Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Trump is now directly blaming Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in his quest to overturn the election results -- throwing out a new legal twist that reeks of desperation.

Trump, Vice Prez Pence and the Trump Campaign are suing Biden and Harris in Wisconsin -- seeking to set aside the absentee ballots that helped them win in 2 key counties that went blue on Nov. 3 ... Milwaukee and Dane.

In the suit, Trump and co. ask the court to set aside the Board of Canvassers' legal determination that in-person absentee ballots should be counted ... alleging that doing so violates a Wisconsin law requiring written applications for such ballots.

The campaign's argument is the absentee ballots cast for Biden/Harris in those counties did not follow the proper procedure.

As for why Trump's now going after the President-elect and Vice President-elect as defendants, it's not entirely clear. Dozens of Trump's election results lawsuits -- without Biden and Harris as defendants -- have been tossed out by judges all over the country.