Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Gym time. Maybe you stupid mother fuckers should skip the cross burning today and study up on trumps delusionak rants. :)
LOL. What a suprise. You meltdown as predicted. You make accusations and can provide no proof and now you have to leave. Can you just save me the time of responding to your idiocy and just reply to me with a white flag surrender gif? It saves me the time and you the embarrassment.
LOL. What a suprise. You meltdown as predicted. You make accusations and can provide no proof and now you have to leave. Can you just save me the time of responding to your idiocy and just reply to me with a white flag surrender gif? It saves me the time and you the embarrassment.
Lol. You are just as delusional as your president.

Did ted cruzes father partake in the assassination of Kenndy you stupid fuck.
This is going to go on for some time dipshit. Your president has given me lots of material. :)
LOL. What a suprise. You meltdown as predicted. You make accusations and can provide no proof and now you have to leave. Can you just save me the time of responding to your idiocy and just reply to me with a white flag surrender gif? It saves me the time and you the embarrassment.
@Xlgx feel free to explain trumps dementia as I shove trumps words down this imbeciles throat. Kill two morons with one stone so to speak:) he is smarter than you though.
Lol. You are just as delusional as your president.

Did ted cruzes father partake in the assassination of Kenndy you stupid fuck.
I answered that question. Must I now read for you as well? Still waiting for your evidence to back your claims....still waiting... more deflections incoming. Meltdown continues.
I answered that question. Must I now read for you as well? Still waiting for your evidence to back your claims....still waiting... more deflections incoming. Meltdown continues.
First of all I'm not the one in meltdown. It is your president taking it up the kazoo dumbass. Just because I insult your intelligence does not mean I'm upset.

Fact is that tbe man you helped put in office is a fucking degenerate. :) some proof he is a pathological lier comes monday fool.

What's it like to go through life as a bigoted moron?
Don't fotget that I will be asking you questions about your competence to vote.

A cheat sheet is available if you google a running list of trumps lies. Get to work.
Just popped in for a second to laugh at the liberal meltdown. It's my weekly thing now. Mr. Scally..... I see you're still bored and without anything better to preoccupy your time. Amazing.
I answered that question. Must I now read for you as well? Still waiting for your evidence to back your claims....still waiting... more deflections incoming. Meltdown continues.
Obviously you can read. You are just naive and gullible. I will help you. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
First of all I'm not the one in meltdown. It is your president taking it up the kazoo dumbass. Just because I insult your intelligence does not mean I'm upset.

Fact is that tbe man you helped put in office is a fucking degenerate. :) some proof he is a pathological lier comes monday fool.

What's it like to go through life as a bigoted moron?
Just popped in for a second to laugh at the liberal meltdown. It's my weekly thing now. Mr. Scally..... I see you're still bored and without anything better to preoccupy your time. Amazing.
Did british intelligence surveil trump on obamas orders dumbass?

This is how it goes numbnuts. I ask you if you agree with trumps blithering and you either agree or disagree. Sound fair.

I will have your next question soon. :)

More alt right shit? Wrong you believe that not the rest if the world.

I have ni doubt you will believe trump to your grave. You disregard the truth in favor of trumps nationalism. You own it now
Did british intelligence surveil trump on obamas orders dumbass?

This is how it goes numbnuts. I ask you if you agree with trumps blithering and you either agree or disagree. Sound fair.

I will have your next question soon. :)

As I mentioned in my one and only post in weeks, I can't see how anyone has so much time. I know I don't. But please, proceed with your hatred, name calling, and games. Lol. More than I anticipated this week but still great stuff.
Just popped in for a second to laugh at the liberal meltdown. It's my weekly thing now. Mr. Scally..... I see you're still bored and without anything better to preoccupy your time. Amazing.
Did he hurt your feelings you fucking moron? You better have thick skin in the days to come if you are going to ride trumps dick.
As I mentioned in my one and only post in weeks, I can't see how anyone has so much time. I know I don't. But please, proceed with your hatred, name calling, and games. Lol. More than I anticipated this week but still great stuff.
We make the time when we call bullshit. The truth will be in your face. Get use to it.