Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

As I’ve noted, one thing Trump refused to answer questions about was a discussion of giving WikiLeaks a pardon. We know that immediately after the election WikiLeaks contacted Roger Stone and said they were more free to talk. Julian Assange also reached out to Don Jr about making him Ambassador to Australia.

This revelation — that top people on the campaign considered reaching out to WikiLeaks — is not just new information, but information that likely is not included in the Mueller Report, given the structure of the redacted sections (which end on October 7).

The timing of this, with Stone having received whatever involvement he had in this in discovery and Assange awaiting extradition proceedings at Belmarsh but with little of this showing up in the Report itself, is acutely interesting.

Interestingly, Mueller did not include Flynn’s cooperation on the Peter Smith effort, which shows up three times in the Mueller Report.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn told the special counsel’s office that people connected to the Trump administration and Congress sought to influence his cooperation with the Russia investigation, and he provided a voicemail recording of one such communication, prosecutors said in a court filing made public Thursday.

Meanwhile, the judge in the case ordered that portions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report that relate to Flynn be unredacted and made public by the end of the month.

Thursday’s order from U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan is the first time a judge is known to have directed the Justice Department to make public any portion of the report that the agency had kept secret. It could set up a conflict with Attorney General William Barr, whose team spent weeks blacking out from the report grand jury information, details of ongoing investigations and other sensitive information.

Prosecutors revealed details about Flynn’s communications in a court filing aimed at showing the extent of his cooperation with Mueller’s investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Flynn, a vital witness in the probe, is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts during the presidential transition period in 2016 with the-then Russian ambassador to the United States.

Prosecutors did not identify the people with whom Flynn was in touch nor did they describe the exact conversations.

But they said Flynn recounted multiple instances in which “he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could have affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation.” Prosecutors say they were unaware of some of those instances, which took place before and after his guilty plea, until Flynn told them about them.
Jared Does Immigration

There are some places where some people don’t belong. We need serious reforms to keep them out and to make sure the likes of them never get in and pose a danger to the rest of us ever again. Of course, I’m talking about Jared Kushner in the White House. What the hell is he doing there?

How does being born rich, inheriting money, losing money in New York real estate make you qualified to work on such things as foreign policy, Mideast peace, immigration, and whatever the hell else Jared is up to. Sticking your business in the president’s daughter doesn’t make one qualified to stick their business in government policy.

The cruelty, heartlessness, and racism of Donald Trump’s administration is compounded by inexperience, stupidity, and nepotism. Because he’s unqualified and doesn’t have any idea what he’s doing, Trump believes it’s perfectly fine to put similarly unqualified and stupid people into federal positions, like Rick Perry, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, and his stupid daughter and son-in-law.

Kushy has been put in charge of Middle East peace with the idea that the problem this entire time is that qualified and experienced people have been trying to solve the crisis. His other qualification, once cited by Trump is that he’s Jewish. If only we’ve had Jews negotiating Middle East peace in the past.

Jared is also working on our relationship and business deals with Saudi Arabia. Now, going to war with Iran has probably been plotted out between Jared and a guy who orders murdering journalists, through an encrypted app on their iPhones.

The boy blunder has also been put in charge of immigration reform and creating something with more nuance than “Build The Wall.” He presented an outline to Republican senators, with each wondering, “Why is he here?”

The first part of Jared’s plan is to eliminate people coming into this country based upon their family connections. Seriously. Jared Kushner…who is in the White House because he married the president’s daughter has designed a plan to prevent people from entering the nation based on their family connections. Think about it. Cognitive dissonance much? Never mind the fact that Melania Trump (in case you’ve forgotten, an immigrant married to the president, his second immigrant wife) was able to get her parents into this nation based upon her citizenship. Again, think about it.

The other part of Jared’s plan is merit-based where the administration only wants to accept applications who are highly educated, skilled, wealthy, and white. Basically, they’re just copying the application for becoming a member of Mar-a-Lago.

The administration also want immigrants to take a civics test and apparently, someone in the Trump regime looked up the definition of civics. In case you’re a Republican, that’s the study of citizenship and how government works, like knowing how many branches make up the federal government. In case you’re a Trump cultist, the answer is three. You’re homework is to name them.

Senators were not impressed with Jared’s proposal which he presented in a private meeting along with White House goose-stepper and hair-in-a-can advocate Stephen Miller. Reportedly, Kushy was unable to answer many of their questions and was constantly interrupted by Miller. Senators felt Kushner didn’t understand the issue. Case in point; DACA is not included. One anonymous source told The Washington Post, “He’s in his own little world.” It’s like one of those pre-school toy steering wheels and the toddler thinks he’s actually driving a car, except in this case, the toddler is stupid and corrupt.

Kushner’s little world is taking a crap on the real one. It’s like the pros in the major leagues have gone on strike and they were replaced with scabs from other sports. Very corrupt scabs.

Nepotism is no way to conduct government business. Unfortunately, Donald Trump isn’t related to anyone qualified or intelligent (have you seen Don Jr and Eric?). The problem with stupid people is that they don’t know they’re stupid…like how dead people don’t know they’re dead. It’s stupid of Jared to present an immigration plan that Republicans and Democrats both hate. It was stupid of Donald Trump to put him in charge of anything more complicated than figuring out how Grub Hub works (I’m working on it). It was stupid of anyone to vote for Donald Trump on the belief that “Only he could fix it.” This deal is stupid and dead, and Jared doesn’t know it.

We need to stop putting stupid, unqualified, and racist people in government positions. By that, I mean we need to stop voting for them.
