Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Professor Eric Rasmusen has, for many years, used his private social media accounts to disseminate his racist, sexist, and homophobic views. When I label his views in this way, let me note that the labels are not a close call, nor do his posts require careful parsing to reach these conclusions. He has posted, among many other things, the following pernicious and false stereotypes:
  • That he believes that women do not belong in the workplace, particularly not in academia, and that he believes most women would prefer to have a boss than be one; he has used slurs in his posts about women;
  • That gay men should not be permitted in academia either, because he believes they are promiscuous and unable to avoid abusing students;
  • That he believes that black students are generally unqualified for attendance at elite institutions, and are generally inferior academically to white students.
Ordinarily, I would not dignify these bigoted statements with repetition, but we need to confront exactly what we are dealing with in Professor Rasmusen’s posts. His expressed views are stunningly ignorant, more consistent with someone who lived in the 18th century than the 21st. Sometimes Professor Rasmusen explains his views as animated by his Christian faith, although Christ was neither a bigot nor did he use slurs; indeed, he counseled avoiding judgments. Rhetorically speaking, Professor Rasmusen has demonstrated no difficulty in casting the first, or the lethal, stone.

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What’s Your Crazy?

Fiona Hill went to Capitol Hill yesterday and schooled Devin Nunes and the rest of the Republican nitwits serving on the Intelligence Committee.

Dr. Hill, an expert on Russia, scolded the Republicans for pushing the false, debunked conspiracy theory that it was Ukraine meddling in our 2016 presidential election in favor of the Democrats, and not Russia helping Trump. From the expressions on the Republicans’ faces, it was like trying to teach the difference between the words “cheese” and “keys” to your dog. You know every time, that dog’s going to be thinking cheese.

Dr. Hill may want to keep in mind that there’s more than one conspiracy theory Republicans believe in. Once upon a time, they used to kind-of-sort-of keep them under wraps, as only truly crazy people pursue them. Now, Donald Trump is pushing the Joe Biden is corrupt conspiracy along with the Crowdstrike conspiracy (where the Democratic National Committee server is stored in Ukraine for some dumb reason), and these theories were created and spread on 4chan. Republicans aren’t even trying to hide their crazy anymore.

After Dr. Hill’s mic drop of facts on Republicans, they still want to subpoena Hunter Biden and chase debunked conspiracy theories.

The thing is, you don’t have to be even kinda sorta smart not to for a conspiracy theory created by a Russian troll farm. Hell, you can even be slightly stupid and not fall for it. The thing with Republicans is, they don’t want to work with facts, logic, or reason anymore. You have to admit, with the way they’re smearing veterans, women, immigrants, diplomats, and anyone who’s served their nation, it goes well with their scorched-Earth campaign.

Dr. Fiona Hill isn’t a new hero to the left. She’s an American hero.


In July 1973, after (John Dean’s blockbuster testimony) about the Watergate coverup, Post columnist (Art Buchwald) wrote a tongue-in-cheek column headlined “Response List for Nixon Backers.” (A tip of my fedora to Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark for flagging it.) “As a public service,” Buchwald wrote, “I am printing instant responses for loyal Nixonites when they are attacked at a party.” His very first item — “Everyone does it” — shows how little things have changed, while his most common trope — “What about Chappaquiddick?” — demonstrates that “whataboutism” wasn’t invented yesterday.

Herewith, as a public service, I am printing a list of excuses for loyal Trumpkins when they are attacked on Facebook or Twitter. (Note: Any resemblance between these “alternative facts” and actual facts is purely coincidental.)

1. The fact witnesses won’t say that President Trump should be impeached. So he’s innocent.

2. Is it a quid pro quo or bribery or extortion or a high crime or a misdemeanor or what? Democrats keep changing their story.

3. Trump, “I want a quid pro quo.” He doesn’t even speak Latin!

4. Trump is too stupid to carry off a quid pro quo.

5. Sure, it was a quid pro quo, but so what? Everyone does it. Get over it.

6. Democrats have been planning a coup since day one.

7. This is the latest hoax scandal. Why do Democrats keep accusing Trump of things?

8. Democrats are trying to get nude photos of Trump.

9. Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election. Trump was right to demand an investigation.

10. Ukraine got its aid in the end. Stop whining.

11. Trump has done more for Ukraine than President Barack Obama ever did. He sent missiles, not blankies and binkies.

12. Trump

13. Trump

14. All of the witnesses are Never Trump human scum — even the one who contributed $1 million to the Trump inaugural.

15. Sure, Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is a war hero, but he wasn’t born around here, and he speaks foreign languages — with actual foreigners. You know what that means.

16. Vindman wears a uniform to testify. You know what that means, too.

17. George Kent drinks water and wears a bow tie. What the hell is wrong with that guy?

18. Marie Yovanovitch messed up Somalia, so Trump was right to fire her as ambassador to Ukraine.

19. Trump was elected to fire bureaucrats. Who cares what they say?

20. Gordon Sondland totally vindicated Trump. The impeachment hoax is over.

21. It’s all a “deep state” plot.

22. Christopher Steele, Nellie Ohr and (Fusion GPS).


CNN’s Jake Tapper thinks fact-checking Donald Trump is no longer enough — and he’s created an hourlong special exploring the effects on foreign policy, business and the national culture of the president’s compulsive lying.

While news organizations including The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post have openly weighed when and whether to call Trump’s misstatements “lies” — a term that implies malice and forethought — Tapper thinks the media is well past the point of giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. His special, therefore, represents a new benchmark in the mainstream media’s adjustment to Trump’s norm-shattering presidency.

In an interview, the 50-year-old anchor admitted he can’t read Trump’s mind. But Tapper also isn’t afraid to ascribe motive when the president repeats a false claim “over and over and over” despite evidence to the contrary. It’s not an honest mistake; it’s a lie.

CLEVELAND -- Of all the regions in all the states in all the country, Jim Jordan got dragged into ours. There was no good reason to punish Greater Cleveland by making the person who’s now the second most contemptible human being in the entire U.S. government part of the region’s delegation to Congress. Worse yet, the betrayal was bipartisan.

When Ohio’s political and legislative leaders were drawing new congressional boundaries prior to the 2012 election, Democrats wanted a district that would protect U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge. Republicans wanted districts that would elect the maximum number of GOP congressmen. And some people from both parties wanted a district that would likely lead to the defeat of longtime Cleveland Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

They all got what they wanted.

But to make it work required drawing a hideously gerrymandered district for the southwest Ohio congressman, one that meanders some 200 miles from near Dayton north into Lorain County near Cleveland.

And now it’s fitting that Republicans have given this seven-term sycophant a starring role in the televised House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON — Republicans have sought for weeks amid the impeachment inquiry to shift attention to President Trump’s demands that Ukraine investigate any 2016 election meddling, defending it as a legitimate concern while Democrats accuse Mr. Trump of pursuing fringe theories for his benefit.

The Republican defense of Mr. Trump became central to the impeachment proceedings when Fiona Hill, a respected Russia scholar and former senior White House official, added a harsh critique during testimony on Thursday. She told some of Mr. Trump’s fiercest defenders in Congress that they were repeating “a fictional narrative” — and that it likely came from a disinformation campaign by Russian security services, which themselves propagated it.