Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The point I was making wasnt pro trump or against trump. It solely points to the fact no matter what trump does, the left will try and spin it against him, even at the risk of sounding hypocritical.

Again, nothing you even said is hypocritical. Not one example you tried to connect is even remotely the same. You seriously are going to try to make the case that trump pulling troops out of Syria and him attacking an Iranian general consequently needing to put more troops on the ground because of HIS irrational actions is somehow the same ? Let me get this straight , your argument is; it doesn’t make sense to want troops in Syria still and not want trump to assassinate an Iranian general?
Again, nothing you even said is hypocritical. Not one example you tried to connect is even remotely the same. You seriously are going to try to make the case that trump pulling troops out of Syria and him attacking an Iranian general consequently needing to put more troops on the ground because of HIS irrational actions is somehow the same ? Let me get this straight , your argument is; it doesn’t make sense to want troops in Syria still and not want trump to assassinate an Iranian general?

I'm not saying he was right or wrong either way. What I'm saying is no matter what he does, the liberals are gonna go against it.

They drew a line in the sand, they're running on the anti trump campaign slogan(amongst the typical liberal agenda). I tell you what, I'd bet my bottom dollar not one of these dems will best him in an election. I'll tell you another thing, I bet the house flips republicans, mainly because people are sick and tired of the lefts bs. But also because people are leaving liberal states in mass. Come the next census republicans will gain more seats due to people voting with there feet.

Not to say that republicans are much better than then dems. But shit these liberals make moderates look conservative in comparison.

This is coming from someone born and raised in probably the most liberal city in the country.
My opinion on the matter is I personally think the US shouldnt be in any regime change wars on the middle east. Pull our troops.

But I'm not gonna cry foul over an Iranian terrorist being killed. It's like when he killed baghdadi, the left referred to it as the killing of a religious scholar. Really?
I think it's pretty clear that impeachment is political ploy.

Nancy wasnt behind it. Then someone reminded her shes next in line for presidency if trump and pence are removed. Imagine that. Nancy pelosi for president.

The house tells you trump is a clear and present danger. Heres the evidence. Its 100% clear. Trump gets impeached. She holds on to the articles saying we need more evidence we need more witnesses. Youd have to be naive to believe this political show.

They have no chance of winning an election against him. They've been trying to impeach him since his first day in office.

Luckily, the senate will squash it, and maybe these politicians can go back to work instead of political theater.