Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Trump says he wants to make sure Iran never acquires nuclear weapons. His policy, however, is having the opposite effect: It is giving Tehran a powerful incentive to go nuclear, while at the same time making it increasingly difficult for the United States to prevent that. On Monday the official Iranian news agency announced that the country had breached the limits for enriched uranium imposed on it by the 2015 international agreements.

Indeed, American policy toward Iran over the past year makes it clear that Iranian leaders were foolish not to develop a nuclear deterrent in the early 2000s.

Although there has not yet been a significant military clash, the United States has effectively declared war on Iran. Its wide-ranging sanctions campaign is strangling Iran’s economy, in the hope of gaining sufficient leverage to force Tehran to permanently dismantle its capacity to reprocess plutonium and enrich uranium, the main pathways to the bomb.

There is no evidence that Iran is likely to capitulate to American demands. If anything, the historical record demonstrates that great powers can inflict enormous punishment on their adversaries — with blockades, sanctions, sieges and bombing campaigns — and yet the pain rarely causes target states to surrender.

Protesters have obtained permission to fly a Trump baby blimp over the National Mall during President Trump's controversial Fourth of July celebration, according to NBC 4 Washington's Mark Segraves.

What's happening: The blimp, which has become a staple at demonstrations in opposition of Trump, received a permit from the National Mall's National Park Service to fly from 4am to 9pm. During that time, Trump is slated to host an elaborate "Salute to America" celebration, including aircraft demonstrations, rollouts of U.S. Army tanks, a VIP section and a speech from the president himself.
Why Are You Here?

The White House, Trump Campaign and Organization has always presented Ivanka Trump as the voice of reason within the Trump Family. She comes off soft-spoken and eloquent without engaging in tirades like her imbecilic father. She doesn’t send out racist tweets like her brother Don Jr. She’s not the stupid one like Eric. I don’t buy any of it. She might be the worst one from the family that would creep out the Addams family. Everything you need to know about Ivanka Trump you can take from the fact she accepted a position in the White House. Working in a presidential administration, even one headed by Putin’s puppet, reveals Ivanka’s arrogance.

Ivanka has always been obtuse and arrogant. She’s never had a position based upon qualifications. What qualified her to be an executive in a real estate company, even a grifting, charity-stealing corporation that was built on loans and inheritance from her grandfather? Was her qualification that she’s experienced living in a building? What qualified her to design clothes and have her own fashion line? Her experience wearing clothes? What makes her an expert on women empowerment for the White House? The fact she’s a woman? We know she’s a woman because Donald Trump has talked about dating her.

On a side note; sending Ivanka to a side-meeting at the G20 on women empowerment tells the rest of the attendees it’s not a subject this administration takes seriously.

The Princess of Nepotism who was gifted a security clearance and once said without a trace of irony, “I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something,” made the G20 awkward for world leaders. Perhaps you can get a whiff of her self-delusion from the photo of her sticking her face between her daddy and the prime minister of Japan. What was the subject that required her input? Handbags? Or maybe you can detect her delusional self-confidence from the video the French government released of her chiming in during a discussion between British prime minister Theresa May, International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Legarde, French president Emmanuel Macron, and Canadian prime minister Justine Trudeau, who she was probably just stalking. It’s like someone laughing too loud at a joke they don’t get. But the joke at the G20 was Ivanka, which was evidenced by the impatient side-eye Legarde gave her. The joke in Washington is that she and her husband, believe they belong in shaping policy. Another joke was when Donald Trump promised to hire the “best people.”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez pointed out the astute fact the White House doesn’t understand, that “being someone’s daughter isn’t a career qualification.”

The White House issued a statement attacking her critics and calling them “absolutely pathetic.” Here’s the thing that’s pathetic; if she wasn’t the president’s daughter, the White House wouldn’t be issuing a statement (in which they also said she’s “created millions of jobs”).

From posing from the windows in Buckingham Palace (in order that everybody saw her), to attending summits, sitting at the big tables, sticking her pretty head between world leaders, to skipping across the DMZ while the national security adviser was in Mongolia shoring up our strategic alliance with nomadic goat herders, Ivanka is everywhere she’s not supposed to be.

After Ivanka returned from her foray in the DPRK, she described it as “surreal.” A former ambassador to South Korea, Christopher Hill, called her presence “increasingly problematic” and that it gives the impression that we have a “constitutional monarchy.” Hill also said, “It says to our allies, to everyone we do business with, that the only people who matter are Trump and his family members.”

The actual importance of Ivanka’s presence at these summits was revealed by an unnamed Indian diplomat who insulted her. His comments explain why he was quoted anonymously. He said, “We regard Ivanka Trump as a half-wit Saudi princes. It’s in our national interest to flatter them.”

Ivanka Trump is being flattered and patronized and she’s clueless about it, just like her father. Nobody wants her there except her daddy. Fighting the temptation to roll your eyes while telling Ivanka, “Of course people respect your input here” would be like trying not to blink when you sneeze. You might crack your skull.

Ivanka needs to stop pretending she belongs in Washington or in any government service. She should go back home and pretend to do whatever it was she used to pretend she did there. She needs to take her trust-fund baby husband with her.

We know why Ivanka’s daddy is here. Russia installed him into the presidency. But, Ivanka, why are you here?


WASHINGTON — A federal judge in Seattle on Tuesday blocked an order by Attorney General William P. Barr that would have kept thousands of migrants detained indefinitely while waiting for their asylum cases to be decided.

Judge Marsha J. Pechman of United States District Court for the Western District of Washington described the order, which would have denied some migrants a bail hearing, as unconstitutional. Under a preliminary injunction, Judge Pechman said migrants must be granted a bond hearing within seven days of a request or be released if they have not received a hearing in that time.

“The court finds that plaintiffs have established a constitutionally protected interest in their liberty, a right to due process, which includes a hearing before a neutral decision maker to assess the necessity of their detention and a likelihood of success on the merits of that issue,” Judge Pechman wrote.

Her ruling also noted that the government was likely to appeal the decision.

The order, which was issued in April, was another attempt by the Trump administration to prevent the release of migrants into the country — and to deter asylum seekers from crossing the border altogether.

What is wrong with these Republicans?

Perhaps they rely on Fox News and other right-wing propaganda outlets that do not dwell on news unfavorable to the president. Perhaps they simply refuse to disbelieve Trump when he insists that he’s doing a great job and that conditions were worse under President Barack Obama. (That’s a lie.) I certainly hope it is not because Trump has succeeded in convincing his followers that desperate families are a menace, an “infestation,” “animals” and criminals.

We have seen this story before: Strip a group of people of their humanity, whip up fear that they are a threat to the country, abuse and mistreat them, intimidate the media and other independent sources of information and conceal the grotesque treatment of people whom they have treated as less than human. This ongoing nightmare is a stain on this presidency, officials implementing his policies and Republicans defending Trump. Their despicable conduct is enabled by the often cruel and dismissive right-wing media machine that cannot muster empathy for anyone not donning a MAGA hat. If only these people’s pro-life ideology extended to the already born.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it “incredibly exciting news,” President Donald Trump revealed on Wednesday that his long-planned Fourth of July parade in Washington will include a flyover by Russian Su-24 fighter planes.

“These are beautiful, gleaming Russian planes,” Trump boasted to Tucker Carlson, of Fox News. “I’m the first American President who’s had Russian fighters flying over Washington.”

He said that he finalized the flyover deal while speaking to the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, at the G-20 Summit last week. “Putin said, ‘This is the least we can do, after all you’ve done for us,’ ” Trump said.

Trump said he imagined that the crews of the Russian military aircraft will be thrilled to fly over the nation’s capital. “I’m sure they’ll be taking a lot of pictures,” he said.

NEW YORK — A federal appeals court panel signaled Wednesday that it is strongly inclined to set in motion a process likely to expose more sordid details in the politically charged scandal surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy financier and philanthropist whose relatively cushy plea deal on underage-sex charges a decade ago has become a political liability for Labor Secretary Alex Acosta.

Sparks flew during arguments before the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan as a lawyer for Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an Epstein accuser, repeatedly reiterated his client’s claim leveled several years ago that the Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz not only defended Epstein but also had sex with some of the women Epstein victimized.

Giuffre’s attorney Paul Cassell, a former federal judge, told the three-judge panel that his client favored a “broad unsealing” of the records in a suit that Giuffre brought against Ghislaine Maxwell, an Epstein friend accused of helping procure girls for Epstein and others to engage in sexual activity.

“It will demonstrate Epstein and Maxwell sexually trafficked her to Epstein’s friends, including Alan Dershowitz,” Cassell told the court. “She wants all the documents unsealed substantively.”

The claim raised tension in the courtroom because Dershowitz, who adamantly denies the allegation, was sitting just feet away in the courtroom gallery. He rose a short time later to pass a note to his attorney and later took up a seat in the well of the courtroom.

“Are you saying Mr. Dershowitz [came up] in other documents?” Judge Rosemary Pooler asked at one point.

“Absolutely, absolutely,” Cassell replied.