Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You first have to earn respect before getting respect. Trump is a complete joke and has made America look pathetic!
He earned enough respect to win the highest office. The economy is kicking ass, my 401k is doing amazing, unemployment is at an all time low and countries finally fear us again. I cant believe how much damage to our country and reputation Obama has done. So much for easing race relations.

I couldn't be happier with this president and we will see how everyone else feels in 2020.

Besides for your feelings what facts can you provide for your pour review of the president?
Traitors For Trump

This is where you’re supposed to stand up for what’s right.

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman is a decorated Iraq war veteran. He’s an expert on Ukraine serving on the National Security Council in the White House. Now, he’s being smeared as a “Never Trumper” and even a traitor. His crime? Speaking out in a sense of duty. Vindman was on the call between Trump and Ukraine’s president and he was so troubled by what he heard, he registered internal objections…twice.

In Vindman’s opening statement which was released to the press, he says, “I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained.”

Now, people who call themselves patriots are smearing a decorated war veteran to defend a draft dodger. I guess all those years of service to his country doesn’t mean anything if he says something negative about Trump. I guess screaming “lock her up” at a Trump rally is greater service than fighting for your country.

This is where you need to stand up. Don’t let them do this. I realize you can’t defend Trump on the charges, but you don’t have to slander a veteran. To attack a veteran for being alarmed over Trump’s behavior is putting cult worship before your country. At this point, what are you good for?

We’re America. We honor our veterans. We’re better than this. If you’re still supporting Trump, you’re not better.


In his writings and public statements, Bukovsky remained steadfastly in favor of direct opposition to the Soviet Union, condemning for collaboration and collusion those such as Henry Kissinger who favored amoral realpolitik. Bukovsky saw clearly that the “peaceful coexistence” touted by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev and his successors was a sham. No nation capable of imprisoning and torturing its citizens the way the Soviet Union did, Bukovsky said, could ever be a part of a civilized world of human rights and individual liberty.

With dissolution of the Soviet Union, Bukovsky focused on exposing the crimes of the Soviet intelligence services that had tormented his life and the lives of so many others. He hoped to see a Nuremberg-like trial for Soviet communism, a complete public accounting and purging of the security apparatus. He understood that this was essential not only to root out the KGB in Russia so that democracy might flourish, but also to reveal the true horrors of the Soviet regime to every Russian and the world.

It was a clear sign of things to come when Bukovsky’s work in the KGB archives was shut down in 1993. There would be no lustration, no truth commissions, just a feeble charade in 1992 to (briefly) ban the Communist Party. The Soviet KGB archives would remain secret and, while the rest of us were still flush with hope and failed to read the signs, Bukovsky’s keen moral compass did not fail him. He declined to return to Russia from Britain, knowing that a nation that refused to disavow its brutal past was charting a course to return to it.

Bukovsky’s criticism of Putin made him a target of a typical KGB smear campaign in the last years of his life, and it is a pity that he wasn’t better protected in his adopted home. (His friend (Alexander Litvinenko) met an even worse fate, fatally poisoned in London by Russian intelligence in 2006.)

Bukovsky’s warnings about not making common cause with despotism are needed more than ever today. As he wrote in “ (Judgment in Moscow),” “The voice of conscience whispers that our fall began from the moment we agreed to ‘peaceful coexistence’ with evil.” We have fallen far indeed, and the voice of Vladimir Bukovsky will always be with us to hold up the mirror of history to anyone proclaiming the need to find common ground with dictators.
[Thread] So AG Bill Barr took a few minutes away from working on Trump’s re-election campaign to talk with Fox News. He assured everyone that his investigation of the investigators who found massive illegal Russian interference in the 2016 election isn’t designed to help Trump.

2. Really? Let’s see if that claim withstands scrutiny. All of our intelligence agencies concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Trump get elected. A bipartisan congressional committee concluded the exact same thing.

3. Mueller also found “sweeping and systematic” Russian interference to get Trump elected. If fact, Mueller criminally indicted a battalion of Russians for criminally interfering in our election. But Barr, apparently unconvinced, is trying to undo those findings because those

4. findings bother Trump & undermine the legitimacy of his presidency. Let’s use an example to highlight the folly of Barr’s quest. Let’s assume a person, we’ll call him Thomas, calls the police & reports that he suspects his neighbor, we’ll call him Stephen, is a serial killer.

5. Thomas tells the police he has seen several women entering Stephen’s house but never sees any leave. Recently, he heard desperate cries coming from inside Stephen’s house. He also started noticing a smell coming from the house that he associates with death/decomposition.

6. The police investigate, develop sufficient evidence to obtain a search warrant, go into Stephen’s house and, to everyone’s horror, discover a dozen bodies. The police arrest Stephen, read him his Miranda rights (which he waives, agreeing to be interviewed) & Stephen confesses

7. to committing a dozen murders. Stephen is indicted, tried and convicted for his crimes. Now, Bill Barr enters the picture. Trump tells Barr that Stephen is a good friend of his and Thomas is a political enemy. Trump tells Barr to investigate Thomas.

8. Barr investigates Thomas and discovers that Stephen once borrowed Thomas’s lawnmower and failed to return it. Accordingly, Barr concludes that Thomas is not to be believed because he has a bias against Stephen. Barr announces that he therefore believes

9. Stephen should be cleared because Thomas had a grudge against Stephen. But what about all the evidence proving Stephen is a serial killer, one might ask? That doesn’t matter. Stephen is a Trump friend and Thomas is a Trump foe. That’s all that matters in the corrupt world

10. of Donald Trump & William Barr. Same principle w/all the indisputable evidence of Russian interference. That doesn’t matter in corrupt Trump/Barr world. Putin is Trump’s man, so the investigators who uncovered Russia’s attack on our election & our country must be undermined.
