Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

As Trump keep doubling down down down, eventually either he hits bottom or we do (Opinion | As Trump keep doubling down down down, eventually either he hits bottom or we do)

How low can he go? What’s the opposite of the sky’s the limit? Should we have been surprised that President Trump has now accused former president Barack Obama of wiretapping him? Of course not. Were we surprised anyway? Somewhat. Any new crossing of a former national norm causes a noticeable twist to the stomach. We feel this twist because we are weak and Trump is strong.

Trump is strong the way someone with no conscience can be strong. It doesn’t feel wrong to trash something important, because it doesn’t feel like anything. This is the secret to people drawn toward authoritarianism. This is one of the many things they don’t teach you in school. You have to learn by watching. After a lifetime of observation you figure it out, and try to warn the others, but they are not paying attention, and then you die and the next generation has to learn it all over again for themselves, often the hard way, and too late.

But here’s the story. Trump was in a corner, again, over Russia this time, and he needed to divert attention and responsibility away from himself. And because people are catching on to his Twitter trick, he needs to keep upping the dose. If he is accused of Watergate-like activities, he will make up a parallel outrageous charge against a different president. Who suffers? Only everybody but him.

:D How it's supposed to work and how it does work is not alway's the same.....
Trumps rant shows he not only doesn't understand how a wiretap can be ordered but his absolute incompetence. SMH
Trumps rant shows he not only doesn't understand how a wiretap can be ordered but his absolute incompetence. SMH
So, he's asking for an investigation and a few Republicans in Congress are as well. If it turns out that the Obama administration wiretapped a political opponent what would be your take on that?
So, he's asking for an investigation and a few Republicans in Congress are as well. If it turns out that the Obama administration wiretapped a political opponent what would be your take on that?
He's cray cray bro. Sorry.

The investigation will happen and demonstrate how crazy he really is.

Obama can't tap your phone or mine. That takes a judge.

The director of the fbi says trump is in la la land.
He's cray cray bro. Sorry.

The investigation will happen and demonstrate how crazy he really is.

Obama can't tap your phone or mine. That takes a judge.

The director of the fbi says trump is in la la land.
Wasn't the director of the FBI a political hack, then he wasn't, and then he was again and now he isn't?

Also, obamas administration can wiretap trumps phones. They went before a judge multiple times to get that warrant.

But, like I said, if it was determined that Trump's tower was wiretapped what would be your thoughts on it?
Obama Denies Wiretapping Trump: “Like I’d Want to Hear More from That Fool?”
Obama Denies Wiretapping Trump: “Like I'd Want to Hear More from That Fool?”

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s claim that Barack Obama wiretapped him received a strong denial on Monday from the former President, who said to reporters, “Like I’d want to hear more from that fool?”

Obama said that, when he first saw Trump’s allegations on Twitter, “My first thought was, Only a narcissist on the scale of Donald Trump would think people want to hear more from him than they currently do. If anything, I think we’d all like to hear way, way less.”

He said that his wife, Michelle, agreed that the idea of his wanting to hear more from Donald Trump “was one of the funniest things she’s ever heard.”

“When I read her those Trump tweets on Saturday morning, she totally cracked up,” the former President said. “Whenever we’re at home and that guy comes on TV, I’m always, like, ‘Michelle, turn that damn thing off.’ “

Obama visibly shuddered at the notion of intelligence agencies providing him with hours of recordings of Donald Trump talking. “Don’t even,” he said.
Scally memes has you believing there is a link

And blind devotion to a mentally unstable man has you believing otherwise....

when in fact the FBI has been investigating for a while and guess what... still "NO CLEAR LINK".

And they've yet to call off the investigation....

[/quote]and remember, this is obamas FBI so not like they werent trying. But, wake me up, please, when they find something.[/QUOTE]

Yup. It is Obama's FBI that decided to investigate Clinton twice during an election....:rolleyes:
Recused is something you do when you've got nothing to hide. You know, like Loretta Lynch did after she met with Bill on the tarmac. Oh wait... she never recused herself, lol.

Recusal is what you do when you have a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. You know,like Flynn did...oh wait he never did. We had to wait until he was fired lol
Wasn't the director of the FBI a political hack, then he wasn't, and then he was again and now he isn't?

Also, obamas administration can wiretap trumps phones. They went before a judge multiple times to get that warrant.

But, like I said, if it was determined that Trump's tower was wiretapped what would be your thoughts on it?
Stop watching, listening or reading "fake news" .