Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Federal prosecutors on Friday declined to make public transcripts of recorded conversations between Michael Flynn and Russia’s ambassador to the United States in December 2016, despite a judge’s order.

In a court filing Friday, the Justice Department wrote that it did not rely on such recordings to establish Flynn’s guilt or determine a recommendation for his sentencing.

Prosecutors also failed to release an unredacted version of portions of the Mueller report related to Flynn that the judge had ordered be made public.

The government’s unusual response came after U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in Washington ordered earlier in May that the Justice Department make public various materials related to the case, including transcripts of any audio recordings of Flynn, such as his conversations with Russian officials.
I believe Trump should be impeached. I believe Barr should be impeached. I believe McConnell should be impeached. I believe Jared and Ivanka should be stripped of their security clearances and fired. I believe Trump Administration officials who ignore subpoenas should be jailed.

I believe the Second Amendment does not confer to anyone who is not a member of a well-regulated militia a right to bear arms. I believe that the richest Americans should be taxed at Eisenhower Administration level rates.

I believe that presidential elections should be publicly financed. I believe that election campaigns should be limited in duration. I believe that dark money should be outlawed and that Citizens United should be reversed by whatever means necessary.

I believe that immigrants are the foundation of who we are as Americans and that we should welcome them and find a path to citizenship for all those who are undocumented who are already here. I believe in a woman's right to control her own body.

I believe that our criminal justice system is broken, our jails are over-full, and that the victims are primarily men of color and that we need to fix this system and seek to restore justice in our society by restoring opportunity.

I believe that for 40 years the rich and powerful in America--of both parties, led by the Washington establishment--have rigged our system so that now it is grotesquely unequal and that this must be reversed if we are to truly heal as a nation.

I believe that no nation in which the top 10 percent hold 70 percent of the assets and the bottom 50 percent hold one percent of the assets can be considered just. I believe in science, math and history. I believe in the separation of church and state.

I believe that America must be engaged in the world to be secure but that American international leadership depends on us living up to our values and respecting our partners worldwide. I believe alliances are in our interest and help make us more secure.

I believe that no man/woman is or should be above the law in the US or anywhere. I believe that no country is or should be above the law in the international system. I believe strong, efficient global institutions are key to solving the shared challenges of the int'l community.

I believe all men and women were created equal and endowed by nature with certain inalienable rights and that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that governments are essential to providing and protecting these guaranteed rights.

I believe that in today's world that among the rights governments should guarantee to all are the right to decent, affordable healthcare coverage and quality, affordable education. I believe that everyone who wants to work should be able to find a job.

I believe that no one should have to work two jobs to support themselves and their families. I believe that everyone who is able should be required to perform some sort of national service. I believe teachers and those who give to society should be paid more and valued more.

I believe that everyone is entitled to the same protections of the law regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, gender identification or...anything else. I believe that peace is better than war but that strength is essential to preserve the peace.

I believe that the US spends far too high a percentage of our wealth on defense and that more should be invested in our people and our infrastructure and in preserving our environment all of which are also essential to our strength as a nation.

I believe that Baby Boomers have not done a great job leading our nation and that it is time for generational change in our leadership ranks. I believe that our government has been for too long dominated by white males and would benefit from diversity.

I believe that the next president of the United States should be a woman not just because it is long overdue that the majority population is represented by one of their own but because the best candidates for president right now are all women.

I believe the next cabinet of the next president should be 50/50 male-female &that boards of corporations should be mandated to have the same or similar kind of balance. I believe it is progress that 25% of the Congress is women but the number should be twice as high to be fair.

I believe that the biggest corporations have too much power and we should actively enforce our anti-trust laws. I believe that capitalism is better than socialism but that markets don't have consciences and so we must ensure our form of capitalism is compassionate.

I believe that the measure of a society's success is not its wealth but the well-being of all of its people. I believe we need new metrics to ensure that we measure our performance as a society against goals that serve us all and combat social inequity and iniquity.

I believe these and many other things that many people do not believe and I believe in a vibrant society in which such differences produced reasoned debate and sensible outcomes. But I also believe that there is right and wrong.

And I believe we must compromise only where that is in the public interest and that where compromise puts us at risk, we must fight via every legal means at our disposal to resist it and to stand up for core values, essential freedoms, each other and the truth.

Thread by @djrothkopf: "I believe Trump should be impeached. I believe Barr should be impeached. I believe McConnell should be impeached. I believe Jared and Ivanka […]"

It's instructive Trump sees immigration as "taking advantage" of the US and blames democrats for it. But somehow jumps right over the part where foreign nations profit from the US because Republican capitalism moved our manufacturing there in search of greater profit.

“In order not to pay Tariffs, if they start rising, companies will leave Mexico, which has taken 30% of our Auto Industry, and come back home to the USA. Mexico must take back their country from the drug lords and cartels. The Tariff is about stopping drugs as well as illegals!”

We are fond of quoting that bit about history and those who forget it.

But we mouth the words and never actually understand what they mean.

Companies leave Mexico – and by companies, he means manufacturing.

And why would they come back to the US? What? Suddenly they’re going to pay Americans a living wage? Build plants that comply with our safety and environmental laws? And give up those huge profits and those hundred million dollar CEO salaries? Really?

More likely, they just move manufacturing to somewhere else without tariffs. Some undeveloped 3rd World country that’s willing to chain its people to an assembly line for table scraps. Sure. I mean, goddamn, look at Trump, he’s not hiring Americans to wait tables and scrub toilets at Mar-a-Lago is he? He’s not giving up any profit. You think anybody else will? Come on.

But more than that, Trump says this is about illegal immigration, about violence and crime.

Ask yourself something: in those places where jobs disappear, where the cost of living is too high for most of the population, where the only work is illegal and dangerous, how are crime and violence statistics in those places?

So, you force Mexico out of business. What happens?

Will Americans stop buying drugs then?


So what do you think will happen? When the jobs in Mexico go away? When the money goes away? When the cost of living skyrockets? When the tax base falls off as a result and thus Mexico itself has less and less resources to combat crime and violence? When people get desperate and the drug cartels and the crime bosses have all the power and all the money funded by American cash?

What then?

Do you think that America’s problems will be over?

Do you think that the violence and desperation south of the border won’t be our problem?

Do you think people won’t try to escape it, even if they have to climb a wall a hundred feet high? When there are no jobs and no hope and no advantage to staying in Mexico, do you think the solutions then will be “quick and easy?”

Trump is a simple fool.

Those who support him are worse fools.

Because the fools drag the foolish and the reasoned down alike.

And because they are the one who will someday soon suffer the worst of Trump’s quick and simple nonsense.

But by then, it’ll be too late.

Too late for us all.