Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON — Republicans have sought for weeks amid the impeachment inquiry to shift attention to President Trump’s demands that Ukraine investigate any 2016 election meddling, defending it as a legitimate concern while Democrats accuse Mr. Trump of pursuing fringe theories for his benefit.

The Republican defense of Mr. Trump became central to the impeachment proceedings when Fiona Hill, a respected Russia scholar and former senior White House official, added a harsh critique during testimony on Thursday. She told some of Mr. Trump’s fiercest defenders in Congress that they were repeating “a fictional narrative.” She said that it likely came from a disinformation campaign by Russian security services, which also propagated it.

In a briefing that closely aligned with Dr. Hill’s testimony, American intelligence officials informed senators and their aides in recent weeks that Russia had engaged in a yearslong campaign to essentially frame Ukraine as responsible for Moscow’s own hacking of the 2016 election, according to three American officials. The briefing came as Republicans stepped up their defenses of Mr. Trump in the Ukraine affair.

The revelations demonstrate Russia’s persistence in trying to sow discord among its adversaries — and show that the Kremlin apparently succeeded, as unfounded claims about Ukrainian interference seeped into Republican talking points. American intelligence agencies believe Moscow is likely to redouble its efforts as the 2020 presidential campaign intensifies. The classified briefing for senators also focused on Russia’s evolving influence tactics, including its growing ability to better disguise operations.
President Trump won the 2016 election by accepting clandestine foreign help. He was caught trying to win the 2020 election by extorting clandestine foreign help. If unchecked, he will do it again. He's likely doing it right now.

Trump's Ukraine plot nearly succeeded. Pressured by escalating Russian violence over summer 2019, Zelensky booked a 9/13 interview w @FareedZakaria to announce investigation of Biden. Only the 9/9 delivery of whistleblower report to Congress disrupted the scheme.

And don't forget that the Trump admin had illegally -but successfully - suppressed the whistleblower report for 6 weeks. If the suppression had succeeded only 1 week more, Trump's plan to conscript Zelensky as a 2020 campaign auxiliary would have worked.

One more thing. We treat Trump's escalating pressure on Zelensky to accuse Biden - and Russia's escalating violence vs Ukraine - as two unconnected events. But if Russia knew Trump was pressuring Zelensky (thanks eg to Sondland's unsecured calls) then maybe events were connected

I keep wondering whether by escalating its violence vs Ukraine in August and September 2019, Russia was doing its part to pressure Zelensky to help Trump win re-election in 2020

Now that the scheme has failed for the time being, it can be waved away as merely "inappropriate" by @HurdOnTheHill

But with only slightly tighter timing, Trump would have succeeded in his plan to extort Ukraine to help him exonerate Putin and slander Biden.

Thread by @davidfrum: "President Trump won the 2016 election by accepting clandestine foreign help. He was caught trying to win the 2020 election by extorting clan […]"