always inventing ways to deny access to women’s health in their states, but what they’d doing today, from giving timelines to outright bans is only going on now because of Donald Trump’s two new SCOTUS appointees. Now you know why Republicans sacrificed all their principles and former positions to steal a seat from President Obama.

The new law in Alabama, signed late yesterday afternoon by their governor, doesn’t even make exceptions in the case of rape and incest. If a woman pursues an abortion out of state, somehow, Alabama intends to track her down and throw her in prison.

There is a reason Alabama is one of the least-educated states in the nation. Educated people tend to be more enlightened. Don’t look for enlightenment from the majority in Alabama. Enlightened people don’t grant more rights to rapists than to their victims.
