Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Nobody is "kicking off" 14-24 million. By removing the mandate that forced people to pay for insurance they didn't want people will opt not to get insurance. Obamacare also had millions not insured as well. For the record I think the plan being pushed by Trump is garbage and needs a ton of adjustments. I don't see any real legislation to lower prices in the bill.

As far as republicans being the enemy of the working class here is a little something to read and absorb.

"Democrats have occupied the White House for 16 of the last 24 years, and for four of those years had control of both houses of Congress. But in that time they failed to reverse the decline in working-class wages and economic security. Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements without providing millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs means of getting new ones that paid at least as well.

They stood by as corporations hammered trade unions, the backbone of the white working class – failing to reform labor laws to impose meaningful penalties on companies that violate them, or help workers form unions with simple up-or-down votes. Partly as a result, union membership sank from 22% of all workers when Bill Clinton was elected president to less than 12% today, and the working class lost bargaining leverage to get a share of the economy’s gains.

Bill Clinton and Obama also allowed antitrust enforcement to ossify – with the result that large corporations have grown far larger, and major industries more concentrated. The unsurprising result of this combination – more trade, declining unionization and more industry concentration – has been to shift political and economic power to big corporations and the wealthy, and to shaft the working class."

Democrats lost the election because of their neglect for the working class. As stated above Democrats have done nothing but hurt the working class and it's been done predominantly under their watch for the last 20 plus years. Neither party has done much for the working class and that certainly involves the Democrats.
This is exactly what I would expect from you, and as usual you are incorrect. :) Nice try though republican.

If the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) becomes law, it could not only affect people’s health insurance but possibly their marriages as well.

It all depends on what happens with Medicaid, the federal health plan for low-income Americans ages 65 and younger. Under the ACA, Medicaid was expanded in 31 states and the District of Columbia to cover individuals and families making 138 percent of the poverty line ($34,000 for a family of four), regardless of their assets.

The Medicaid expansion helped all kinds of adults gain or retain health-care coverage. It particularly helped couples where one spouse was well and the other sick, so that the sick person’s health-care costs would not bankrupt the couple of all their assets or make it difficult to maintain health insurance. Before the Medicaid expansion, to qualify for Medicaid, the sick person had to show no assets or income.

In these situations, some couples were faced with a difficult choice: They could slowly draw down assets such as retirement accounts or home equity to pay their medical bills; or they could go through what’s called a “medical divorce,” splitting up legally so that the sick partner could enroll in Medicaid and the other person could retain their assets. Typically, these couples remained “together” and continued to care for one another; the divorce was merely on paper.

The same party of hypocrits that would ban abortion is hell bent to kill Americans by denying healthcare to tens of millions, while at the same time spending more on the defense of the top 1% and multinational corporations,

This is the truth.

As I predicted might be the case, both judges conclude that the revised ban is likely unconstitutional because it discriminates against Muslims and is motivated by hostility towards them, despite the fact that it does not explicitly mention them in the text. Both rely on the extensive statements by Trump and his advisers that reveal their purposes. I defended the use of such evidence here.

While the new order does contain some important changes relative to the original one, most of them reduce its vulnerability to due process challenges. They do little to protect it on the religious discrimination front.

Both rulings contain detailed recitations of the public statements and their relevance. The Maryland decision is, once again, particularly strong on this. Both also contain strong responses to various arguments defending the order, such as the claim that it does not discriminate against Muslims because it does not cover all Muslim-majority nations. I criticized the latter argument here; it was also effectively rebutted in the Virginia federal district court ruling against Trump’s original order.

Like the Virginia district court ruling against the original order, both of the new decisions consider the religious discrimination issue under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. For reasons I have outlined previously, I believe the religious discrimination issue is better addressed under the Equal Protection Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. But the Supreme Court’s Establishment Clause precedents also cover religious discrimination, and the two new decisions follow those precedents closely.
Just a question. Does anyone here think Obama wiretaped trump tower? If so please leave this thread?You are about to get your feelings hurt.:(
[Looks to be a job opening for a Meso member!]

The congressional reporter for Independent Journal Review, the conservative web site whose profile has risen during the Trump administration, quit on Thursday over disagreements with the website's direction, people familiar with the situation told POLITICO.

Joe Perticone felt as though his credibility as a congressional reporter was damaged by the actions of other writers on the conservative millennial-focused viral news site, the people familiar with the situation said. Perticone removed reference to IJR from his Twitter profile on Thursday afternoon.

The last straw, they said, was a post published earlier on Thursday connecting former President Barack Obama's visit to Hawaii with a Hawaiian federal judge's ruling against President Donald Trump's newest travel ban. The since-retracted post meticulously pointed out all the possible connections between Obama's visit and the judge, including that they attended Harvard at the same time, that that Obama appointed the judge, and that a restaurant Obama ate at during his trip was close to the federal courthouse.

"This is not to allege the former president met with Judge Derrick Watson, but merely to point out the timing and the opportunity was there ahead of a controversial court ruling," the story states.

The theory of Obama having a connection to the federal judge's ruling was also promoted on sites with a conspiracy theory bent including InfoWars and Gateway Pundit.
And the morons take it hook, line and sinker.

Were do these guys get their information? There have been numerous posts that dispsell alt right news sources. :)
I think most Republicans realise both sides lie. I believe that's where Republicans and Democrats differ.

Conflicts of interest. Authoritarian tendencies. Finances obscured from public view. Secret ties to Russian oligarchs. There are those who have speculated that this litany of offenses, exaggerated and actual, by the current president of the United States might be sufficient to force Republican congressional leaders to bring articles of impeachment that result in the president's removal from office.

That's not going to happen.


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