Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Mooch Sees The Light…And Some Other Things

Anthony Scaramucci has stepped into the light…the light that’s been shining for years.

The Mooch is now questioning whether Trump should be president, saying he’s “off the rails” and “And the honest people in the room know that he is crazy.” What changed for Scaramucci? Apparently, it was Trump’s trip to Dayton and El Paso to comfort victims of mass shootings, and instead turning it into a narcissistic photo-op.

Scarammuci has conducted a media blitz criticizing Trump and floating the idea that the Republican Party find another nominee for 2020. In response, Trump has returned the attack, accusing Scaramucci of only wanting to be on television, wanting to return to the White House, and of not being qualified for the position he held for only eleven days, of which Trump hired him for.

Scaramucci is calling Trump a bully and that he’s “losing his fastball” and he’s a “very weak troll.” The Mooch has used another baseball analogy in arguing Trump should be replaced. He likes Trump’s policies and says Trump has pitched a good six innings, but it’s time to call in a relief pitcher.

Next, Anthony is going to tell us professional wrestling is scripted, that all the cars in Nascar only turn left, there are naked women in Playboy, Courtney Love can’t sing, The Simpsons started to go downhill after season seven, Taco Bell isn’t really Mexican food, and that black guys have a difficult time catching a cab. Who knew?

If I didn’t know that The Mooch has been there all along, I’d think he didn’t get to the game until after the sixth inning. Trump’s bullying and trolling isn’t a new thing. Everything nothing horrible about Trump that’s new.

Trump has always been racist. Scaramucci argues that the Trump he knows in private is different than the one screaming, “Go back to where you came from,” But Trump says he doesn’t know him at all. If The Mooch is only just now realizing Trump is a vile, disgusting, horrible, racist, sexist, narcissistic person unqualified for the presidency, then I have to agree with Trump. He didn’t know him at all. Next, he’s going to tell us Trump is Putin’s bitch. Hello?

The thing is Anthony, when you were supporting Trump during the campaign, and during his 11-day tenure in the White House, and all the time after that you’ve been on television defending this troglodyte, Trump has insulted veterans, women, minorities, the handicapped, journalists, and has bumbled through the presidency embarrassing our nation. There are not horrible parts to Trump’s personality. That is his personality. He’s more a collection of bad traits than he is an actual human being.

To be fair, Scaramucci accepts criticism that his criticism is overdue. He tweeted, “To those asking, “what took so long?” You’re right. I tried to see best in @realDonaldTrump based on private interactions and select policy alignment. But his increasingly divisive rhetoric – and damage it’s doing to fabric of our society – outweighs any short-term economic gain.” So basically, Scaramucci is admitting he sold out.

I’m glad you’re finally at the party and I welcome you here, Moochy. But you’re gonna have to take a seat in the back because all the ones in the front have been taken. Hell, even Omarosa has a better seat than you.

Scaramucci also said, “The behavior is nihilistic. If it continues, responsible people will have to speak up.” Again, he’s kinda late to the party. In case you haven’t noticed, there aren’t any responsible people left in the party. The problem with them is, they’re all acting like you have for the past three years. You know, when you weren’t being responsible.
