Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

This is far from over

What if Trump gets a judge order to have NSA confirm or deny wiretapping?
Assange already said ALL phone calls and Emails and some Internet activity are being recorded.
What if Assange himself specifically confirms Trump calls being recorded?
Even if Trump recorded calls were just sitting in a server, not being listened to by anyone, he'll have his point, thus no impeachment.

What if Trump says by calling "russian-hackers" it was actually a coded message for AMERICAN hackers in russia? Being Americans uncovering illegal activities, both hackers and Trump couldn't be labeled 'traitors'.

Look at Cuba recording ALL American calls in the 80s, when the soviet union imploded the USAID gave hundreds millions $ to Cuba so they could keep the America-on-Americans spying up and running
obviously this was a false flag op to avoid the political cost of having the US gov't spying their own citizens.
Russians are so dumb, everyone knows that. So anyone would believe (and it's actually true) that masterminds behind russian spying are actually Americans

In short
Trump calls were not recorded?
you're so naive
So you don't believe Assange claim that the NSA is recording EVERY SINGLE call, message or Email in America (including Trump's even if not especially being targeted)?

Insulting is easy
now answer the question and explain WHY do you believe that
This is far from over

What if Trump gets a judge order to have NSA confirm or deny wiretapping?
Assange already said ALL phone calls and Emails and some Internet activity are being recorded.
What if Assange himself specifically confirms Trump calls being recorded?
Even if Trump recorded calls were just sitting in a server, not being listened to by anyone, he'll have his point, thus no impeachment.

What if Trump says by calling "russian-hackers" it was actually a coded message for AMERICAN hackers in russia? Being Americans uncovering illegal activities, both hackers and Trump couldn't be labeled 'traitors'.

Look at Cuba recording ALL American calls in the 80s, when the soviet union imploded the USAID gave hundreds millions $ to Cuba so they could keep the America-on-Americans spying up and running
obviously this was a false flag op to avoid the political cost of having the US gov't spying their own citizens.
Russians are so dumb, everyone knows that. So anyone would believe (and it's actually true) that masterminds behind russian spying are actually Americans

In short
Trump calls were not recorded?
you're so naive
He can pick up the phone and find out if it happened or not you retarded fuck.

What a fucking disgrace. Last night the administration had to apologize to British intel for accusing them of spying on our buffoon of a president.
So you don't believe Assange claim that the NSA is recording EVERY SINGLE call, message or Email in America (including Trump's even if not especially being targeted)?

Insulting is easy
now answer the question and explain WHY do you believe that
Dude you make insulting easy. All one has to do is look at the hair brained threads you have started in this forum.

TOKYO — The Trump administration made a clear break Thursday with diplomatic efforts to talk North Korea out of a nuclear confrontation, bringing the United States and its Asian allies closer to a military response than at any point in more than a decade.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that 20 years of trying to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear program had failed and that he was visiting Asia “to exchange views on a new approach.”

Soon after Tillerson’s remarks, in a sign of mounting tensions, the North Korean Embassy held an extraordinary news conference in Beijing to blame the potential for nuclear war on the United States while vowing that its homegrown nuclear testing program will continue in self-defense.

What is truly terrifying is that we have a delusional fuck at the helm that could take this planet to the brink of nuclear war. He has no credibility left.

Property values in south korea are about to crash.
Hi BP. Approximately when are you thinking this removal from office is going to happen? Just an approximate guess is fine. I just don't see it.

Some might say you're living in an alternate reality. I'd disagree. I think your hatred of Trump (and also republicans in general) may be clouding your judgment on this issue.
Well hello right back at you.:) No way in hell will trump finish out his first term as long as he has a mental crisis weekly.

I see it now. He will be impeached and refuse to leave until he is in cuffs and shakles and escorted to a taxpayer paid vacation in a military psych ward. All the while his moron base will riot in the street.
You related to Margaret Sanger?

If forced to choose between Sanger and masteron, I'll choose Sanger everytime.../

So you don't believe Assange claim that the NSA is recording EVERY SINGLE call, message or Email in America (including Trump's even if not especially being targeted)?

Insulting is easy
now answer the question and explain WHY do you believe that

You're absolutely right, you make insulting you VERY easy....

Bc the claim is that Obama ORDERED trump to be wiretapped. Even if the NSA records every phone call made on the planet, that doesn't back up trump's claim no matter which way you slice it. Messages and emails are not forms of wiretapping unless you're using trump and spicer's "air quotes".
He can pick up the phone and find out if it happened or not you retarded fuck.

What a fucking disgrace. Last night the administration had to apologize to British intel for accusing them of spying on our buffoon of a president.
What a naive idiot
Do you believe Trump calls were recorded?
A Yes
B No
Can't you answer a simple question?

And explain why

Now for advanced, gifted minds (not you)
Why did Michael Flynn (NSA boss) and James Clapper resigned?
Just to take a vacation? To watch their kids grow?
They did because they know they are in hot water as the NSA is spying on American citizens without a judge warrant.
As simple as that
If forced to choose between Sanger and masteron, I'll choose Sanger everytime.../

You're absolutely right, you make insulting you VERY easy....

Bc the claim is that Obama ORDERED trump to be wiretapped. Even if the NSA records every phone call made on the planet, that doesn't back up trump's claim no matter which way you slice it. Messages and emails are not forms of wiretapping unless you're using trump and spicer's "air quotes".

If the NSA or "just" Assange does confirm Trump calls were recorded
that's enough for a subpoena, probably for a judge warrant was well.
that's a plain fact
Lol! Shit just got real! Masteron, you've genuinely made me laugh. Best comment youve made yet.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Obama ordered Trumps phones tapped. It would surprise me if he didn't. Obama has everyone fooled. He comes off as a well spoken, down to earth regular guy but he's part of a group of elite individuals who believe that we are incapable of governing ourselves. Im eagerly awaiting Trumps people to release the proof.

What they haven't figured out yet is that Trump has been playing a game of chess with them and they are several moves behind. He is waiting for the perfect moment and id be willing to bet there are a lot more cards up his sleeve.

The tax return thing was hilarious. Waits for everyone to stamp their feet, cross their arms and start telling stories about what Must be really going on, then releases part of his returns proving that he paid more in taxes than NBC. Media was still reeling and trying to pretend there was actually some substance to their "theories" amd "opinions." When did speculation and opinion become news? This is why they are saying real non biased investigative journalism is dead.
Lol! Shit just got real! Masteron, you've genuinely made me laugh. Best comment youve made yet.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Obama ordered Trumps phones tapped. It would surprise me if he didn't. Obama has everyone fooled. He comes off as a well spoken, down to earth regular guy but he's part of a group of elite individuals who believe that we are incapable of governing ourselves. Im eagerly awaiting Trumps people to release the proof.

What they haven't figured out yet is that Trump has been playing a game of chess with them and they are several moves behind. He is waiting for the perfect moment and id be willing to bet there are a lot more cards up his sleeve.

The tax return thing was hilarious. Waits for everyone to stamp their feet, cross their arms and start telling stories about what Must be really going on, then releases part of his returns proving that he paid more in taxes than NBC. Media was still reeling and trying to pretend there was actually some substance to their "theories" amd "opinions." When did speculation and opinion become news? This is why they are saying real non biased investigative journalism is dead.
Finally some common sense
but I think you're getting too far ahead
at this point in history it doesn't matter if Obama or anyone actually ordered to spy Trump.
Just by proving his calls were recorded, even if just because of GENERAL NSA spying, not specifically targeting Trump is enough for a subpoena/trial
By doing so Trump will

1 Avoid impeachment (at least for this accusation only)
2 Have his competitors subpoenaed/investigated/discredited/jailed

I admit Trump was reckless mentioning espionage without any backing evidence
but not only he will get away with it
he'll actually gain a lot from it

Reminds me of

The plot thickens
stay tuned
Ya know, Ive always kept politics at arms length because its so nasty and corrupt that the very thought of government used to irritate me. Trump has piqued my interest for the first time since Americans reelected George Bush Jr. A true puppet through and through.
After he was reelected, I remember saying "well, we deserve what's coming if we're stupid enough to give him another 4."

We've been in an enormous defecit ever since. The last thing America needs is another full of shit politician telling everyone what they want to hear and following through on none of it. Maybe Trump isn't the answer. Maybe he's the only answer we had at the time. I don't know. What i do know is that Hillary was not the answer.