Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Tucker’s Mellow

Conservatives are going nuts defending Donald Trump’s racism. They argue that comments such as “send them back” or “infestation” aren’t racist. They sell the idea that there’s no correlation between him and mass shooters who echo his code words. They use false equivalency to deflect from Trump’s racism, like trying to tie Democrats to a mass shooter who never wrote a manifesto or made posts on social media about a political agenda as a reason for his carnage. Often as a first resort, they lie to defend Trump’s racism. But the thing is, they’re not defending Trump’s racism anymore. They’re defending racism.

Earlier this week, Tucker Carlson went on an online bender of defending racists. He got away from defending Donald Trump and started defending white supremacists. Tucker said that White Supremacy is a “hoax” and it’s “not a real problem in America.” Then, he went on vacation. But don’t worry. Fox News has other racists personalities.

When did defending white supremacists become part of the agenda?

It was reported a few days ago that the Trump administration wanted the Department of Homeland Security to put less focus on white nationalists groups that they perceive as a danger. They wanted DHS to put most of their focus on scary brown people. Do you know who commits the majority of terrorist attacks in this nation? Scary white people.

After ICE raided factories in Mississippi and little crying brown children were on the news crying for their missing parents, the White House told ICE to do more because they loved that image. Brown children crying for theirs really resonates with the Trump base, almost as much as baby jails.

It’s also been reported that Trump’s campaign believes accusations that Trump is a white supremacist will help Trump in the coming election. A majority of Americans believe Trump is a racist. Continuing to call him a white supremacist isn’t going to lower those numbers but it will convince more and more white supremacists he’s one of theirs.

After a white supremacist who a manifesto praising Trump as a “beacon” killed over 50 Muslims in New Zealand, Trump said he didn’t believe white supremacy to be a threat. But he believes MS-13 is a threat.

There are around two million gang members in the United States. The only gang you hear about from Trump and Trump TV (Fox News) is MS-13. Out of those two million gang members, MS-13 only accounts for about 10,000. So why are we only hearing about MS-13? Because they’re brown.

Tucker Carlson has also championed the threat of MS-13. He would never call it a hoax. But he calls the threat of white supremacy a hoax. Tucker has claimed that anyone who calls out MS-13 is labeled as a “racist.” No, Tucker. But defending white supremacists will get you labeled as a racist.

Tucker says there aren’t enough white supremacists to fill a football stadium. He’s right, depending on the stadium. There are only about 25,000 “official” white supremacists in the U.S. Why, that’s about double the attendance of your standard Trump rally (but he did pull in 25,000 in Alabama…hmmm). But if 25,000 aren’t a threat, then why is 10,000?

And, we’re talking about the “official” members the FBI can track. How many white supremacists are out there with violent intentions that have never been tracked? I’m sure Tucker knows a lot of white supremacists, but I doubt he knows each one personally to verify their cuddliness.

While authorities have tracked around 25,000 “official” members, around 200,000 subscribe to racist publications and websites. It’s a much bigger problem than Tucker or Trump care to admit.

I don’t believe Donald Trump or Tucker Carlson are white supremacists. But I do believe they’re racists supporting and enabling white supremacists and hate in general. Their agenda is hate.

Tucker has defended, enabled, and justified racism. And, if you support Donald Trump, you’re a defender of racism too.

A lot of racists are like those suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect. They’re don’t know they’re in the club. If you suffer from the TuckerTrump effect, congratulations.

You’re in the club.

Suicide Watch

A suicide watch is meant to prevent a prisoner from taking his own life, not just to observe it, right?

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was being held in the Metropolitical Correctional Center while facing federal sex trafficking charges killed himself by hanging himself Saturday morning. He was placed on suicide watch three weeks ago after he was found unresponsive in his cell at the federal prison, with marks on his neck that appeared to be self-inflicted.

The federal facility that held him is responsible for his death and they have a lot of explaining to do. How do you not keep an eye on a guy who had attempted suicide less than three weeks ago? This isn’t justice for Epstein or his victims.

Epstein should have been forced to stand trial, not allowed to decide his own fate by suicide.


Devoid of empathy and humanity, Trump is mugging with an infant who will never know his parents. They were shot by a psychopath whose views echoed Trump’s dangerous and vile rants painting people with darker skin — like the baby’s father — as the enemy, an infestation and invasion aiming to take something away from real Americans. It is the same slimy chum thrown out by other Republicans, only more brutally direct and not limited to campaign season.

Today, President Trump accused his predecessor, Bill Clinton—or possibly his 2016 campaign opponent, former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—of complicity in the death of the accused sex-trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein.

Many seem to have responded with a startled shrug. What do you expect? It’s just Trump letting off steam on Twitter.

Reactions to actions by Trump are always filtered through the prism of the ever-more-widely accepted view—within his administration, within Congress, within the United States and around the world—that the 45th president is a reckless buffoon, a conspiratorial racist moron, whose weird comments should be disregarded by sensible people.

By now, Trump’s party in Congress, the members of his Cabinet, and even his White House entourage all tacitly agree that Trump’s occupancy of the office held by Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and Eisenhower must be a bizarre cosmic joke, not to be taken seriously. ...

Trump’s circle probably expects the world to sputter for a while and then be distracted by some new despicable statement or act. That is how it has gone for nearly three years, and that is how it is likely still to go. Trump is steering the U.S. and the world into a trade war and perhaps a financial crisis and recession along with it. He is wrecking the structure of U.S. alliances in Asia and his rhetoric is inciting shooting rampages against minorities. Compared to that, mere slurs and insults perhaps weigh lighter in the crushing dumpster-load of Trump’s output of unfitness for the office he holds.

But it shouldn’t be forgotten, either, in the onrush of events. The certainty that Trump will descend ever deeper into sub-basements of “new lows” after this new low should not numb us to its newness and lowness.

Neither the practical impediments to impeachment and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment process, nor the foibles and failings of the candidates running to replace him, efface the fact that this presidency shames and disgraces the office every minute of every hour of every day. And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still.
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