Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

(CNN) Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, said Monday that the administration will continue using the term "fake news" until the media understands that their "monumental desire" to attack the President is wrong.

"There is a monumental desire on behalf of the majority of the media, not just the pollsters, the majority of the media to attack a duly elected President in the second week of his term," Gorka, a former Breitbart editor who also holds a PhD in political science, told syndicated conservative radio host Michael Medved.

"That's how unhealthy the situation is and until the media understands how wrong that attitude is, and how it hurts their credibility, we are going to continue to say, 'fake news.' I'm sorry, Michael. That's the reality," he added.
Trump’s assault on the truth
Trump’s assault on the truth - The Boston Globe

This morning, the president tweeted out the following two statements:

“Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.”

“I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!”

It’s been fashionable in recent weeks to cite “1984,’’ George Orwell’s famous and disturbing vision of a totalitarian future in describing the assault on truth in Trump’s America. But truly Trump is operating at a whole different level — one both more amateurish than Orwell’s imagined dystopian future and also one more brazenly disrespectful of the truth.

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth,” is a quote from the book that one now increasingly sees on social media. I’ve always been partial to the line, “Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia,” (previously in the book, Oceania had been at war with Eurasia) as an example of how Trump and his acolytes constantly try to rewrite history.

But truth be told, rewriting history is more of a congressional GOP game — like Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell demanding an up-and-down vote for Trump’s Supreme Court pick when he refused to do the same for Barack Obama’s Supreme Court pick. Or there is always House speaker Paul Ryan insisting that repealing Obamacare, taking health insurance away from 20 million to 30 million people, and replacing it with an undetermined replacement plan is a “better way.”

These men are propagandists and probably smart enough to know that they are lying. Trump lacks the skills of these two — in part because it’s not clear he understands that he’s lying.

Trump is operating at a level that would make even Orwell blush. With his tweets Monday morning, he was further honing the position that everything he says is true and everything “negative” about him is, as he wrote in a later tweet, “total fiction.”

So there is one truth in Trump’s world — whatever statement comes out of his mouth at a given moment. And there is no shelf life to that momentary truth, because Trump will say something later that contradicts it or is even the exact opposite . . . and that’s the new truth. If a poll shows Trump doing well — as was the case during the campaign — or if a poll shows a positive response to his inaugural speech, then he will cite it as evidence in his favor. If a poll shows voter anger and wariness about his policies, it’s “fake news.” The accuracy of polling is defined solely by whether they make Trump look good or look bad.

Indeed, for Trump, anything that is printed in newspapers or spoken on television that goes against his version of reality is “fake news” — something made up not just to demean and diminish Trump, but also to actively mislead. It’s not Trump who is lying to you: It’s the “fake news” media.

And it’s not even just the media. When a federal judge ruled against Trump’s executive order on immigration last week, he was not wrong on the merits, he was a “so-called judge” and thus somehow not real.

At the same time, Trump’s staff seems to have few ethical qualms about acting like the boss. It started the day after the inauguration with White House press spokesman Sean Spicer falsely and bizarrely insisting that Trump’s inaugural had the largest crowd in history. It continued this weekend, with Kellyanne Conway evoking a made-up “Bowling Green Massacre” to justify the president’s travel ban — something she’d already done a few days before.

America has a profoundly impaired president, enabled by his staff, who not only says things that are provably false but who also insists that only he can define reality. That’s not normal, and no democracy can survive with a president who acts like this.

If anything, the literary analogy that comes to mind 17 days into Trump’s horror show of a presidency is the children’s story “The Emperor Has No Clothes’’ — about a world in which everyone is cowed into seeing the world in the same way that their leader does.

The one major difference is that in America 2017, the ordinary citizens too fearful to point out the truth, as the emperor walks down the street completely naked, are Republican members of a coequal branch of government. They understand that Trump is saying and doing things that make no rational sense. How much longer can they remain silent about a president so disturbingly unmoored from reality?
It amazes me how many people dont understand the difference between bias and FAKE!

So many people disregard anything that makes "thier" guy look bad. Fox is the gold standard of fabricated news for political purposes.

Nice try cupcake:)
It amazes me how many people dont understand the difference between bias and FAKE!

So many people disregard anything that makes "thier" guy look bad. Fox is the gold standard of fabricated news for political purposes.

Nice try cupcake:)
Of course blame the news outlet when the narrative doesn't fit. Is fox any faker than cnn and msnbc? Hell no. Msnbc altered the 911 audio in the Zimmerman treyvon case to create a false narrative. Msnbc altered audio in a hearing for Sandy hook victims parents to create a false narrative. Msnbc and CNN have much blood on their hands pushing the false racism narrative for ratings and to push their political agenda. So, fake news?
So back to denying climate science again ? This nation never seizes to amaze me:)
@DeadFlex why do you insist on using the word snowflake? Do you know it's history or you just randomly throwing words outhere?
So back to denying climate science again ? This nation never seizes to amaze me:)
@DeadFlex why do you insist on using the word snowflake? Do you know it's history or you just randomly throwing words outhere?
When the climate change machine is caught intentionally lying over and over again about their data and the people's pushing the narrative are getting filthy rich it isn't hard to believe there should be a bit of skepticism out there. Matter of fact I would say if your not at least a bit skeptical then your an easy mark.
Of course blame the news outlet when the narrative doesn't fit. Is fox any faker than cnn and msnbc? Hell no. Msnbc altered the 911 audio in the Zimmerman treyvon case to create a false narrative. Msnbc altered audio in a hearing for Sandy hook victims parents to create a false narrative. Msnbc and CNN have much blood on their hands pushing the false racism narrative for ratings and to push their political agenda. So, fake news?

Bro, if you cant tell the difference between fox news and cnn..I dont know what to tell you:(
When the climate change machine is caught intentionally lying over and over again about their data and the people's pushing the narrative are getting filthy rich it isn't hard to believe there should be a bit of skepticism out there. Matter of fact I would say if your not at least a bit skeptical then your an easy mark.

Please prove all these lies from climate change scientists. And not from fox news please. Surely if there is this wide spread conspiracy that has been proven it would be reported on many different news outlets correct?