Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Junior Birther

Donald Trump is a racist and people who deny that are probably racists themselves.

Trump’s cultists are always asking while never listening to the answers; What makes you think Donald Trump is a racist? For the benefit of those idiots, here we go.

Donald Trump discriminated against black tenants and was sued by Nixon’s Justice Department for refusing to rent to black tenants in 1973. He lied to black tenants about apartments being unavailable. He is old school racist. Part of Trump’s defense of this was that the government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. There’s no better defense of being a racist than a racist defense. Racist, racist, racist.

A former employee of one of Trump’s casinos, before he bankrupted them because he’s a shitty businessman, claims that during the 1980s, whenever Trump and wife number two Ivana came to the casino, that the bosses would “order all black people off the floor” and make them hide in the back…but not in any apartments he was trying to rent.

In 1989, four black teenagers and one Latino teenager, the “Central Park Five,” were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump ran ads in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE.” After they spent seven to 13 years in prison, the convictions were vacated based on DNA evidence clearing them and the city paid $41 million in settlement to the teens. In 2016, Trump said he still believes they’re guilty. I don’t care what the Mueller Report says, I still think he committed treason with Russia.

In 1991, the president of Trump Plaza Casino in Atlantic City (which is bankrupt now because Donald Trump is a shitty businessman. Did I already mention that?), John O’Donnell, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant. He claims Trump said, “black counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Laziness is a trait in blacks.” Trump denied ever saying it but in an interview with Playboy in 1997 said, “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.” You know, about his comments before he bankrupted his casinos because he’s a shitty businessman.

In congressional testimony in 1993, Trump said some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.” In 2000, he ran a series of ads claiming a tribe had a “record of criminal activity that is well documented.” He’s a racist who projects. He didn’t want competition for his casinos because it was bad enough he was a shitty businessman on his way to bankrupting those casinos.

In 2005, Trump pitched to NBC The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He’s using the same concept today in politics.

He opposed the “Ground Zero Mosque in 2010. He told David Letterman, “Somebody’s blowing us up.” But, nobody had to blow up Trump’s casinos because he bankrupted them because he’s a shitty businessman.

He launched his presidential campaign calling Mexican immigrants “rapists and murderers.” He said, “they’re bringing crime and they’re bringing drugs.” He made that announcement at Trump Tower instead of one of his casinos because he bankrupted them because he’s a shitty businessman. Was that one too many? Overkill? I’ll stop now. Promise.

He called for a ban on all Muslims. This was before he targeted specific nations. He started with “all Muslims.” He also called for surveillance on all mosques in this country.

He said a judge wasn’t qualified to oversee the Trump University lawsuit because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. Paul Ryan, who later endorsed Trump and became his butt boy said that’s “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” Of course, that Trump University is now defunct because it was a scam and Donald Trump is a shitty businessman (What? It wasn’t a casino).

He tweeted a picture of Hillary Clinton with a pile of money and a Star of David.

He’s repeatedly called Senator Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.”

He’s carried on attacks against black NFL players for protesting police violence and racism. Trump once tried to purchase an NFL team but they wouldn’t let him in the club because he’s a con artist and a shitty…OK.

He said people who came to the U.S. “all have AIDS.” He said people from Nigeria would “never go back to those huts” once they saw America. He referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries.”

Who can forget that Trump defended the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us” and “blood and soil” and also killed a woman?

And then there’s birtherism. Trump was perhaps the biggest advocate for the conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the United States. He even claimed he sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. He even argued that Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School. But, Obama never once bankrupted a casino because he’s a shitty businessman (You knew it was coming).

Donald Trump is a racist. He’s also spawned a racist and he couldn’t have picked a better name for his racist spawn than Donald Trump Jr. Bernie Sanders tweeted, “Trump Jr. is a racist too. Shocker.”

Last week, racist picked up the birther mantle and started using it against California Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The senator’s father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India. Harris identifies as black. If you look at her, you too would probably describe her as black.

Some critics on social media claim she’s unfairly portraying herself as African American. Others have taken it further and claimed she’s not black enough and not even an American.

One racist goober tweeted that she’s not “an American black.” Guess which high-profile racist retweeted that? Yup. Trump Jr. picked up his daddy’s racist birther campaign and added to the tweet, “Is this true? Wow.” Yeah, wow what a racist. He later deleted the tweet, most likely because it reveals he’s a racist.

First off, “if this is true?” How in any way can it be “true” that she’s not a black American? She’s black, right? She’s an American, right? Yes and yes. Second, why take issue with her describing herself as “African” American or simply just a “black” American? If this makes a difference to you, you’re probably a racist. By the way, your dad paints himself orange.

Some of these idiots are even referring to her as an “anchor baby” because she was born to immigrants, in California, by the way. If that’s the case, wouldn’t Donald Trump Sr. also be an anchor baby since his mom was an immigrant and his father was born in Germany (he wasn’t actually born in Germany but the irony of Trump lying about that is so rich)? Maybe someone should ask Trumpy Jr. where his grandfather was born. By the way, Grandpappy Fred was also a racist. He was so racist that Woodie Guthrie wrote a song about this. It goes like this, “This land is your land, this land is our land, Fred Trump is a racist, he doesn’t want black people on this land.” It was a hit.

I’m waiting for them to accusing Harris of being born in Uganda. Maybe they’ll confuse Senator Kamala Harris with that old wrestler from back in the 80s/90s, Kamala the Ugandan Giant, except he was actually born in Mississippi (I found that out when I met him at a photo op at an elementary school in Mississippi back in the 90s. Nice guy. He never bankrupted any casinos).

Black, African American, or Jamaican-Indian American, whatever…Kamala Harris is an American. She’s just as much of an American as I am (born in Texas, thank you), Donald Trump Sr. and Donald Trump Jr. Cory Booker tweeted, “Kamala Harris doesn’t have shit to prove.”

He’s right. Senator Harris does not have shit to prove to Trump, Don Jr., the assorted birther racists on social media, to you or to me. But Donald Trump and dumbfuck Jr, they need to prove they’re not racists.

To convince me they’re not racists, I’m going to need to see a certificate.


The American Medical Association is suing North Dakota to block two abortion-related laws, the latest signal the doctors’ group is shifting to a more aggressive stance as the Donald Trump administration and state conservatives ratchet up efforts to eliminate legal abortion.

The group, which represents all types of physicians in the U.S., has tended to stay on the sidelines of many controversial social issues, which, until recently, included abortion and contraception. Instead, it has focused on legislation affecting the practice and finances of large swaths of its membership.

But, says AMA President Patrice Harris, the organization feels that, in light of new state laws in the U.S. that would force doctors who perform abortions to lie to patients—put “physicians in a place where we are required by law to commit an ethical violation”—it has no choice but to take a stand. One of these laws, set to take effect Aug. 1, requires physicians in North Dakota to tell patients that medication abortions—a procedure involving two drugs taken at different times—can be reversed. The AMA said that is “a patently false and unproven claim unsupported by scientific evidence.” North Dakota is one of several states to pass such a measure.

The AMA, along with the last remaining abortion clinic in North Dakota, is also challenging an existing state law requiring doctors to tell pregnant women that an abortion terminates “the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being.” The AMA argues in a statement on the lawsuit that law “unconstitutionally forces physicians to act as the mouthpiece of the state.”

20. So the calculus can only be that, by showing a friendlier and even respectful face towards Kim, North Korea will embark - maybe not all at once, but with time - in a fundamental different direction, on multiple levels.

21. Is there any evidence that is happening? Because if there's not, you may end up simply normalizing and elevating a regime that continues to engage in very threatening behavior and ambitions.

22. It's a regime that recently assassinated a rival family member using nerve gas in a crowded international airport. That's not normal political infighting, it's a pretty big deal.

23. It's a regime that engages, and might well step up, criminal activity including counterfeiting, illicit drug-making, and - perhaps most seriously - the sale and export of the nuclear and missile technology it has developed.

24. It's a regime that has made a regular practice of kidnapping Americans when it wants something, or just to raise its profile and negotiating position.

25. It's a regime that - under this leader - sank a South Korean warship and shelled South Korean territory, again to gain attention and leverage.

26. So you'd want to some evidence of real change in these areas, otherwise you're just validating a regime that acts this way, and telling it it can continue and still play a welcome role on the world stage.

27. And that message won't stay in Northeast Asia. It will be heard around the world by every other regime that wants attention, respect, and security guarantees. The message will be MAKE BIG TROUBLE, IT WILL BE AMPLY REWARDED.

28. If you are a dictator with ambitions of global respect and influence, this is what success looks like. Your flag alongside the US. A stage by yourself with the (other) most powerful leader in the world.

29. If you are a North Korean leader, in particular, does it make you rethink the path of aggression and terror that led you there? Or does it validate your propaganda narrative and your ambitions of turning them into more substantive reality?

The study, by researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, does not prove that Russian interference swung the election to Trump. But it demonstrates that Trump's gains in popularity during the 2016 campaign correlated closely with high levels of social media activity by the Russian trolls and bots of the Internet Research Agency, a key weapon in the Russian attack.

"Our results show that the weeks when Russian trolls were accumulating likes and retweets on Twitter, that activity reliably foreshadowed gains for Trump in the opinion polls," wrote Damian Ruck, the study's lead researcher, in an article explaining his findings.

The study found that every 25,000 re-tweets by accounts connected to the IRA predicted a one percent increase in opinion polls for Trump.

In an interview with NBC News, Ruck said the research suggests that Russian trolls helped shift U.S public opinion in Trump's favor. As to whether it affected the outcome of the election: "The answer is that we still don't know, but we can't rule it out."

Given that the election turned on 75,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, "it is a prospect that should be taken seriously," Ruck wrote, adding that more study was needed in those swing states.
There's been some Trump-Kim summit commentary of the variety: 'well, it doesn't hurt that Trump & Kim meet even if it's kinda gimmicky,' or 'hey, at least we're not on the brink of a huge war anymore.' This is thin. 1. There are costs; they're just intangible and a little hard /1

to see. Trump's regular meetings with Kim legitimize: A) Kim as a responsible statesman worthy of the leader of the free world's time and commitment, rather than as the orwellian gangster tyrant he is. It will be harder to keep North Korea out of institutions like the IMF or /2

SWIFT system the more Trump talks about Kim as a good friend. B) N Korea as distinct Korean state in good standing, parallel to the real Korea, a privilege, btw, which the S Korean constitution explicitly rejects. C) NK as a nuclear weapons state, bc Trump keeps setting these /3

meetings even though Kim hasn't given up a single warhead. These legitimation costs might be worth paying if we were pulling a good deal out of the North along the way. But so far we aren't, which is why so many analysts want Trump to stop meeting Kim like this. Trump is /4

legitimizing the world's worst tyranny, and he's not even getting anything for it. Where's that 'art of the deal' we've heard to much about? 2. Declaiming these summits 'progress,' bc at least Trump is no longer about to launch a regional nuclear war is preposterously easy /5

standard. All Trump must do to meet this benchmark is not be, you know, an unhinged nuclear war monger. And it was Trump who ginned up the 2017 war-crisis anyway (not Obama,as Trump keeps saying). So Trump is making 'progress' at unwinding a war scare he created. It's a farce, /6

a faux standard Trump constantly invokes to create the illusion he is making progress on NK when he really isn't. Process isn't progress; a 'friendship' with Kim isn't a goal in itself; and 'historic' gestures are just that - gestures - without some kind of agreement that is /7

at least reasonably balance-positive for the US, S Korea, & Japan. We're all still waiting for that deal. In the meantime, Kim is running away w/ the legitimizing optics, regularly getting to meet a smiling POTUS, next at the W House, while US friends get attacked. Good grief.END

Thread by @Robert_E_Kelly: "There's been some Trump-Kim summit commentary of the variety: 'well, it doesn't hurt that Trump & Kim meet even if it's kinda gimmicky,' […]"

But Russia’s continued push to undermine America’s institutions is no laughing matter, as the Pentagon detailed in a 150-page assessment provided to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in May. The paper, which was obtained by Politico, describes the ways in which the United States is failing to combat — and thus enabling — Russia’s far-reaching “grand strategy” to establish itself as a dominant global superpower. “[F]uture confrontations between major powers may most often occur below the level of armed conflict,” Navy Rear Admiral Jeffrey J. Czerewko writes in the preface to the report.

“In this environment, economic competition, influence campaigns, paramilitary actions, cyber intrusions, and political warfare will likely become more prevalent. Such confrontations increase the risk of misperception and miscalculation, between powers with significant military strength, which may then increase the risk of armed conflict.”

“In this context,” Czerewko adds, “the US capability to influence the outcomes of both global and regional events must be reconsidered.”

The report’s executive summary identifies three goals of Russia’s “gray zone” campaign to use subtle, non-military efforts subvert democracies and exercise influence:
1) to [r]eclaim and secureRussia’s influence over former Soviet nations;
2) to “[r]egain worldwide recognition as a ‘great power'”; and
3) to portray itself as a “reliable actor” in order to “gain economic, military, and political influence over nations worldwide and to refine the liberalist rules and norms that currently govern the world order.”

The nation’s interference in America’s election is only one element of this campaign. Russia is also coordinating efforts to sow disinformation in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe; engage in espionage; and execute other multi-faceted acts of “hybrid warfare.”