Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Boo Hoo Hoo

Trump and his supporters point to his MAGA hate rallies as proof of his popularity when arguing he’s going to win reelection in a landslide.

If you’re promoting an album and your tour sells out every arena, congratulations. You have a hit album. Though a venue may have 14,000 seats, the cities they’re in are typically bigger. You also have to account for people traveling to see you rock out with your jock out. While you may sell a lot of T-Shirts, it doesn’t mean you could be elected president.

And if you only go into rooms where people fawn over you, you might get the impression that you’re beloved in all rooms and everyone thinks you’re a stable genius. That’s like believing you’re a special boy because your mom thinks so. Oh, and in case you’re a Republican, the strippers don’t actually like you either.

Donald Trump doesn’t just hire advisers. He hires yes people. That is, people who say “yes.” These people don’t just praise his policies, they run to the media to tell us Donald Trump is a genius, which is what White House Press Secretary, who never holds a press conference, Stephanie Grisham did this week. After the former chief of staff, John Kelly, said he warned Trump that if he hired a “yes” man to replace him, that he’d be impeached. Grisham said to the media that Kelly was “ill-equipped to work with the genius of our great president.” This is why Donald Trump thinks he’s a genius and totally oblivious to the fact he’s a dumbass. By the way, it’s hard to argue against Kelly’s comments while you’re literally getting impeached.

There was a news story this week that scientists taught rats how to drive little, tiny rat cars because it eases their stress, which is something I’m sure we’ve all been concerned about. While these rats are figuring out how to drive cars, Donald Trump can’t close an umbrella. Yes, he’s a genius.

But Donald Trump holds these hate rallies where women wear shirts asking him to grab them by the vagina. They eat up every word he says. They cheer and praise him. They repeat his three-syllable chants (in case you’re a Republican, “lock her up,” and “build the wall” are each three syllables. I’ll let you figure out “space force” for yourself. What do you mean, “what’s a syllable?”).

If Trump only talks to his paid yes sycophants, only attend hate rallies, only watches Fox News, and only talks to Lindsey Graham, he may not get the impression that over half the country despises him and thinks he’s an asshole. Maybe, he should have talked to Graham back when the South Carolina senator thought he was a racist.

When Fox News published a poll that over half of eligible voters believe he should be impeached, he tweeted that their pollsters suck. I guess it never occurred to him that the pollsters may be right.

So, when Donald Trump visited the World Series Sunday night, he was probably expecting to be greeted with cheers. It was the first time he went out since the killing of al-Baghdadi. He took Lindsey and Matt Gaetz with him, but not his youngest son, because you’d rather take sycophantic buttpoodles to the world series than your 13-year-old son. You don’t have to imagine his surprise when he was greeted with boos and “lock him up chants.”

Some people were upset about this. Fox News’ Dana Perino must be as clueless as Trump because she said, “I never thought he would get booed. I thought Americans won’t do that, Americans would cheer.” Hey, Dana. Most Americans don’t like Nazis. Go figure.

On the same show, Capri Cafaro was upset. She said, “Everybody has their First Amendment right to express themselves however they want, but I would say this, regardless of whether or not you agree with President Trump or not he is the President of the United States and this is the World Series.”

I don’t have a problem with this “president” getting booed at the World Series. If anything, they did him a favor. We should let him know he’s despised and repulses people who aren’t troglodytes. But the biggest reason I don’t have a problem with it is that he’s not presidential. He’s conducted himself in a manner before crowds that should be beneath a president. But, Donald Trump is beneath the presidency. Way beneath it. While Carafo argues, “he is the President of the United States,” I argue that he doesn’t want to be everyone’s president.

Donald Trump conducts hate rallies where he encourages people to chant “lock her up” and “send them back.” He inspires and condones hate at his rallies. He has literally told his people to physically assault the people there to protest. He deserves all the respect one should give a poo-flinging monkey, who could still probably close an umbrella. Booing Trump could be our new national past time.

Here’s the thing. Donald Trump has been heckling America. He’s been booing America. So, America, feel free to boo right back. And while you’re at it, lock him up.


President Trump’s refusal to divest from his global businesses when he entered office created the potential for unprecedented conflicts of interest that have since become one of the defining characteristics of his administration.

As a result, one question pervades every action and policy decision of consequence made by his administration: Are President Trump’s actions driven by his duty to represent the best interests of the American people or by a self-serving pursuit of his own personal financial interests?

Since day one of the Trump administration, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has been tracking the conflicts of interest that stem from the president’s decision not to divest from the Trump Organization. They fall into five broad categories:

Visits to Trump properties by foreign government officials, members of Congress, state government officials, and Trump administration officials, including Trump himself.

· Events that political organizations, foreign governments and foreign government-linked groups, and special-interest groups hold at Trump properties, possibly to buy access to and curry favor with the Trump administration.

· Instances in which President Trump and other White House officials have used their platform to publicly promote Trump Organization properties by mentioning or referencing them in official statements or on social media.

· Trademarks to Trump businesses given final or preliminary approval by foreign countries since President Trump entered the White House.

· Other interactions between foreign or domestic governments and the Trump Organization that defy categorization. Examples range from the president ordering his Bedminster, NJ golf club to give certain administration officials an exclusive discount to a former EPA Administrator trying to buy a mattress from the Trump Hotel in Washington.


I just came back from city hall, where I switched my voter registration from Republican to unenrolled (aka independent). Two reasons:

First, the Republican Party has largely become the Party of Trump. Too many Republicans in Congress are willing, in the interest of protecting their jobs, to overlook Trump's misdeeds (just as too many Democrats were for Clinton during his impeachment). I have no interest in associating myself with that behavior. Maybe someday, the party will return to having honorable leaders like Bush, McCain, and Romney. Until then, count me out.
