Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A Florida white supremacist has been arrested for threatening a shooting at a Walmart just days after 22 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, in one of the worst mass shootings in the country's modern history.

Richard Clayton, 26, was arrested by Florida Department of Law Enforcement authorities on Friday in Winter Park after making an online threat last week, according to police.

On Aug. 6, Clayton allegedly posted on Facebook, "3 more days of probation left then I get my AR-15 back. Don’t go to Walmart next week."

Imagine this: A shooter has entered a public place, where you are walking with your family. You have but a minute to realize you can save your 2-month-old by using your own body to shield him from the bullets raining down around you. Mere days later, your baby, the youngest survivor of the El Paso massacre, will appear on television with the very man who inspired the terrorist who killed both you and your husband. A photograph is taken, for posterity.

In the photo, your baby wears a bowtie and tiny jacket; someone has dressed him up for this occasion. He gazes off to the side (toward his aunt, who stands beside First Lady Melania Trump), his body stiff, his face solemn. He is not at ease in this strange lady’s arms. How could he be? Your child has just gotten out of the hospital, where he was treated for broken bones incurred when you desperately threw yourself over his little body and took the bullets that seconds later orphaned him and his two siblings.

Neither the president nor Melania so much as glances at Baby Paul. Oblivious (as ever) to the solemnity of their occasion, they smile broadly, matching veneers on full beam. Your husband came from a family of Trump supporters. Perhaps, in a different world, you might even have wanted to meet Donald Trump, or take a photo with him as he gave one of his signature thumbs-up gestures — everything is A-OK here.

Imagine this, then look at this photo again.


All of these ghastly truths make themselves felt in this single photo of the vacuous and smug Trumps masquerading as kindly hospital visitors, seeking to comfort the El Paso survivors. Posing for this photograph, the Trumps remove any last doubt about their dead-eyed cruelty and transactional view of life. Smiling emptily above this wounded little boy, whose life was shattered before he could take his first step, the president and his wife call to mind those famous safari photos taken by Trump’s sons, Eric and Don Jr. — in which they, like their father, smile brightly over the victims of their own heedless cruelty and violence. To Donald Trump, this baby is little more than a hunting trophy in his own brutal race war (which explains his triumphant thumbs up).

Injured, confused, squirming away from Melania’s brittle embrace, and straining toward what’s left of his family, Baby Paul now stands in for all the children — indeed, all human beings — who, like him, have been harmed and are being held against their will by a white supremacist president.

Of course, Trump would have liked to include many more of the survivors in his photo op, but he met with none of the others. Of eight survivors in the hospital, five outright refused to meet with the president. As speaking, sentient adults, they were able to withhold their consent. (According to the hospital, the absence of other survivors was due to their injuries or the Spanish-language barrier.) But Baby Paul was too young to say no. When he learns later about what happened to his infant self, about the day when both his parents, as well as the peace of his childhood, were stolen from him, how will he feel about this photograph then? How would you feel?
Bulletproof The Baby

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Rich, my editor at CNN sent me a story about bulletproof backpacks. He told me it made him sad. It makes me sad too that now bulletproof backpacks are on the back-to-school shopping list. That’s a little messed up.

If conservatives get their solution, there will be armed guards at every school, mall, Wal-Mart, theater, shopping center, nightclub, etc. For gun nuts, forcing parents to spend $300 on an item that protects your child if a shooter only aims at their back at the right time of day is a better solution than having fewer shooters.

It’s not that I’m against bulletproof backpacks. I’m against the need for bulletproof backpacks. We don’t need assault rifles in the hands of private ownership. We just don’t. I’m against this environment where parents can’t focus solely on their children’s education without worrying whether they’re going to come home alive.

Republicans are against increasing fundings in education. They’re against feeding the poor kids. But, they’ll gladly support increased spending to put armed guards in every school.

And the president? He and Melania posed with a baby who is now an orphan because its parents were killed by a white supremacist motivated by Trump’s rhetoric. Trump would rather focus on protecting his feelings than that child. They don’t make backpacks that will protect Donald Trump’s thin skin, but they do make a news network for that.

We shouldn’t need bulletproof backpacks to protect our children. You don’t need an assault rifle to protect yourself. Nobody needs a narcissistic, whiny, thin-skinned, man-baby president.


The man who opened fire at a mosque near the Norwegian capital of Oslo Saturday had gone online to express far-right views, according to local police. Although not officially identified, reports claim the alleged gunman is Philip Manshaus, 21. The Norwegian citizen was reportedly wearing body armor and was heavily armed when he shot through a glass door to get inside the Al-Noor Islamic Center.

The gunman was overpowered by a 65-year-old worshipper, who was injured in the confrontation. Officials say the shooting could have been much deadlier if the suspect had arrived only a few minutes earlier. There were more than a dozen people inside the mosque a mere 10 minutes before the suspect arrived. But by the time he got there only three older men remained inside and one of them managed to disarm the shooter.

Hours before the attack a user of the same name as the alleged gunman posted on the 4chan messaging board expressing admiration for the gunman who killed 51 people at two New Zealand mosques earlier this year. The post included a meme that described that gunman as a “saint” and praised the alleged El Paso shooter for “reclaiming his country.” The post was made on a new messaging board called Endchan and the older site 4chan.

