Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Impeachment Civil War

Donald Trump is losing his mind. He’s screaming at reporters, embarrassing us in front of visiting foreign leaders, lying, spreading conspiracy theories, encouraging his supporters to engage in violence, and promising not to accomplish anything with Congress (like you were totally expecting action on gun violence). OK, that sounds like a typical Wednesday for Trump, but the stress is still showing.

Trump has been on edge more than usual lately. Wednesday was filled with rage tweets and unhinged press meetings. The impeachment inquiry over his dirty dealings with Ukraine and abusing his office by withholding foreign aid unless that nation helps him destroy a political rival is unraveling Donald Trump.

He has accused House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff of “fraudulently fabricating a statement of the President of the United States,” and of committing treason. It’s a good thing for Trump that lying to the public isn’t treason or even illegal (his boy Corey Lewandowski brags about it). He also said Schiff should resign and that “he’s sick.” He ranted to the press that “Shifty Schiff” couldn’t carry Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s “blank” strap. He said, “I won’t say it because they’ll say it was terrible to say. But that guy couldn’t carry his ‘blank’ strap.” Donald Trump wouldn’t say it because he believes “jockstrap” is a dirty word, but he tweeted out “bullshit.” Trump also misses that “couldn’t carry his jockstrap” is a term normally used in sports, and doesn’t fit in this context unless Mike Pompeo is required to wear an actual jockstrap (which I trust no one wants to carry).

Trump screamed that the “transcript” of his call with Ukraine’s president was “exact” and “word-for-word;” it wasn’t. It was a summary with a warning at the top that it was NOT a “transcript” meaning it’s not “exact” or “word-for-word.” In fact, it’s estimated that the summary only covers ten minutes of a 30-minute phone conversation.

Holding an article that actually was in The Times reporting Schiff learned about the outlines of the whistleblower’s concerns days before the complaint was filed, Trump said that was a scandal and Schiff “probably helped write it.” Never mind the fact that the White House also knew of the complaint and tried to bury it before it was filed. Afterward, he again called himself a “very stable genius.”

He rage tweeted at The Washington Post for reporting that he wanted a “moot” filled with snakes and alligators at the border wall (it was actually The New York Times that reported the story). Everyone assumes he meant “moat.”

He cried about the stock market being driven down because of impeachment talk, and that being exactly what the “Democrats want to do.” He tweeted, “They are willing to hurt the Country, with only the 2020 Election in mind.” On that subject, the S&P 500 gained 27% between Clinton’s impeachment inquiry and his acquittal. The stock market did drop during Nixon’s Watergate drama, but stocks were in a bear market, the nation was in a recession, and in an oil crisis.

Trump retweeted a meme inaccurately showing the counties he won reading, “Impeach this.” He even sent out an inaccurate tweet of the 2016 electoral score (it seems like he’d know since he was there). He’s argued his electoral victory is too big for him to be impeached and other Republicans have accused the Democrats of overturning an election. They forget that the election they’re overturning was won with help from Russian interference, Trump didn’t win the popular vote, and that Nixon was facing impeachment after an electoral victory much larger than Trump’s (Trump won 304 electoral votes. Nixon won 520. In case you’re a Republican, 520 is greater than 304). It doesn’t matter if it’s geographical, weather, or electoral, or a placemat you color in at Bob’s Big Boy, Trump is really bad with maps.

At a press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, Trump berated and bullied Reuters reporter Jeff Mason for asking what he hoped Ukraine’s president would do about Joe and Hunter Biden. Trump did a DeNiro and screamed, “Are you talking to me? Listen…We have the president of Finland. Ask him a question.” Trump said the reporter was being rude for not asking the Finnish president a question, but when he did, Trump interrupted and answered for him. I think Mason should have said, “OK then. President Niinistö, what do you think Trump wanted Ukraine’s president to do about Joe and Hunter Biden?”

While screaming at Mason, Trump said the impeachment was based on a hoax, the media was “playing into the hoax,” called the press “fake news” and in “many cases, the corrupt media.”

Trump has demanded to interview the whistleblower saying he deserves to confront his accuser (he doesn’t). He’s accused the whistleblower of being a “partisan hack” and of committing treason along with those in the White House who have helped him. He has insinuated the whistleblower and those who have helped him should be put to death. He’s warned of a Civil War if he’s impeached.

Donald Trump doesn’t care if the nation burns if it saves his hide, or at least gets him good ratings. He’s never shown concern for anything over himself. If he riles up Nazis, Klansmen, Fox News hosts, and MAGA-hat wearing gun nuts, so be it.

Finland’s president was asked by a Finnish reporter, not about raking leaves to prevent forest fires, but if he could detail what kind of favors Trump had asked him. As reports are coming in that Trump has asked leaders of Ukraine, Australia, Italy, and now England, to work as opposition researchers for his 2020 campaign, it was a fair question. A question Trump interrupted by rambling about how he’s been praised by Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

The Helsinki Times (in case you’re a Republican, Helsinki is the capital of Finland), published an article this morning with the headline, “Did Trump tweet throughout his entire meeting with Niinistö.” It’s a fair question since Trump tweeted ten times about impeachment during the two hours when he was meeting with Niinistö. For Niinistö’s sake, I hope the meeting wasn’t in the bathroom since the tweets were indicative of his poop tweets. That guy will never come back to America.

President Niinistö enjoyed visiting many sites while in Washington. Perhaps he got to see the U.S. Constitution, Lincoln’s stovepipe hat, or Mike Pompeo’s jockstrap. At the press conference, Niinistö may have even enjoyed throwing a little shade at Trump during his opening statement. He said, “Mr. President (sic), you have a great democracy. Keep it going on.” Unfortunately, Donald Trump is too slow to detect this sort of burn. He’ll notice it Sunday.

But about Niinistö’s statement on our democracy; there really is only one way to keep our democracy “going on.” Since Trump has allusions of being an authoritarian leader, attacks the rule of law constantly, is recruiting foreign nations to help his 2020 campaign after one helped his in 2016 (and yesterday, Vladimir Putin “joked” about helping again in 2020), and is encouraging his supporters to start a “civil war” if he’s impeached, the only way to keep it going on is to impeach Trump.

Let’s keep it going on.

It is now the official foreign policy of the U.S. that we call upon foreign governments that wish to remain in our good favor to investigate the Bidens. It is also official policy that we call upon our allies to investigate the Mueller investigation.

Failure to do so will undermine good relations. It is also the established policy of the United States that countries that wish to be in good favor with the U.S. should flatter the president obsequiously and, if possible, patronize one of his hotels or resorts.

It is also the official position of the POTUS and thus, by extension the U.S. government, that we support in whatever ways possible President Vladimir Putin and the Russian government and are committed to the weakening of the NATO Alliance and all multilateral institutions.

It is also established that the U.S. government rejects science and history and values relations with governments that serve the above policy objectives above secondary considerations like democracy or human rights. This is not a joke. This is not an overstatement.

This is our foreign policy today. It is at core nothing more than a marketing strategy for Donald Trump, the Trump Organization and his perceived personal interests. All his senior advisors and the GOP leadership have bought into this strategy and seek to advance it.

It is the greatest corruption of US foreign policy in our history & precisely what the Founders feared most. And every single day the facts outlined here are further corroborated. It is all happening in plain sight & it is doing grave damage to the US and our interests worldwide.

Thread by @djrothkopf: "It is now the official foreign policy of the U.S. that we call upon foreign governments that wish to remain in our good favor to investigate […]"