Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald Trump Jr. Explains That White Supremacist Radio Interview Was an Accident
by Tommy Christopher | 10:45 am, March 3rd, 2016


Donald Trump Jr.
, son of embattled Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, is doing damage control over an interview he gave to James Edwards, the host of white supremacist radio showThe Political Cesspool. In a week when the elder Trump is contendingwith fallout from his treatment of Klan legend David Duke‘s endorsement, Trump the Younger says the 20-minute interview he gave Edwards was an accident:

Trump Jr. said that the campaign had worked with an outside booking agency to line up 35 radio interviews for him to do via telephone from his Manhattan office in Trump Tower.

One of those interviews was with Sam Bushman, who hosts a nationally syndicated conservative radio show. Trump Jr. said that unbeknownst to him, Bushman brought another person with him who also asked questions. It turned out to be Edwards, the host of a program titled “Political Cesspool.”
“I never knew he was in the room so he didn’t interview me. He did apparently ask a question or two though. I had no idea,” Trump said.
Trump’s son, meanwhile, says the criticism he has received over his appearance is an effort by those in the media to continue a “false narrative that my father is racist.”

…“I didn’t even know I was on with anyone other than Sam as it was radio and I only was scheduled with Sam per the call sheet,” Trump Jr. said. “I certainly had no idea of James’ background, and if I had I would have refused.”

“The way the media is spinning it is as though I voluntarily spoke with this guy and I knew his background, rather than I was essentially duped by him being in the room and asking an inane question where I clearly could not have ever known what or whom I was talking to. It’s very unfair, and typical of the way much of the media has handled us,” Trump Jr. said.

It was no accident, however, that the Trump campaign issued credential to Edwards and his radio show for a Trump rally on Saturday night, hours before Trump’s controversial refusal to disavow David Duke’s endorsement.
At least 2/3 are the very same experts that led the US to spend trillions on wars it lost. IOW, neocons.
If the Bushes never won the presidency then we would not have been fighting these damn wars in the Middle East and that 9/11 may not have happened.

We certainly don't need any more wars! So much money and lives lost due to incompetent politicians and activist presidents.
[2012] Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny, Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes, Beginning Day
Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny, Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes, Beginning Day

NEW YORK—Real estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump reportedly stood before his bedroom's full-length mirror Wednesday morning and stared forlornly at his aged, shriveled penis before getting dressed and leaving his residence in Manhattan's Trump Tower to start the day.

According to reports, the 66-year-old had laid his suit out on his bed and was preparing to step into a pair of silk boxer shorts when he glimpsed his deteriorating body in the mirror. Trump then spent approximately 15 to 20 minutes morosely reflecting on his appearance, dedicating most of that time to gazing at his desiccated sexual anatomy and contemplating its all-but-total lack of function.

"God, look at this thing," said a dejected Trump, hoisting up a large quantity of belly flab with his forearm to make his stunted organ visible. "Pitiful."

Trump, who in just over an hour would be appearing on the morning show Fox And Friendsto assert that the president of the United States was not an American citizen, is said to have grasped the bulb of his penis with his thumb and forefinger and stretched the organ to its full 3-inch length before letting it go and leaving it to loll on an unruly tangle of mostly gray pubic hair. Noticing the pronounced droop of his scrotum, Trump glumly cupped his testicles in his hand and lifted them several inches until they reached the approximate height at which they had hung in his youth and even into early middle age.

Mitt Romney Is The Real Super-Fraud: Here's The Proof, Chapter And Verse
Mitt Romney Is The Real Super-Fraud: Here's The Proof, Chapter And Verse | Zero Hedge

Now that’s a screaming case of the pot calling the kettle black if there ever was one. Mitt Romney has lashed out at The Donald for being a “phony and fraud”, but consider this. During his 16-years at Bain Capital, fully one-fourth or $600 million of the firms cumulative $2.5 billion of profits were scalped from companies which went bankrupt soon after Mitt and his partners got out of town with the loot.

No wonder the American voters did not believe him when he claimed to be the “job creator”!

Yes, the GOP establishment’s putative “jobs” candidate from 2012 was never really a businessman at all. He was an LBO strip-mining artist who rode the first Greenspan Bubble to riches between 1987 and 2000. Yet in the overwhelming share of the 77 investment deals he superintended during that period, he left behind financial cripples, zombies and Chapter Eleven bait.


Too bad Web didn't run for real. Would have at least made the Democrat debates worth watching. (Jim Webb: I could vote for Trump, but not Hillary) (David Weigel) March 4 at 11:00 AM

Former Virginia senator Jim Webb (Charlie Neibergall/AP)
In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Reagan administration veteran-turned-Democratic senator from Virginia turned short-term presidential candidate Jim Webb said twice that he could not support Hillary Clinton if she won the Democratic nomination for president.

“No, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton,” Webb said.

Pressed on whether he would vote for Donald Trump, Webb said he was “not sure” but had not ruled it out.

“It’s nothing personal about Hillary Clinton, but the reason Donald Trump is getting so much support right now is not because of the, you know, ‘racists,’ etc. and etc.,” Webb said. “It’s because a certain group of people are seeing him as the only one who has the courage to say, ‘We’ve got to clean out the stables of the American governmental system right now.’ If you're voting for Donald Trump, you might be getting something very good or very bad. If you’re voting for Hillary Clinton, you’re going to get the same thing. Do you want the same thing?”

Webb, who briefly ran for the Democratic nomination before dropping out and recently ruled out an independent bid for president, had just watched Trump win landslide votes in the part of the country Webb knows best.

In Virginia, the mogul won by 2.8 percent of the vote, but (dominated) the counties of Appalachia, peaking at 69.7 percent in Buchanan County. That was the sort of place that Webb had seen break from the Democrats during the Obama years. In 2006, during his successful Senate bid, Webb won the county by 12 points. Six years later, when now-Sen. Timothy M. Kaine (D-Va.) ran to replace Webb, he lost Buchanan by 28.6 points — and President Obama lost it by 34.7 points.

Trump is finding a large number of supporters in “coal country” without paying much attention to the Obama administration’s energy policies or to the plight of miners. In his refusal to rule out a Trump vote, Webb was acknowledging the mogul’s surprising appeal to white voters who feel left out of American culture — something that may help him win delegates this weekend in Kentucky and next week in Mississippi.