Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump’s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why [Satire Gold/Platinum!] (Opinion | Trump’s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why)

Some people are complaining that the budget proffered by the Trump administration, despite its wonderful macho-sounding name, is too vague and makes all sorts of cuts to needed programs in favor of increasing military spending by leaps and bounds. These people are wimps. Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney has called it a “hard power budget” which is, I think, the name of an exercise program where you eat only what you can catch, pump up your guns and then punch the impoverished in the face. This, conveniently, is also what the budget does.

This budget will make America a lean, mean fighting machine with bulging, rippling muscles and not an ounce of fat. America has been weak and soft for too long. BUT HOW WILL I SURVIVE ON THIS BUDGET? you may be wondering. I AM A HUMAN CHILD, NOT A COSTLY FIGHTER JET. You may not survive, but that is because you are SOFT and WEAK, something this budget is designed to eliminate.

What are we cutting?

Environmental Protection Agency: We absolutely do not need this. Clean rivers and breathable air are making us SOFT and letting the Chinese and the Russians get the jump on us. We must go back to the America that was great, when the air was full of coal and danger and the way you could tell if the air was breathable was by carrying a canary around with you at all times, perched on your leathery, coal-dust-covered finger. Furthermore, we will cut funding to Superfund cleanup in the EPA because the only thing manlier than clean water is DIRTY water.
What's the problem? Truth hurts?

CONGRESS investigating anything? LOL
they are paid prostitutes/hitmen/shills to campaign donors

You see the German somehow determined NSA was spying on Merkel
Clever Trump joked about that bringing it back to light
Merkel wiretapping + Assange leaks is enough to start a serious investigation if Trump wished so
Remember like or not he's your PRESIDENT, thus it would be taken seriously if he filed a formal accusation in idk FBI? Police office?
That's why dem congressmen backed off from trying to impeach Trump for a "false accusation" fearing (knowing) it would backlash

Back off, dems already did
What's the problem? Truth hurts?

CONGRESS investigating anything? LOL
they are paid prostitutes/hitmen/shills to campaign donors

You see the German somehow determined NSA was spying on Merkel
Clever Trump joked about that bringing it back to light
Merkel wiretapping + Assange leaks is enough to start a serious investigation if Trump wished so
Remember like or not he's your PRESIDENT, thus it would be taken seriously if he filed a formal accusation in idk FBI? Police office?
That's why dem congressmen backed off from trying to impeach Trump for a "false accusation" fearing (knowing) it would backlash

Back off, dems already did

I sincerely hope for the sake of humanity that your reproductive capabilities are non-existent.
Europe Benefits from the Trump Administration
Europe Benefits from the Trump Administration | Heather's Homilies

Yes, you read that correctly: I’m saying something good is coming from the Trump presidency. Before you start questioning my sanity though, read a bit further.

For some time Europe has seen a rise in ultra-right-wing nationalist political parties. Now this is Europe so while they often have religious links, they’re largely secular. Therefore, I’m not talking about groups like Family First or C-Fam taking over. The ultra-right-wing nationalist parties in Europe have largely risen in response to the increase in refugees from the Middle East, especially Syria and Libya.

Therefore, Donald Trump’s campaign for toughness on illegal immigration put him in political alignment with Europe’s nationalist parties. His success soon made him their hero. When he won the US presidency, these parties rode the victory wave. Their popularity began increasing too – Trump’s victory increased the likelihood of their own success.

Like the supporters of the European nationalist parties, one of the things President Trump’s supporters like most about him is that he’s not a politician. They see politicians as corrupt and so their perception of anyone not part of the government is automatically better. The thing is though, although there are definitely some issues, corruption is actually not as bad as it appears. Western Europe especially has some of the most transparent governments in the world. The US isn’t quite so good but certainly nowhere near as bad as the conspiracy theorists would have is believe.


Not long ago, there were worries that far-right nationalist and anti-EU parties might sweep to power across Europe. Now, the reality of what it’s like to actually be governed by someone like Donald Trump is frightening a lot of people off. Thank you for your example, President Trump. (And those aren’t words you hear every day, even from his fans!)
Awfully opinionated for a worthless fuck who has never made one worthwhile contribution to this board. You and your new best friend masteron are a couple chips off the same block. I suggest evo for you two retards.
This coming from the guy who is unable to debate me in any form without being verbally raped into submission. The only person here that will like a post of yours in this thread is Scally and that is not saying much. You are like an old senile man rambling nonsense day to day that people have learned to just ignore because they feel sorry for you. A political thread where opinions,counter arguments,views, and debate is clearly not a place for you. You are not equipped mentally to have these discussions as you have exhibited time after time. I don't take you seriously and nobody else here with a shred of intelligence could.

Now ask them to make one like:
Trump: Why in the world are you accepting so many muslim refugees, are you idiot? Didn't you learn from past terror attacks, you stupid ugly bitch?
Merkel: They beat me and my friends just the way we like it, we just can't orgasm without it (talking about paraphilias like masochism)
T: Just get a jacked German wifebeater and show muslims the finger!
M: There are no German badass beaters anymore, they all died in WWII because of YOUR country
T: But
M: (interrupts) shut up this is something me and my retired friends like, you and your country has nothing to do with it
T: But
M: (interrupts again) now I'm busy and must get back to work, they won't beat me for free you know, just as your eastern-european bitches wouldn't fuck you for free
[The degree of WH STUPID burns beyond belief ...]

On Thursday, Washington Post columnist @petridishes wrote a satirical opinion column titled "Trump’s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why," in which she very clearly mocked the administration's proposed budget. On Friday, the White House included it in their "news" roundup. (Opinion | Trump’s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why)

Commerce Department: This will lose its funding to prepare people for coastal disasters, because in the future we will all be so strong that we can stare down the sea and make it recede by flexing our bulging muscles.

Labor Department: There will be no LABOR in the future. Labor is what women do, I think. All fetuses will burst out of wombs brandishing an Uzi on each arm. (Also, we will cut the funding to the people who would have explained that this is not how birth or labor works.)
What's the problem? Truth hurts?

CONGRESS investigating anything? LOL
they are paid prostitutes/hitmen/shills to campaign donors

You see the German somehow determined NSA was spying on Merkel
Clever Trump joked about that bringing it back to light
Merkel wiretapping + Assange leaks is enough to start a serious investigation if Trump wished so
Remember like or not he's your PRESIDENT, thus it would be taken seriously if he filed a formal accusation in idk FBI? Police office?
That's why dem congressmen backed off from trying to impeach Trump for a "false accusation" fearing (knowing) it would backlash

Back off, dems already did
No dumbass your stupidity hurts.

Where was I? That's right you are the dumbest motherfucker I have every met on mesorx. Take your national socialist views and misinformation and shove off to stormfront. They will appreciate you there. Take a few of these dipshits with you:)
Environmental Protection Agency: We absolutely do not need this. Clean rivers and breathable air are making us SOFT and letting the Chinese and the Russians get the jump on us. We must go back to the America that was great, when the air was full of coal and danger and the way you could tell if the air was breathable was by carrying a canary around with you at all times, perched on your leathery, coal-dust-covered finger. Furthermore, we will cut funding to Superfund cleanup in the EPA because the only thing manlier than clean water is DIRTY water.
I agree with this

The ideal solution would be tax the hell of, or ban altogether products from massively polluting countries (like china or india) until they clean up
but previous politicians were so owned by campaign donors that they would never properly tax china even if they started a nuclear war
No dumbass your stupidity hurts.

Where was I? That's right you are the dumbest motherfucker I have every met on mesorx. Take your national socialist views and misinformation and shove off to stormfront. They will appreciate you there. Take a few of these dipshits with you:)
Insulting = ran out of logic arguments
So I won the discussion
(actually I wasn't here to win or lose, just to tell the truth)
If the day ever comes when you leave your safe space and find the confidence to defend your views I will gladly provide civil discussion.
It is impossible to have a reasonable discussion with trump lovers. Unless you have been under a rock for the last 2 years, which by the way is a good place for you, and have not seen how Dt behaves, there is no excuse for your loyalty to that crazy mofo.

I never have to read more than the first sentence of any post you write because all you do is regurgitate alt right misinformation.

What a sad figure you will be when you see your jezus in 5 point restraints as he his carried out of the white house foaming at the. Mouth hysterical mumbling about someone ttapping his brain.
Insulting = ran out of logic arguments
So I won the discussion
(actually I wasn't here to win or lose, just to tell the truth)
I already said you make it easy. All one has to do is look at your threads. I'm not surprised though. Many of my estranged family are klan. They would love.
It is impossible to have a reasonable discussion with trump lovers. Unless you have been under a rock for the last 2 years, which by the way is a good place for you, and have not seen how Dt behaves, there is no excuse for your loyalty to that crazy mofo.

I never have to read more than the first sentence of any post you write because all you do is regurgitate alt right misinformation.

What a sad figure you will be when you see your jezus in 5 point restraints as he his carried out of the white house foaming at the. Mouth hysterical mumbling about someone ttapping his brain.



These sage prognosticators had everything about the approaching disaster correct—except its source.

They neglected to predict the actual genesis of this great decimation. Because it wouldn’t be the Gays or the Muslims or the Atheists or celebrities or street people or tattooed women or sexually active teenagers as they’d so foretold. It wouldn’t be transgender men lurking in bathrooms, or brown-skinned suicide bombers from some distant cave, or any of the countless boogeymen they told us were hiding in the shadows to bring terror. No, the encroaching danger was a whole lot closer than all that.

For years The far Christian Right has been warning us about Godless hordes coming to destroy America and it turns out this was true—it’s just that the words were autobiographical.
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