Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Fat Head Rolls With The Polls

Donald Trump does not like bad news. When the media reports facts in opposition to his trumpism, he labels it as “fake news.” He says the free press is the enemy of the American people. He tells his cult not to believe what they see and hear. But how does he deal with bad news when it comes from his own people? He pretty much does the same thing.

This week, internal polling from the Trump campaign leaked to the press showed that Trump was losing to Joe Biden, often by double digits, in several states. It even has him losing in Florida, Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina.

The results were confirmed by advisers to The New York Times. Trump called them “fake polls,” even though they came from his campaign. After they were leaked, Trump fired three of the five pollsters.

So, did Trump fire them because of the leak or did he fire them because of the results?

Trump’s base is stupid and they don’t ask questions of Trump. They’ll never correlate that the poll results Trump is calling “fake” are from the Trump campaign. But, is Trump’s belief in his own lies the reason the poll results were leaked?

Trump doesn’t read. If the polls are bad and deemed “fake,” then he’s not going to read them. Perhaps leaking them is a way to get his attention. Apparently, it worked.

Campaigns don’t leak internal polling. When a reporter points out negative polling to a campaign surrogate, they’ll usually respond that their internal polling shows more positive results without ever revealing the polls and substantiating their claims. It’s an old cop-out that has been done by Republicans and Democrats.

What’s particularly odd about the denial of the internal polls and storm around them is that they’re old. They were taken last March. Four months is a very long time in politics, especially in a presidential campaign, one with over 500 days left. Trump doesn’t even have his opponent yet. Trump and his team could have confirmed the polls existed but they didn’t matter now because they’re old. They could have lied and said new internal polling is showing much better results, even if they don’t have new polling. That’s what his campaign manager, Brad Parscale did, but not Trump. Of course, in doing so, Parscale contradicted Trump’s lie.

In addition to denying the polls existed, he also denied he instructed aides to deny them. That is an admittance the polls exists. How do you deny you didn’t instruct anyone to deny something that doesn’t exist? Trump told ABC News, “I just had a meeting with somebody that’s a pollster and I’m winning everywhere, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Usually, people don’t know what Trump’s talking about.

Don’t forget, Republicans always tell you not to believe in polls. They argue that they’re always wrong. They also point at 2016 as proof the polls were wrong. If polls are always wrong, then why are they upset over polls?

The fact is the polls weren’t wrong in 2016. The election result was in the margin of error for most polls. Predictions on who would win were wrong. There is a difference.

It took a perfect storm of a Democratic candidate voters weren’t excited with, racists enthusiasm, a little push from the FBI, and a lot of meddling by Russia for Trump to win the presidency. And the majority of voters still voted against him. Can the Democrats blow the election and give Trump a second term? Sure they can. They’re Democrats. But Trump has never been above water with polls in his entire political life. He’s always been below 50%.

He has a head start as the incumbent. He’s been raising money and holding rallies since the election, even before he was sworn in. Trump has never stopped campaigning for president. The biggest liability Donald Trump has to win a second term is that he’s Donald Trump.

Trump doesn’t like bad news. Even bad news that’s not very significant 18 months before the election. Hopefully, he gets a lot of bad news on election night. Then we can all enjoy watching his fat head roll.


I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as triggered as you. I mean you got all 12 inches of Trumps dick stuck up your ass.
Do yourself a favor and find another passion before you let this cause you any further mental illness.
There is life after Trump!
You just got to try harder.
Don’t let the dark side consume you!
Luke, I am your father.
Coughing On Trump

Aliens did not crash land in Roswell, New Mexico and there were no alien autopsies. How do I know this? Because Donald Trump hasn’t blabbed out that there were.

Donald Trump has a big mouth and telling him anything is dangerous. Plus, he’s not inhibited by any ethics or responsibility and will use anything to help him politically or merely to boost his own ego. The man in the most important office in the world is constantly telling us how important he is.

Shortly after assuming office, Trump hosted the Russian ambassador and foreign minister in the Oval Office. He didn’t allow American media into the room, but he did allow the Russian press along with all their recording equipment. There, he boasted to the Russians classified intelligence about Syria. The intelligence wasn’t even his to give as it had been provided to us by an ally.

A top European intelligence official said that sharing of intelligence with the United States would cease if the country confirms that Trump did indeed share classified information with Russia because “sharing intel with Americans while Trump is president could put their sources at risk.”

Burkhard Lichka, a member of the German Bundestag’s Intelligence Oversight Committee was even more blunt. He said that if Trump “passes this information to other governments at will, then Trump becomes a security risk for the entire western world.” Trust me, there are a lot of reasons Donald Trump is a security risk for the entire western world.

The New York Times reported that the United States has increased measures to penetrate Russia’s power grid as a message to Moscow to stay out of American cyberinfrastructure. The juiciest part of this is that, according to reports, Intelligence didn’t inform Trump out of fear he’d leak it, either because he has a big mouth or that he would want to warn the Russians. Basically, American Intelligence views Donald Trump as a security risk for the entire western world.

Trump denied the report by tweeting, “a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if bad for our Country.” I don’t know why he capitalized “treason” and “country.” He also tweeted, “These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!” No. What are treason and the enemy of the people is a guy who will calls out to foreign nations that he’ll accept dirt on his political opponents to help him politically. Also, it appears that American Intelligence is afraid Trump will act in a treasonous way that would make him the enemy of the American people.

But, let me ask you this; How can Trump deny the report if Intelligence isn’t informing him?

Proving he can’t be trusted, Yesterday, Trump tweeted out that ICE was about to stage a major operation to apprehend millions of undocumented immigrants. Hey, thanks for the heads-up, Donald.

What is not classified is that Donald Trump is a stupid asshole.

During an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, while talking about his taxes, Trump interrupted himself to scold “acting” chief-of-staff Mick Mulvaney for coughing. After kicking the Mick out of the room, Trump continued to beef about the coughing.

What Mulvaney may have been doing was attempting to tell Trump to shut up about his taxes. He used a cough since he wasn’t seated next to him and couldn’t kick him under the table. Trump probably would have cried about that too.

“So, in my taxes, where there are no details of payments from Russia or to their hookers for when they peed all over me and…wait…who’s kicking me? What a jerk!”

In the past, Trump has actually kicked a baby out of one of his rallies for crying.

There’s only room for one big-mouth baby when Donald Trump is in the room.


If you despise President Trump’s words, tactics and policies, buckle your seat belts. Things are likely to get worse. It has become commonplace to claim the Republican Party now is the “Trump party.” Republican leaders certainly have devoted themselves to doing his bidding and have performed remarkable feats of mental gymnastics to reconcile their previously articulated values with those of his administration.

But viewing the GOP as the “Trump party” is far too simplistic. This implies that once he is gone from the White House, things will return to “normal.” In fact, the GOP is far more likely to continue its radicalization, post-Trump, than it is to moderate.

Trump is just the beginning.

With the caucuses now fast approaching, the senator’s father, Rafael Cruz, an evangelical pastor who had taken the lead in wooing Mr. Falwell, alerted the campaign that Mr. Falwell had pledged to endorse his son.

But when the time came for an announcement, Mr. Falwell rocked the Cruz campaign and grabbed the attention of the entire political world. He endorsed Mr. Trump instead, becoming one of the first major evangelical leaders to get behind the thrice-married, insult-hurling real estate mogul’s long-odds presidential bid.

Mr. Falwell — who is not a minister and spent years as a lawyer and real estate developer — said his endorsement was based on Mr. Trump’s business experience and leadership qualities. A person close to Mr. Falwell said he made his decision after “consultation with other individuals whose opinions he respects.” But a far more complicated narrative is emerging about the behind-the-scenes maneuvering in the months before that important endorsement.

That backstory, in true Trump-tabloid fashion, features the friendship between Mr. Falwell, his wife and a former pool attendant at the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami Beach; the family’s investment in a gay-friendly youth hostel; purported sexually revealing photographs involving the Falwells; and an attempted hush-money arrangement engineered by the president’s former fixer, Michael Cohen.

The revelations have arisen from a lawsuit filed against the Falwells in Florida; the investigation into Mr. Cohen by federal prosecutors in New York; and the gonzo-style tactics of the comedian and actor Tom Arnold.