Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Just at the moment when the West requires unity, however, it’s disintegrating. Brexit foretells the potential demise of the EU, a democratic bulwark to authoritarian Russia’s predatory strategy of divide and conquer. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, Americans have chosen a president who abjures his country’s traditional role as linchpin of the liberal world order and wishes to ally with the very power threatening to dismantle it.

Unlike any president of the postwar age, Trump’s 19th century worldview and narrow conception of America’s national interest seems to accord with a Russian sphere of influence in Europe. For the next four years at least, it is an open question whether there will be any American leadership to corral Europeans together against Russian aggression and subversion.

On the contrary, Trump wants to gain Moscow’s partnership in pivoting back to the Middle East, a strategic realignment that may sacrifice European security as the cost of Russian collaboration.

“The End of Europe,” the title of my book, portends not necessarily the dissolution of the EU or something so catastrophic as a conventional war (though these are real, if remote, possibilities), but rather something more ethereal and imaginable: the slow, gradual reversion to the European state of nature prior to the postwar integration project, and the rise of amoral, prostrate, nationalist governments that no longer project the liberal values upon which the Euro-Atlantic community is grounded, and that are willing to engage in purely transactional relationships with Moscow.

Should this future scenario come to pass, it will be the fault of apathetic Europeans, absent Americans and aggressive Russians.
There are many books written about the financial crash of 2008 and the housing bubble. But that has nothing to do with unpaid two wars that cost trillions of dollars. So I know I'm not out of my element but thank you for that. The stimulus packages that was introduced that save the auto and housing and financial companies are the only reason for less than 5% unemployment and 19,000+ Dow Jones

In substance you can disagree, but outcome was positive. What do you think a really strong military is going to do for this country if it doesn't have enough money to feed its own needy. I truly believe reading the history 10 years from now we will get a high Mark for Obama's administration. It is so sad to try to discredit a very good president for one that cannot keep this house clean and his thoughts coherent. Mr. Trump needs to be responsible for his own actions as the leader of the free world . There is no higher honor than that in this world. Let's start governing pretty soon
I was just messing around, not trying to be disrespectful. In a way, we are all out of our element because we can't see the whole picture and will always be missing certain facts since our government doesn't think we need to know where our tax dollars are really spent. I liked Obama too at first. Then I realized how full of shit he was
Only the truly ignorant could make excuses for the megalomaniac in the white house. Mesox is well represented by the ignorant.

It's going to happen morons. Your boy is going down. The entire world laughs at him and the fools that elected him.:)

It will be a river of tears when that crazy fuck is led out of the white house in chains. :) I'm going to be lmao at some of you fuck tards.
What a naive idiot
Do you believe Trump calls were recorded?
A Yes
B No
Can't you answer a simple question?

And explain why

Now for advanced, gifted minds (not you)
Why did Michael Flynn (NSA boss) and James Clapper resigned?
Just to take a vacation? To watch their kids grow?
They did because they know they are in hot water as the NSA is spying on American citizens without a judge warrant.
As simple as that
You stupid nazi asshole licker. You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever known here.. Everyone knows that. You just sitick around because you are a glutton for punishment. Miss your pops do ya? You remember when he would tuck you in at night. The things he said were alight got you thinking now. You don't feel so good about it.

Maybe talk therapy will help. If not my previous suggestion will. Pistol in that cock pocket in your face and pull the trigger.
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Brace yourself for the next twitter share or meme post by Mimi@Michael Scally MD. It will surely claim Donna Brazile was mind controlled by Russians and it's all to distract from the real corruption of Trump and the Republicans.
Awfully opinionated for a worthless fuck who has never made one worthwhile contribution to this board. You and your new best friend masteron are a couple chips off the same block. I suggest evo for you two retards.
You stupid nazi asshole licker. You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever known here.. Everyone knows that. You just sitick around because you are a glutton for punishment. Miss your pops do ya? You remember when he would tuck you in at night. The things he said were alight got you thinking now. You don't feel so good about it.

Maybe talk therapy will help. If not my previous suggestion will. Pistol in that cock pocket in your face and pull the trigger.

Awfully opinionated for a worthless fuck who has never made one worthwhile contribution to this board. You and your new best friend masteron are a couple chips off the same block. I suggest evo for you two retards.

[10, 9, 8, ... You're Fired, LMAO]

The claim that GCHQ wiretapped Donald Trump during the election campaign is "arrant nonsense", Rick Ledgett, the number two at the US National Security Agency (NSA) has said.

Mr Ledgett said the claim that GCHQ carried out surveillance activity on behalf of Barack Obama’s administration showed “a complete lack of understanding in how the relationship works”.

Mr Ledgett told the BBC security agencies on each side were not allowed from asking partners to carry out acts they were prohibited from doing.

He also said the risks implied for the UK to carry out such activity would be “epically stupid” and that it would outweigh any benefits.

If I had a $1 for every time the same old argument was made:

1. Impeachment
2. What have you contributed to this board/thread

Both are tired and irrelevant for some time now...