Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

1/10. Cruz et al do not allege fraud, they allege allegations of fraud.

2/10. When there are false allegations of fraud, a serious public servant tells the truth.

3/10. Elections are about turning beliefs into facts, convictions into ballots.

4/10. Retroactively turning those ballots back into beliefs, the beliefs of one man, is how you get authoritarianism.

5/10. A faith-based challenge to a democratic election amounts to an attempt to undo democracy itself.

6/10. Democracy depends upon facts, and upon creating them and sharing them.

7/10. Modern tyranny arrives when we accept that the beliefs of the leader matter more than the actions of the people.

8/10. Post-truth is pre-fascism.

9/10. Politicians who deny the validity of ballots are responsible when their followers use bullets.

10/10. Cruz and Hawley are trying to set a precedent for 2024: lose, lie, get appointed by Congress.
