Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The only thing worth taking away from that article is the first comment at the bottom:

"Wow, that was the biggest bunch of crap I've seen today. You're judging someone's sanity by the amount of money they have, garnering votes through fear and lies, and surrounding themselves with a staff full of "intellect and gravitas" (which other people consider a staff of contemptuous rich fools)? Maybe Dr. Ablow needs to be examined, as well."

That's something someone like you took away.
One Iraq national with rape conviction is the only example fox can give to their point of view. Where on so called radical left media, you actually have the identity of the women and the kids who are being deported. You are getting your info from the main stream media but telling everyone else to not to listen to the mainstream media????? How is fox any different than MSNBC or CNN
One Iraq national with rape conviction is the only example fox can give to their point of view. Where on so called radical left media, you actually have the identity of the women and the kids who are being deported. You are getting your info from the main stream media but telling everyone else to not to listen to the mainstream media????? How is fox any different than MSNBC or CNN

Better balance than the ones you mentioned.
Ultimately it's on the viewer as to who and/or what they choose to believe.

Here's an excerpt:

In the year 2013, the Obama administration removed from this country more than 434,000 illegal aliens, the highest number in history, which goes all the way back to 1892. Did you see any anti-Obama demonstrations? Did you see any screaming headlines in the national media? No, you did not. Even after President Obama said this:

“What we should be doing is setting up a smart, legal immigration system, that doesn't separate families but does focus on making sure that people who are dangerous, you know, people who are gang bangers, are criminals, that we are deporting them as quickly as possible.”

And that is exactly what President Trump is doing. Exactly.

This is NOT exactly what Trump is doing. Not only is he deporting people, banning Muslims from traveling here but he is working towards making the LEGAL immigration system much more difficult as well. Do you like the idea of the American dream? Well say goodbye to it.

I'm all for tossing out criminals that aren't supposed to be here... But if you think that's the only thing going on you're blind or blissfully ignorant.
Better balance than the ones you mentioned.
Ultimately it's on the viewer as to who and/or what they choose to believe.
All due respect, as Long as their narrative fits what you want to hear. When did the truth become something you Want to believe instead of have to believe??? Who is pushing alternative facts as truth? We have treason being committed by people who are being called out by the worlds best spy agencies(CIA, FBI, NSA.....)in presidents detail. He is calling out His own country when confronted by the guy you quoted at fox, saying our ensesters are murderes too ? I understand the ideological difference between you and I, but ignoring what's in front of your eyes because it doesn't fit your rhetoric is insane!!! We never seen this kind of serious offenses in modern time!!!!
I am baffled to see the nightmare we are in is being ignored by partisan double talk. I don't believe you don't see what's going on, I think you are trying to stay optimistic!!! I hope you are right!!
You want real news, listen to where fox and CNN get theirs from??

Associated press , Reuters, BBC, very dignified. And they don't have opinion columns. Not like FOX not like CNN not like MSNBC. So if you're going to have a solid argument don't fall into my guy is better than yours bullshit. It's either mainstream media or it's not. There are news agencies I just listed they are impartial.
Better balance than the ones you mentioned.
Ultimately it's on the viewer as to who and/or what they choose to believe.

I take everything I read with a grain of salt no matter the outlet.

You contradict yourself with your statements and your actions. You say you take everything with a grain of salt but quote One mainstream media and call the rest radical left?
Is it true that general Flynn lost his security clearance
Is it true that all Trump senior advisers were in direct contact with Russian Intel agency
Is it true that there is a concerted effort from the White House to stop the leaks that is hurting the whole administration.

So why does it matter who reports the truth?
I doubt if we ever really know the "truth" MassTurk....Also sounds like you need to educate yourself a bit on the worlds spy agencies....;)
Influential conservative group: Trump, DeVos should dismantle Education Department and bring God into classrooms (Influential conservative group: Trump, DeVos should dismantle Education Department and bring God into classrooms)

A policy manifesto from an influential conservative group with ties to the Trump administration, including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, urges the dismantling of the Education Department and bringing God into American classrooms.

The five-page document produced by the Council for National Policy calls for a “restoration of education in America” that would minimize the federal role, promote religious schools and home schooling and enshrine “historic Judeo-Christian principles” as a basis for instruction.

Names of the council’s members are closely held. But the Southern Poverty Law Center published a 2014 membership directory showing that Stephen K. Bannon — now chief White House strategist for President Trump — was a member and that Kellyanne Conway — now counselor to the president — served on the council’s executive committee.

DeVos was not listed as a member, but her mother, Elsa Prince Broekhuizen, was namedon the council’s board of governors. Her father-in-law, Amway founder Richard DeVos Sr., twice served as president, most recently from 1990 to 1993. And she and her husband have given money to the council as recently as 2007 through their family foundation, according to federal tax records.

The council’s “Education Reform Report” says it is intended to help DeVos and Trump map a path toward change. The proposal to abolish the department dovetails with the longheld views of many Republicans, and President Trump suggested during the 2016 campaign that the agency could be “largely eliminated.” But Trump has given no sign since taking office that he aims to act on that idea, and DeVos embraced the mission of the department when she took office last week.
I doubt if we ever really know the "truth" MassTurk....Also sounds like you need to educate yourself a bit on the worlds spy agencies....;)
Truth as it's called is a fact it's hard not to know it
I'll always have my money on the good guys .
There are not many countries who can light up your cigarette with a drone somewhere in Iraq from a push of a button in Arizona
You contradict yourself with your statements and your actions. You say you take everything with a grain of salt but quote One mainstream media and call the rest radical left?
Is it true that general Flynn lost his security clearance
Is it true that all Trump senior advisers were in direct contact with Russian Intel agency
Is it true that there is a concerted effort from the White House to stop the leaks that is hurting the whole administration.

So why does it matter who reports the truth?

You missed the point. Almost Every major news media has nothing nice to say about trump. I like the contrarian point of view. I usually like the underdog. I don't allow spin doctors to sway my opinion one way or the other.