Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It is impossible to have a reasonable discussion with trump lovers. Unless you have been under a rock for the last 2 years, which by the way is a good place for you, and have not seen how Dt behaves, there is no excuse for your loyalty to that crazy mofo.

I never have to read more than the first sentence of any post you write because all you do is regurgitate alt right misinformation.

What a sad figure you will be when you see your jezus in 5 point restraints as he his carried out of the white house foaming at the. Mouth hysterical mumbling about someone ttapping his brain.
I have reasonable discussion with quite a few people here. I am also far from a Trump lover as I will criticize his short comings and concede to someone when they make a point about his mistakes. Again you are blathering on with zero substance and devoid of fact which is your routine. Countdown to your next tantrum 3...2...1..
If the day ever comes when you leave your safe space and find the confidence to defend your views I will gladly provide civil discussion.
Never happen. Just a serial twitter/meme reposter that no one really pays any attention anymore. There's good discussion from others though so the thread goes on.
I have buddies at the auto parts store that are for Trump and think he's great. we joke about have a good time of it civil conversation. Dude walks in preaching about Trump in sort of an angry way. He got mad when I said Trump lost the popular vote. Almost lost his mind. Thought i was lying. You guys have issues with people outside this forum when it comes to Trump support/hate?
I have buddies at the auto parts store that are for Trump and think he's great. we joke about have a good time of it civil conversation. Dude walks in preaching about Trump in sort of an angry way. He got mad when I said Trump lost the popular vote. Almost lost his mind. Thought i was lying. You guys have issues with people outside this forum when it comes to Trump support/hate?
Absolutely. I have people in my life that hate him and spread falsehoods as truth and I also have people that defend his every action. In my experience in the real world as well as this forum it's very rare to see any left leaning or liberal call out another liberal for anything they say. I have challenged several people on this forum that have perceived similar party affiliation but I have yet to see anyone do the same on the other side. I try to stay as open minded as I can but I always encounter closed minded lunatics on both sides.
Absolutely. I have people in my life that hate him and spread falsehoods as truth and I also have people that defend his every action. In my experience in the real world as well as this forum it's very rare to see any left leaning or liberal call out another liberal for anything they say. I have challenged several people on this forum that have perceived similar party affiliation but I have yet to see anyone do the same on the other side. I try to stay as open minded as I can but I always encounter closed minded lunatics on both sides.

Honestly for me personally I just can't stand the man politics aside I think his moral compass is shit, but to each his own. I have a hard time understanding people's love for him when this seems to be just a game to him.
There are two people here trolling their own thread. Almost 400 pages of it. Lol

It ain't a discussion thread
it is a ranting/venting out thread for them

Reminds me of those mad protesters, angry because they were offered a BS gov't job (if Hillary wins) in recognition for their "digital campaigning"
Back to food stamps for them
Rhetoric is rhetoric whether it comes from the left or the right. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. He is a polarizing figure without a doubt. Moral compass aside.
Honestly for me personally I just can't stand the man politics aside I think his moral compass is shit, but to each his own. I have a hard time understanding people's love for him when this seems to be just a game to him.
I don't think everything he says is proper and I don't agree with a few of his stances but I do like many of them. I like that he isn't a life long political robot. I like that he doesn't cater to the political correct bullshit we have been force fed by the left. With that being said I also know he will say things that are reckless and ignorant which I don't agree with. I don't think he is some infallible god while at the same time he isn't the second coming of Hitler either. It's ok to not like his policy, not like the way he handles situations, and hate just about everything he does but comparing him to Hitler is laughable.
I have reasonable discussion with quite a few people here. I am also far from a Trump lover as I will criticize his short comings and concede to someone when they make a point about his mistakes. Again you are blathering on with zero substance and devoid of fact which is your routine. Countdown to your next tantrum 3...2...1..
-1-2-3 You must be blind, deaf and dumb.

Was ted cruz's father implement in the assassination of jfk? You believe he was. How on earth could I carry on an intelligent conversation with a man as dense as you. Matter if fact you most likely can't comprehend what I'm alluding to.
Never happen. Just a serial twitter/meme reposter that no one really pays any attention anymore. There's good discussion from others though so the thread goes on.
Do you believe Hillary Clinton was involved in child prostitution? You do. How on earth could anyone take you serious you imbecile.
I don't think everything he says is proper and I don't agree with a few of his stances but I do like many of them. I like that he isn't a life long political robot. I like that he doesn't cater to the political correct bullshit we have been force fed by the left. With that being said I also know he will say things that are reckless and ignorant which I don't agree with. I don't think he is some infallible god while at the same time he isn't the second coming of Hitler either. It's ok to not like his policy, not like the way he handles situations, and hate just about everything he does but comparing him to Hitler is laughable.
You mean the truth you fucking moron. Did Obama convince British intelligence to wire tapp trump tower? You do. We will wait until monday before I completely humiliate you.

The entire world laughs at you. Could the entire world be wrong?
-1-2-3 You must be blind, deaf and dumb.

Was ted cruz's father implement in the assassination of jfk? You believe he was. How on earth could I carry on an intelligent conversation with a man as dense as you. Matter if fact you most likely can't comprehend what I'm alluding to.
Ok I will entertain your stupidity. Since I have been accused of believing something I will wait for you to provide the evidence of your claim. You said "you believe he was" so again provide your evidence. If not once again you prove my point and opinion of you. You are not mentally equipped to have any kind of discussion.

As far as me not knowing what you are alluding I am well aware. Do I believe the article in the National Enquirer that Trump cited in his comments about ted cruz's father? No I do not. You clearly stated I do believe it though so post your evidence or once again look like the mental midget you clearly are. Time is ticking....
Can any of you nut jobs prove President Obama was not born in the USA? The maniac you helped elect to the highest office in the land is the original birther. The is only the beginning of the shit trumo vomited out of his mouth that I will force feed you to eat.
You mean the truth you fucking moron. Did Obama convince British intelligence to wire tapp trump tower? You do. We will wait until monday before I completely humiliate you.

The entire world laughs at you. Could the entire world be wrong?
There you go again making accusations with no proof. Again provide some evidence to back your claim of me saying I agreed with Trump on this issue. Meltdown continues.....this is too easy.
Gym time. Maybe you stupid mother fuckers should skip the cross burning today and study up on trumps delusionak rants. :)